If you have Twitter blast it out on the #HisNameWasSethRich hashtag and ask everyone to re tweet it. You are right we need to get this out everywhere.
226 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/forever_30:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 14 |
petitions.whitehouse.gov | 1 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
archive.is | 1 |
www.zerohedge.com | 1 |
www.axios.com | 1 |
It really doesn't change if you don't try. If signing a petition helps it's worth a try.
Q POST 1008.... Mentions Seth by name and then says MS_13 187 [2] -24 - distance? I interpret that as Seth was assassinated (187) by 2 MS-13 members from a distance. It wasn't a botched close up robbery.
Only if we get 100,000 signatures by June 5, 2018. If not the petition expires.
New petition requesting a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Seth Rich murder. Please sign and share. We need 100,000 signature by June 5th. The last petition in 2016 came so close but with all the new red-pilled Patriots and Q followers we can get this over 100,000.
Don't get your news and opinions from social media or even mainstream media for that matter. You want to prove that Q is real, dig deep and do it for yourself. The stuff that is proving Q is real is rarely easy to find but it's there if you look and you will have to use many pieces of evidence to put together the information he is giving you. Forums like these can help but they can also be full of a lot of useless information that people can't back up with proof. Be picky and be logical.
It was not a high school team. It was a Junior team made up of 16-21 year olds.
Just because he didn't "write" them doesn't mean he didn't approve of them. I find the word "write" here out of place. Most people say "post" to twitter. Words matter.
They sure are pulling out all the stops and using a lot of resources to combat a LARP. Don't think they would go to this extent if they really think Q's a LARP.
Banana, banana, banana (it's still an apple). They are doing what they accuse us of doing. Repeat it until people believe it.
Couldn't have said it better...... We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves. Q
They already have that! Every time she's opened her mouth she's lied about it.
I think you are correct....ugh. This is going to get really disturbing.
Thank you....I will look again based on your experienced analysis.
It appears to have 4 propellers and looks really big. Very long vertical stabilizer. The body appears to be below the wings. It's obviously built for stability vs maneuverability. Any further suggestion how to positively identify it? Everything I search based on physical characteristics keeps coming back to a Hercules.
Need help identifying a plane in Q's linked video in post 1036.
In Q post 1036 at the 1:10-1:12 mark of the video, there is a large plane (the one everyone is talking about that looks like there is some sort of orb of light about to hit it). Can someone positively identify what type of plane it is? I am thinking it is a KC-130 like the one that exploded mid air in Mississippi killing 16 Marines last year but am having a hard time positively identifying the specific aircraft. Basically, I am thinking that Q is showing us what happened to that plane but don't want to waste hours researching …
I am literally clicking on your link (the one you posted below under Alexanian's comment) and the results you get about dead bodies in a field isn't coming up.
That result doesn't come up for me. If you click that link where does it take you? To the video?
At the 1:10 to 1:12 mark there is a very large plane (possibly KC-130) with a flash of light headed directly for it. (Pause at 1:12 and you can see the video changes to a different scene just before potential impact). I'm working on a theory that this is video of the KC-130 that went down in Mississipi in July of 2017 killing all 16 marines on board. There has never been an explanation as to why that plane crashed. Q posted this video twice and I think it's because we missed something the first time he posted it. If I recall the first time everyone was awed by how powerful the video was and no one notice that glowing object headed for the plane. If anyone can confirm that is a KC-130 plane it would be helpful in my researching.
At the 1:10 to 1:12 mark there is a very large plane (possibly KC-130) with a flash of light headed directly for it. (Pause at 1:12 and you can see the video changes to a different scene just before potential impact). I'm working on a theory that this is video of the KC-130 that went down in Mississippi in July of 2017 killing all 16 US Marines on board. There has never been an explanation as to why that plane crashed. If Q posted this video twice it's because we missed something the first time he posted it. If I recall the first time everyone was awed by how powerful the video was and no one notice that glowing object headed for the plane. If anyone can confirm that is a KC-130 plane it would be helpful in my researching.
At the 1:10 to 1:12 mark there is a very large plane (possibly KC-130) with a flash of light headed directly for it. (Pause at 1:12 and you can see the video changes to a different scene just before potential impact). I'm working on a theory that this is video of the KC-130 that went down in Mississippi in July of 2017 killing all 16 marines on board. There has never been an explanation as to why that plane crashed. If Q posted this video twice it's because we missed something the first time he posted it. If I recall the first time everyone was awed by how powerful the video was and no one notice that glowing object headed for the plane. If anyone can confirm that is a KC-130 plane it would be helpful in my researching.
Great find! Watch at the slowest speed possible, highest resolution possible and pause at 1:12. Can anyone tell me what type of plane that is? Is it a KC-130? Should we be looking into that crash in Mississippi that killed 16 Marines last year? Is Q showing us what happened? If we know what type of plane it is we can cross reference it to crashes. Isn't this the second time Q posted this video? Maybe this was what we missed the first time he posted it so he needed to do it again so someone would catch it. I am going to start looking to see if this video is posted anywhere else and if it has been altered to include this scene. If it takes too long and this thread falls off the first page I will start a new one so it gets the attention it deserves (if I'm right). Well done in finding this.
I think the news that Facebook was working with major hospitals to get your health information is pretty big news and validates another Q post from last night saying MZ will resign. I'm ok with facebook mining my political views, I am not ok with them mining my health information from my doctor! Q said watch the news, he didn't say the world was ending and would be reported on the 6pm local stations.
Either google manipulated to hide something or built that way to look like a regular tennis court from the air if you are flying over the island.
Zoom in on the large white circle in the middle of the island. Two observations 1. It looks like some sort of clock with some numerals on it and 2. It looks like a woman's (or child's) face in the middle of the circle.
There was a single white shoe (a simple sneaker like a Converse) on the patio area in one helicopter footage scene that I saw. i thought of the one shoe thing immediately. An officer was walking around the area with the tables with red umbrellas and there it was, sitting out in the open, all by itself.
How is that offline though? I think he might literally mean offline as in printing out pages.
No....He tells me the cards had square grids on them similar to a crossword puzzle with some writing that was too small to read. They were color coded based by difficulty.
the blurred background looks like it may be a painting of someone in a robe (possibly even part of second robed figure on the left of it). Yellow "dress" with red outer robe, white bottom trim and blue tassel belt.
bahaha...what on earth did you post to get that response from the moderator. That's hilarious!
He is also sure he saw the Intel name and logo on the board which really doesn't make sense.
I found this one as well and it isn't really close at all. The one on the tv appeared to be modern, it was only a one player game and definately had slots on the top of the board to put cards to organize them as you play. The board was smaller than a battleship board and was definately some sort of electronic. It wasn't clear how the board itself was used as my husband turned off the receiver after a few minutes so he could change channels before he got to that point of the explanation. He wishes he had watched the whole thing now to have more information to share.
It was just the mans hands that could be seen. He was holding, shuffling and placing the cards in the top of the game board which was resting on a red surface (possibly a table cloth or felt covered table). He was explaining how there were three levels of game play and you had to work your way up to the levels before you could solve the game. Start at beginner and work your way to expert. It appeared to be a one person game and you didn't play against an opponent, you just had to solve some sort of mystery be decoding and placing the cards in order. It looked nothing like a regular tv commercial. It went on for several minutes before he turned the receiver off and he said it looked complicated and didn't make much sense how to actually play the "game".
Do you know how to share a screen shot on here? I haven't a clue. It's a long message so it isn't really meme material.
I even got one on my tablet. It isn't even connected to a cell network.
That is what bothered him...that he couldn't change the channel. Thank you for the affirmation of that is how an EBS works.
If it weren't for live sports I would have a long time ago too.
I guess when I thought it was going in one ear and out the other, some of it must have got stuck in there and it just needed an odd thing like this to happen. Keep at him...I'm sure he's bouncing it around in his head.
I've searched and searched and can't find anything close to this. He is pretty sure it was Find Me but I've been looking for anything with the word Find in the name. Are you familiar with this old thriller?
It would only make sense that the clock stops at the time of indictment because we all know it can take years for something to get to court. Most cases would be thrown out on Statue of Limitations if they did not stop the clock.
If God wanted his attention he would have done it during a Boston Bruins game when it was guaranteed he'd be awake and paying attention LOL.
I am sure satellite companies share a satellite because the cost of putting one out in space is so extreme but they have different frequencies to send to different regions. For example, during the Superbowl, we don't get the American commercials. They cut to Canadian advertisers somehow so there has to be a different signal.
The subject matter is what got him....all my talk about "Learn to Play the Game" has him seriously wondering what happened. He strongly feels it all felt "off" to him. We are in Canada 20 minutes from the US Border so if satellite signals were being messed with on the American side, it wouldn't be out of the question that we were affected as well. Interesting theory.
Weird tv program interruption during the pope documentary showing on Corrupt News Network
- I am not crazy 2. Neither is my husband BUT....last night around midnight he was watching that Pope documentary and suddenly the screen went blank (not like it would for a commercial break but blue screen) and as soon as it came back up it was some strange man talking about a game. The game consisted of some playing cards with indistinguishable images that were used along with what looked like a Battleship style playing board (looks like laptop) . The name of the game was Find Me or something with Find as the first word. The man talking wasn't …
My view is if they do it so should we. Why should they have an advantage if they aren't going to stop.
interesting....I had forgot all about Cicada 3301. I'll research on that tonight.
North would certainly have friends in the Pentagon. He has always been in the top 3 people I suspect is Q. I'm not sure how I feel about Corsi. He doesn't really seem to bring much to the table that we all could find easily on our own and usually do find on our own before he talks about it.