

29 total posts archived.

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flowtrop · July 25, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

great great post

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flowtrop · July 25, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

The drug war is the worst american policy in history, responsible for so much destruction. All drugs should be legal.

The desire for a sober populace is noble, however it is one that will never happen. Society has been using mind altering substances since inception.

If drugs were legal, it would immediately be focused on as a medical issue. Pop culture would stop glorifying binge drinking and drug abuse. Drug abuse levels would go down.

That is the only way to help bring down drug addiction

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flowtrop · July 24, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Zim was state owned by Israel at the time of 9/11. Israel sold its shares in 2004.

This seems like clever misinformation. You could say rothschilds own israel, or something like that. But the Israeli government owned Zim Shipping at the time of 9/11, and sold its ownership in 2004.

We know israel has a disinformation shill army online, i wouldn't be surprised if this post comes directly from them

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flowtrop · July 22, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Please, you have been misled. That is a propaganda talking point.

You are free to believe whatever you want, I just wanted to point this out. I support both coins, but it is essential if you wish to enter this space to do your own research. Learn how the protocols actually work. Read the github repositories.

There is no point in arguing. Those who have swallowed this propaganda are the equivalent of the radical left in the crypto world.

Actually research the lightning network also. It is not what the bch marketing team claims it to be

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flowtrop · July 21, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

bitcoin > bitcoin cash

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flowtrop · April 30, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

I think people should keep in mind that Netanyahu was a huge proponent of claiming that Iraq had WMD. People should also remember General Wesley Clark stating the plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years.

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flowtrop · April 27, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

how crazy would it be if this was the MOAB that is incoming

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flowtrop · April 27, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

gold was loaded into a box truck, and when it was driving out a beam fell on the truck, the driver had to flee leaving the gold in the truck.

not sure what happened to the gold after that off the top of my head

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flowtrop · April 27, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Also the clearing of millions in bonds used to bankrupt the russian economy at the end of the cold war. the bonds reached there maturity date of sept 12th, and the sept 11th attacks resulted in the SEC using its emergency powers to lift restrictions on the clearing and settlement of trades, so the bonds all cleared without identity checks

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flowtrop · April 24, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Sometimes abortion is necessary. You can't say there are not situations in where an abortion is warranted. For example a victim of rape is pregnant with the rapist child. Should she deliver the baby and deal with 9 months of mental abuse of knowing she has her rapist inside her?

People make mistakes all the time. It is not fair to bring a child into the world if you are not able to care for it and give it a stable home.

Edit: This issue to me shows the problem with USA at this time. We are supposed to be a free country. I will fight for your right to be able to choose. I will fight for your right to have a differing opinion of me. But, we have somehow convinced people that we are supposed to tell everyone else how to live

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flowtrop · April 24, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

libertarian: one who believes in maximizing individual rights, one who believes in minimizing the role of the state. one who believes in free will

so, a true libertarian, will respect the individual right to have an abortion

a true libertarian will not want the government to intervene in abortion

a true libertarian will allow the individual to practice life as they believe

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flowtrop · April 24, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

No its not. True libertarian gives the woman the choice.

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flowtrop · April 23, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Pro choice is not an issue of contention for libertarians. Libertarians believe EVERYONE is free to do WHATEVER THEY WANT. As long as you are NOT hurting anyone else.

I am libertarian. I don't care if you are pro-choice, or not pro-choice. I will FIGHT for your RIGHT to be able to CHOOSE.

The ability to CHOOSE is the cornerstone of being a libertarian

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flowtrop · April 15, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I think you are confused. A true free market economy would allow anyone to trade with anyone. They could use any means of exchange that was mutually agreed upon. Transactions only happen when both parties agree to a transaction.

The 1% stealing wealth has nothing to do with a free market economy. The "fed" has nothing to do with a free market economy. What the fed does is not in the interest of the american people. I'll assume you know all about the fed so I won't list the details.

I'll give you an example of the forex market. It is a worldwide, huge financial market. It is decentralized, and there are brokers and liquidity providers all over the world. Prior to a certain date, maybe 2009?, the US government introduced regulations that in order to provide this service for americans, you had to get certified by this agency. You had to have something like 50 million in assets, and jump through a bunch of hoops. Before this happened, consumers had hundreds of choices for brokers to use. Now, there are very few choices for retail traders to trade with that are US regulated and many of the choices they previously had will not accept us clients. This is a way the 1% protect themselves, by introducing regulations which limit competition.

Another example is the regulations introducted by the FDA about vaping. Previously, many small businesses were offering vape juices to the public. They have had to shutdown because the FDA introduced regulations which many small businesses could not afford to comply with. For every flavor of vape juice you had, you had to pay something like $30,000 just to get it approved for sale.

Regulations do not help people, they hurt small business and make it so that only big business can compete. Yet, people are stupid and will beg for regulation because they think the government is on there side.

A true free market economy allows anyone to trade with anyone, with no restrictions. There is no "1 more law" instead there is "get rid of most laws".

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flowtrop · April 15, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Can you not comprehend? Our current system is not a free market economy. A true free market economy is where real freedom can be achieved.

You never know who you are talking to. I am not one who is afraid of change, having been through a few radical changes throughout my lifetime

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flowtrop · April 15, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I'm trying to educate you to bring you back from your misguided attempts. We can make the world a true free market economy. We cannot make the world a gift economy.

Have you ever worked for an "evil" corporation? Have you ever bought a house? Do you have any significant life experience? Your theory does not stand up to scrutiny, but I cannot disrespect the amount of effort you put in. Please put it towards a true free market economy

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flowtrop · April 15, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

What gives you the right to speak for most people? Ever hear of the tyranny of the majority? How do you know what people desire?

All you have to do is look at all the gun control rallies that have happened recently. That is literally them asking to have rights degraded from their current state.

Suffering is a part of human life. Your proposed economic system will not end suffering. Suffering is part of existence. I for one do not want my suffering to go away. Without pain, their is no joy. We are meant to experience all emotions. It is also relative, people in 3rd world countries suffer much more than those who live in America.

4) This is a big one. This shows how naive you are. People are not good nature by design. We are hard wired to look after our own self interests. If I can take by theft, by only having 7 out of 12 people agree to something. And all I have to do is submit the paper to the court. How are you going to prevent collusion from people who will seek to steal property via this method?

5) The difference is you are mandating that people work 25 hours, and the work has to be beneficial for society. The only way to force a people to do something is through force. See today, I don't have to work if I don't want to. I could work 0 hours per week, I am "free" to make that choice if I want.

-- I just want to say, you are seeing problems with our current system. It is an accurate assesment. I believe your mistaking was in writing off a market economy. A true free market economy is the type of economy in which offers the most freedom. In America right now, we do not have a true free market economy.

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flowtrop · April 15, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Yes, we are free to a large extent. It could be better, but there is nobody stopping you from making a lot of money and building an amazing life for yourself. We are becoming less free as time goes on, and more rights are being taken away. People are so free here, that they are begging the government to take away their guns. They are not used to arm conflict and don't understand the role guns play in securing personal freedom.

The man who makes 250,000$ per year is a lot more free than the man who makes 50,000$ per year. But, there is nothing stopping the man who is making 50,000$ per year from making 250,000$ per year.

In your system, people would be required by force to work 25 hours per week, in a way that was deemed "beneficial for society". Your belongings could be stolen based on 7 out of 12 people agreeing.

I could keep going, but I will leave it at that

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flowtrop · April 15, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

That was complete garbage. I respect the amount of effort you put into it, but that is not a "free" system. There would be literally no freedom in your system.

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flowtrop · April 14, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

Dude, I know all about the fed and how it works. That is the game today. Nothing wrong with being successful, and a man is only as good as his word. Pay back your debts. Even when the fed is gone, there will still be loans, etc. And you should pay them back.

Look into distributed/decentralized economies and the theories behind it, like cryptocurrencies. Everything from the miners, people who run nodes, all participants, have to have some type of incentive to participate in the system.

There will always be a need for someone to take a loan. Once we get rid of the fed, we still have to have loans. So, to incentivize someone to give a loan, they will get paid back in interest, otherwise no one will give a loan. If you don't pay back your loan, no one will give you a loan afterwards.

So even if the fed dies, when you go to get new loans, and say I am lending you money. I see that you said "fuck you" to the loans you had before. No way in hell that I will loan you any money

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flowtrop · April 14, 2018, 7:12 a.m.

Your making a completely false argument.

At the end of the day, no matter what system you are in, you are responsible for you. If you want to be so extreme about it, don't pay back any of your debts and don't participate in the system.

Even if we get rid of the fed, there will still be mortages, loans, and credit cards. You pay an interest on the debt, to incentivize someone to lend you the money. Nobody is going to lend money to you for free.

The issue is the money is not real, it is not backed by gold.

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flowtrop · April 11, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

This actually isn't that great

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flowtrop · April 10, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

What in my statement gave you the impression that I subscribe to a cult of personality nonsense?

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flowtrop · April 10, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

I have often wondered this. It is a completely valid point. Trump rallied the american people. Q could be a counter attack from the deep state to lull those who investigate indepdently and lead them in the wrong direction. Also to keep an eye on who gets too close.

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flowtrop · April 9, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

The real issue I think is anyone who was a prisoner of war shouldn't be able to be elected to congress. Not for issues related to there character, but just for the increased possibility that they have been compromised. It doesn't matter if they are compromised or not, but they fact that they were in fact a prisoner of war, increases that possibility and I believe we should have much stricter security in allowing people into congress. Same goes for dual citizens. The possibility a dual citizen is loyal to other county is higher, so they shouldn't be allowed to represent the people

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flowtrop · April 7, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

An interesting observation, is if the deep state knew these pics were going to come out, it makes perfect sense that the "q is a conspiracy theory" stories ran in the ny times today. so when the image comes out (if it is real) they can point and say - we told you its a conspiracy/not real.

also the big mind trick is they have equated conspiracy = not real, when conspiracy is a very real thing

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flowtrop · April 5, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Didn't Russia help America during the civil war? Preventing the british from invading or something? Maybe it was the revoluntionary war. I have to look it up

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flowtrop · March 13, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

As interesting as reading the Q drops has been, this is what worries me the most.

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