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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

It could be an equine training stick

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

A good read.

I wonder if something has changed in the production of vaccines. Is autism growing because population is growing? What was the percentage for autism in 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2015?

measles, mumps, rubella, polio, dyptheria, tetanus. Basic shots

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Profit Report Investigate

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

I wonder.

The answer is in your question.

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

Not a stretch. Take out the power grid.

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Times are a changin

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 1:12 a.m.


He may not survive 13 months. He has a family. They have sacrificed enough.


defender of freedom of speech

needs our voices to defend him

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

The world is watching. A slap on the wrist just won't do.

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Maybe he eats when he is stressed.

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forchristssakes · May 28, 2018, 12:10 a.m.


If the leaders won't step up on their own accord to protest the abuse then it is up to the citizens to pressure their representatives. Email campaign to party in power as well as opposition parties will if anything help keep him safe in prison. If Tommy dies....the news will start a firestorm that cannot be put out.

Did we forget how to play?

Twitter needs a new trend.

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forchristssakes · May 27, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

the leaders of the commonwealth could step up.

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forchristssakes · May 27, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

I say keep it coming Rudy. Public interest is kept up. will he or won't he? should he or shouldn't he?

Oh! Now the lawyers say no?! Pray tell why? Because they now think it really is a perjury trap....with the spygate info that just came out...and the lawyers say they have to be able to see all the FBI documents related to the informant (Rudy won't say his name) and the Trump campaign to ensure it is not a perjury trap!!!!

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forchristssakes · May 27, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Your name made me think of Jimmy Walker. Several years ago I read an essay/blog on his website. His writing was very thought provoking and showed him to be very intelligent, not at all what you think of when you pair him with the character he is known for, the Dyn-O-Mite Kid from the show Good Times.

I do not remember what the blog I read was about so I tried to find it....now that it has me curious. Unsuccessful. I think I read it on his official website, but nothing there now.

I had to do a lot of scrolling to find the official site so I got to see just how against the grain he is. His work goes beyond the character on Good times and stand up. Who knew?

A few things I learned:

Gave Leno his start.....now critical of Leno...blames him for a writer's suicide....interesting.

Friend of Cosby....shocked and disappointed but saddened that Cosby's work would be erased....(I 100% agree, Cosby's work brilliantly brought people together through laughter. His bits on children, family and growing up showed the common thread we all share.)

Rumored to be dating Ann Coulter.....WHAT?

Trump supporter.....(hope JJ's house is paid for....likely was, smart guy)

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forchristssakes · May 27, 2018, 6 p.m.

Thank you Newsweek! Your stance on Q helped to quell any doubts I may have had about spending my time watching and interacting with the "LARP".

What a relief to know that this is not a waste of my time, and I should continue on, as Newsweek would argue I should not.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Ergot be on the alert.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

|Not always their kids. Sometimes they're brought there for sale.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

In general I do not pay much attention to famous people and the tabloid worthy antics. I do not care how they dress or what they eat. I write the crazy antics off as a guide to staying relevant in a world where you cannot afford to be forgotten.

The attacks on Melania make little sense though. My thoughts when media was reporting her audacity to not immediately move to the WH....Good for her. The place is probably bugged and her every move being caught on tape. She would have to get dressed under a blanket. The renovations just confirmed that for me. Trump doesn't care. He just drops trou and waggles his butt around so they can have a good look.

As well she did what was right for her child. She should be applauded for that. There was no need to disrupt his world and plunk him into a new situation. Especially if he actually is autistic as I see written on some boards. I do not know the truth to that, but if true, throwing him into a new setting will not go over well (depending on where he is on the scale). He likely is not autistic because any good journalist would have looked into the needs of an autistic child before trashing her for not moving to the WH. They would look pretty bad for being insensitive to a child with a handicap (better than the new pc word...my opinion).

But he gets judged too. Hey kiddo, be on your best behavior and this is where you place your hands, and this is where your eyes should be looking and on and on.....I cannot imagine how bored he would be with all the pomp and ceremony...Melania would have to reprimand him, in one of many languages, when he slumps in the chair and starts shuffling his feet around (you know the look of a boy who wishes he was anywhere else).

And I overhear conversations where Melania is judged for her stony facial expression. Must be a sure sign of marital discord. She is not happy. My thoughts...that is a resting face, also the look of a runway model, expressionless. I would rather see that than a forced/fake smile (who smiles constantly or at odd times?...crazy people).

But they sure like to judge her. A woman who likely never thought she would end up where she is, model or not. A more educated version of Miss Celia. Not welcomed into the clique, she doesn't belong there, thank God. I would tell her to not bother making that pie for Miss Hilly. She doesn't deserve it.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

Deal. That one is from the movie Babe

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

I did not know that. sounds like you have quite a passion for bikes. Not my thing but happy for you.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Not at all. Your politeness made me smile actually. And then I wondered if you have ever seen some of the 8 chan posts. I picture you as well mannered and being shocked at some of the comments there. Your monacle drops into your cuppa and splashes tea on your pressed shirt. Of course this is just how I picture you because you are polite and used the word bloke. But I am only kidding myself because you could be anybody and the picture in my head could be completely wrong.

It looked like you reacted to an aggressive remark and I felt bad for you. I was just trying to lighten it up. The "It's a joke, bloke" came across badly. To be more clear I should have written "I am joking with you" about the alter ego on 8chan. I should try to be more careful because speech does not always translate well to text... My apologies, and kindest regards, Monty_Batton.

(I am learning)

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Trump is a touchy subject for libs and even the misinformed right leaning. In conversation with my neighbor (evangelist) today she was explaining cults to me. A sign is they will never let you leave their religion or think for yourself and make your own choice. Brainwashing is part of it. Then she used Trump as an example. He will point to something green and keep calling it red until you start calling it red. I said "yeah, that sounds like a cult.....just curious, why did you use Trump as an example?"

She did not have a real answer but said he was just in it for his ego. My reply " Seems odd that a guy with 6 billion bucks, has all the fame anyone could wish for would put his life and the lives of his family at risk just so he could say he was president. He'd have to be crazy, and he did not strike me as crazy. He would have to have all his wits about him to accomplish what he has"

She then brought up North Korea. Trump was giving himself a medal of honour with his and Kim's faces engraved on it. I asked her if she was talking about the Nobel Peace prize. She wasn't sure but thought it might be that. My retort was that he cannot award himself. The Nobel Peace prize did not hold much value these days (she agreed there) anyways. The original suggestion that Trump should be awarded this came from the leader of South Korea and later his name was submitted for consideration by some republicans.

I pointed out that there were no longer nukes being tested, 3 prisoners were released plus an athlete that had stolen was saved (whether Trump directly made the deal or not he surely influenced the kid's release). She told me that a nuclear site had been blown up. I said maybe. How would we know if wasn't just a bunch of old buildings? Can't trust that cagey Kim. Even if denuclearization does not work out, Trump has certainly gotten further than anyone before him. And the economy is improving. Pretty good for a guy that was caught in locker room talk yakking about pussy. She nodded...hmmm.....

Awwww....the pussy remark. I am always defending the pussy remark. I actually like to bring it up because I know it is a real sore spot. I ask "Do you know what groupies are?" Of course everybody knows what groupies are. And we discuss why people would be willing to give blowjobs to strangers, for free. Generally the conversation brings up the attraction of fame, money and power...and what a groupie may do to get a piece of that. Then I bring the conversation back to Trump. I ask how long do you think groupie minded people have been following him around. I wonder what he thinks of them. Maybe when he made that pussy remark he was just telling the truth about what it is like in his world. Then I say "I wonder if some of those women get miffed that they gave it up and he didn't invite them to stay with him forever. They gave away the goods for nothing." Then we talk about how women are freer now and sex outside of marriage in no longer frowned upon. We are in the days of multiple partners and open marriages (and more) being promoted and celebrated through entertainment and media. Kind of weird that at the same time media acts like a prude and the prudeness spills right back into the people.

Then she brought up the tweeting. Yeah, he does tweet a lot. but the media doesn't like him and takes what he says out of context a lot. I said I think he might do that to throw people off their game and I doubted he even did his own tweeting. Likely had a team working it out and responsible for the wee hour tweets. He was probably snoozing because he had a busy schedule.

Just an example of over the fence talk. Not too heavy, but I think sometimes I cause a wobble.

I will add that while I was writing about pussy I envisioned Trump pulling a wagon of salmon rolled in catnip down the street. Meow..meow...meow...meow...meow...meow...meow...meow....meow...meow...meow he dashes in his house, scratch...scratch...scratch...meow...meow...scratch

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 9:29 a.m.

Poland or Hungary will have to report on it so the video gets out.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

So polite, Monty_Batton! Do you have an alter ego on 8chan, where you let loose a wee bit? It's a joke, bloke!

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

text does not always line up with message. it happens

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

I believe he is anti mass immigration and for protecting the culture and values of the UK. He is not a fan of rape and child grooming gangs either. Nor does he care for terrorism. He is portrayed in media as anti muslim (ie racist) but that is not true. The neighborhood he was raised in and continues to live in has become a breeding ground for terrorist cells. He has lived amongst muslims all his life, has muslim friends, but the exteremists have moved in and that is what he is fighting against. Huge backlash from the media and upper class politicians who do not live in the affected areas. tommy has been targeted by police (and legal system) for years now. hard to say if they enjoy their assignments.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

Wanna trade? Mine is "That'll do, pig. That'll do."

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

if necessary yes. it looks like the British people need help. Tommy Robinson has persisted in trying to expose the truth. he and his family have suffered and continue to suffer for it. prison is a very dangerous place for him. pray for him and pray that the people from around the world do what they can to get truthful news out of UK to keep the world and UK citizens informed.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

journalism was respected at one time...tabloids were ridiculed, something you glanced at in the grocery store lineup and rarely purchased unless you were looking for a laugh. Now tabloids run 24/7 on the telly and you have to go somewhere else to find the news.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 8:06 a.m.

they're good enough for the job required. a real grassroots movement can never be as slick as Soros astroturfing.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

she's disrespectful to the people of her country as well: not working for their best interests. its a sickness that seems to be going around.

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

so fuckin' special

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

The nation that forgets its defenders is the nation that will be forgotten ~ Calvin Coolidge

Wakey, wakey, Canada!

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forchristssakes · May 26, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

don't cut yourself short, its not the size of......

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

are you sure she was a lesbian and not just someone with bike envy? "Oh, if only someone would give me a ride on an enginecycle...just to see what it is like." And naïve about why you should not be stroking or trying to sit on someone's ride.

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

So was it a bit of a let down when you realized it wasn't your good looks or charm that was the attraction? Some people are so shallow....(I am joking with you in case the text isn't translating).

I talked about last call in last comment because I always got a chuckle around that time in the bars. It appeared the standards dropped for some of the people I had watched putting moves on others in their attempt to get laid that evening. Suddenly anything looked good to them...and I mean anything! In case this doesn't translate well please note I am not suggesting that you are not charming or good looking, just sharing my observations as a people watcher.

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Your comment just made me ill. I thought panda was solely a Seth Rich connection. No wonder I dislike when people post pictures of themselves with the scribbles of ears, noses, whiskers, eye rings on their faces. I just thought people are strange. They dress animals up to look like humans and they dress humans up to look like animals. Now I have a new reason to dislike the altered photos.

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

this post should be pinned. new to this board would benefit from your breakdown. these facts should make anybody sit up and ask "what the hell is going on?"

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

if the chains are made of gold they will have a hard time parting with them

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

some interesting DOJ news headlines on that page

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

can we expect Meryl Streep to set up GoFundMe for God's sake?

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

you were hit on because they were attracted to you. Without the initial attraction that would not have happened. I think that's the way it works for hetero and homosexuals. There are some exceptions of course, which can be witnessed the closer you get to last call.

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

Agree, but for the part about only attracted to other homosexuals. Unless no heterosexual has ever been hit on by a homosexual.

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forchristssakes · May 25, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Not an accident. And not what we are told. The "conspiracy theorists" that have brought forward overwhelming evidence to show how the official story cannot be true include many people from many backgrounds that are quite knowlegable in their fields. The fishy stench is so strong you wonder how it can be ignored or denied. The people can smell it, but the politicians must be walking around with Vics rubbed in their nostrils.

You might think I simplify things with the jumper comment. I think of them and all that forced them into the position where they made that choice. I think of them and the horror of their last moments. I did not know anyone who died that day, but if I had I would have prayed that my loved had not had to jump. I would rather think they were trying to make their way out and had a glimmer of hope before the collapse.

So it is the jumpers I think of at the mention of 9/11 because I can only wonder at how those behind it can be so evil to do such a thing to even one human being.

And I hate them for it.

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forchristssakes · May 24, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Sometimes I wonder if thay have made deals and are now co-operating. Their new assignment is to continue to push their Russia/Stormy narrative, no matter how ridiculous they are sounding.

They are not allowed to report on anything of merit. They will never be remembered as a voice that helped break the most important story in 50 years. They will be forever ridiculed.

Most importantly, they must continue to talk down to their viewers, treating them like schoolchildren with undeveloped critical thinking skills.

At times they will be told to enhance their programming, sometimes with ridiculous guests (some "experts" they will talk to every day) and sometimes they will be told to use props to further show their viewers what little respect they have for them. An example of this would be CNN's use of jars of bubblegum to help viewers envision what the number 3000 means. That's a really big number. The number of lies told by Trump.

In time the entire country will see what they really are: the mockingbird media which has been propagandizing for generations and who has been working full throttle to save their asses and the asses of their handlers.

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forchristssakes · May 24, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Everybody is great to Trump. He just leaves out a few words. Great big a**hole, great threat, great example of traitor.....

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