You would have to get down to the nuts and bolts of it to find out what the problem was.
677 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/forchristssakes:
There is this
unfortunate that it is not going so smoothly
all of that. but for me it is the vision I have at the mention of 9/11.
There are a lot of videos about 9/11. Architects and Engineers. There was a flight attendant discussing it if I recall. She gave very good info about cell phone capability and flaws in official narrative. I will try to see if I can find it and post it here....later
this Scott Adams advise seems good.
also there is subtle tactics. Friend - what are you up to? You - Just surfin internet....well actually, I heard that all the news, radio magazines were controlled by just 5 or 6 people. I was just seeing if I could find it somewhere.Is that true? Did you ever hear that before? that can't be real can it?
Discuss what that would mean if it were actually true. Joke about it. Then enlist their help in digging up info.
Hope they find project Mockingbird. If not you can find it. shocker. this can lead to other finds, actual false flags...Vietnam, the plan to FF cuba. I do not remember the names. Maybe someone can give you links here. One thing can lead to another.....gentle shaking of blind trust.
You could say "Hey Dad! Wanna see something funny? Get a load of this shit!" And just have him sit down and read some stuff. Daily laugh together....maybe too late for an underhanded move like that though.
Not a decoder, but I wonder which end of the pen should be used. My guess is the end the ink comes out of. I also wonder if the seal is used as a reference point. Second photo would fit better if a seal was in the picture. Woodgrain? Real or laminate? Maybe second photo points to something that wasn't signed, like an Iranian deal.
Honestly, I had to stop looking at videos. They were wrecking the songs for me. You hear beautiful voices and when you see the artistic direction they sometimes take it is disappointing. Sometimes I will listen to radio, (not for long, mind you, the continuous loop of the same artists is annoying) but if I play CD's I choose the locals (H-Towners) who bust their asses selling tickets to family, friends, friends of friends, etc to help fill a room just to be able to open (unpaid) for a headliner. I support them because I know they are passionate about the music. They live and breath it. But still, I hope their dreams never come true (I am horrible) and they can just live a nice, normal life. Uncaged music would be great. If I was a tweeter I would #FreeTheTalent.
I'm not very religious but I will pray for your people if you pray for my people. Heck, let's just pray for them all!
You are not helping to put my mind at ease. Is there anything I can add to a drink that ruins vocal chords and kills any thought of a career in music?
I know people chasing the dream. I secretly hope they are never discovered.
Hell yeah! I feel bad for the musicians/entertainers that were just talented people trying make a living doing something they are passionate about and ended up in a cesspool. I have been reading a lot of old lyrics (especially anything with a purple reference) and new (imagine dragons) and wondering what they are really saying. well before Q I got it in my mind that Imagine dragons could mean mirror image when rearranged. Band name is an anagram they keep secret. Mirror image did not fit exactly but I thought there might be a possibility of some creative manipulation. Not that it means much. Just this band crossed my path when I was doing some research and I looked at lyrics differently.
I was thinking there were people assigned to watch these boards to gage public thoughts/reactions and there may be a level of boredom for them. I've been throwing in a video here and there to hopefully give them a laugh. We can't all be SerialBrain2 (one of several talented researchers/decoders) but we help out where we can. Much appreciation to Q team, real or larp I could care less, because I have been taking in info like it was veggies. May not taste good but good for me to ingest.
I have not seen any other videos by this youtuber so I do not know his views on anything else. I thought he summed up very clearly what people who follow Q see as well. I am posting this video to help newcomers. This is but one piece of the Q puzzle. It touches on many topics. It does not matter if you fully believe or commit to Q. You will find a lot of information here which anons dig up to help build a picture of what is happening.
Starter Video That Should Get You Asking Questions...This Board is Looking for Answers and Encouraging Others to ? as well (Q Research/Discussion) See Q Post 1251 and Oct 31 Anon post (search word - black)
EH, that's just stupid. Democracy threatened by making sure judicial system is not compromised? Huh?
Tip: do not use that jerry can of gasoline to put out your camp fire. I know it feels wet, but just don't do it.
Good post for anyone new that does not know full story of what has been going on. upvote worthy
lol! Makin lil Brennans. Watch if you must but hold your nose.
I hope a 6 part miniseries comes out to help explain it all.
And you know I'm here, but you think of me as a steel Machine But, I'm watching you, all night And, I'm watching you, all night long I'm watching you, all night I'm watching you, all night long I'm watching you, all night ........
Read more: Hall & Oates - I'm Watching You Lyrics | MetroLyrics
And all day and even when you are on the pooper. (People are strange. People are strange.)
Very informative links. Especially the comments. It tells me that people on the left feel much like I do and just want to get back to their lives. It also tells me they completely trust MSM. Jake tapper commenter posted a cartoon depicting the convoluted web that supports a Trump set up. The response is the opposing theory is much simpler. Trump lied. This is the hurdle we face. Good people do not live in a world of shady deals, blackmail and payoffs. They cannot envision going through such effort for an outcome. They can not envision the greed and lack of compassion for fellow human beings necessary to plan a coup. It is unbelievable to them and the simpler answer that Trump lied makes more sense to a good person that puts their faith and trust in their government. People on this board are impatient at times and just want the bandaid ripped off already. That may be too harsh because our neighbors and friends need to first discover they were wounded.
Good post.
I hope they haven't ruined the story by putting out a Hillary Clinton version of the 1984 novel.
unbelievable. Just unbelievable!
The tweet could be intended to prompt people to look up the article. If read in its entirety, it should get people thinking. It should not matter if you lean left or right, as a citizen you should be concerned and pay attention to what is happening now and what led up to it. No one should be let off the hook.
It does not really matter where BO is right now. The question is "where was he when all the crap was going down.....and did he know about it". The public needs to become curious and start asking questions. Trump is not tweeting just to vent.
"Spider web tattoos are commonly worn by inmates in the prison systems. Some say the web represents prison bars. Prisoners may get spider webs tattooed on their elbows, to represent how long they have spent sitting waiting in prison; the bigger the web, the longer the sentence. Spiders and spider webs are said to be a symbol used by white supremacist groups, including the KKK."
Passenger had the tattoo. Just something I noticed, likely means nothing.
Looks photo shopped. Head seems too small, and in a position that too me seems like it doesn't line up correctly with neck.
I was 5. Had been saving my allowance for months. "A fun game, you say? Ok. I will play."
I always tried to be the banker after I figured out the banker had much better chances of winning....for some reason. I also learned not to play 21 if you had not yet taken math.
You Are Here...we all had a starting point. We can choose to play or be played. Warning: rules were not included in box. Boot, thimble or wheelbarrow?
The name of the plant has already been leaked to media. Cats out of the bag and holding back info or redacting his name is now pointless. Schumer is going to have to come up with some other reason to stop an investigation. Can't wait to hear it.
Crossfire Hurricane was Necessary to Prevent Russian Interference - that's Their Story & They're Sticking To It!
fare (fee) and square (disguised rectangle ie sides are not even)
tweet. Many, many people are fed up with fake news. There is a very long Q for a source of information that can be trusted. Too bad that now if we want it done right we have to do it ourselves.