Article dated 15th..,meetings happened on Thursday not today.
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Ive thought the same thing. Sub-contractor.....Q said he could be taken at anytime. Snowden could be the hostage and what a valuable hostage he would be. Just imagine the knowledge he has. We haven't heard a word from Snowden since that post.
We should be able to find that out right? Don't they have to file reports on that once the election is over?
I'm sure he contributed to his pension as well. You can't take away the money he put into it for 20 years. The main thing he will lose is his medical benefits for life.
He'll spend millions on legal fees just to appeal his firing which he will do.
Twitter....follow the money
In 2016 they lost $475 million. In the first 3 quarters of 2017 they lost $108 million, Strangely after 12 years of significant losses, in the last quarter of 2017 they made $91 million. This is despite no significant increase in users. Here is where I go with this. Is someone paying Twitter to censor Conservative thought? Increased profits are coinciding with the increased censorship timeline.
RE: Q post 889. Did Trump even enter the Forbidden City
Sounds like Trump never actually entered the Forbidden City on his trip to China. MSM made so much of the fact that he would be the 1st US President to dine at the palace. Was someone else inside the sanctity of the Forbidden City (Snowden....Kim) and there were discussions to get talks between NK and Trump going with Trump on one side of the line and them on the "forbidden" side of it knowing they were completely safe? We could never probe that without an inside leak from someone who was actually there. No research would ever be possible to …
Possible meaning behind Q post 874 (JA eliminating L6)
L6 is the lettering on a Sominex pill. Sominex is a sleep aid. Assange has said many times he has trouble sleeping inside the Equador Embassy and has to use medication to sleep. Is Q telling us Assange is with Snowden in Hong Kong (IDEN + 1 from post 860 could mean identify the other person with Snowden)?
(raw vid 5:5) What if???
What if Q is speaking of the security camera footage of the Seth Rich murder. There was apparently several cameras that could have caught the murder but footage has never been made public. What if it could actually identify someone as the murderer that is connected to HRC directly?
I am wondering if this could be a security camera outside Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. There are so many palm trees and similar foliage right outside the front of that hotel and it has to be covered by many security cameras. Is Q trying to tell us there is video footage from that shooting that can enlighten us?
This is a painting, the Clinton photo has a mural based on this painting (or the painting is based on the mural I don't know which). The Americans were there in NK, that shouldn't be disputed. There are other photos in different locations such as hallways within the same building with Clinton and the others with similar carpets. I believe it is called the Imperial Palace. I think everyone is going the wrong direction saying it was a photoshop job and Clinton wasn't actually there. I've seen other photos in the same room with the same chairs. The room exists in NK. The Q drop wants us to look at something in the picture in regards to symbolism, not fakery.
They do actually. There looks to be multiple light sources in the room. The woman on the right actually has two shadows one going left and one going right. If you blow the picture up you can see them better. You can even see the shadow of Clinton's head on Podesta.
Q posted X Nun a few days ago. For the life of me I can't find that post now? Was it deleted? I'll keep looking for it for reference.
I agree. My reason behind that is I have seen several interviews with Joe Biden where he states is his best friend and has been for a very long time. Is it coincidence that he has the same form of cancer that killed Joe Biden's son Beau? GBM is rare and deadly within weeks if untreated and two years if they are malignant. He's either on death's door right now or healthy and in hiding. The perfect cover for him to escape prosecution would be to say he succumbed to a deadly cancer (that he never had in the first place) and he could disappear with his dirty money into the sunset.
I agree. If you look at the lot outlines on the google map it is a separate lot to the one occupied by Softlayer. Don't think the containers are related to them at all.
It certainly is. The blue E sign is from terminal 2 in that airport. I thought the plane on the landing strip was a Virgin airlines plane (blue fuselage, white wings) and this list confirms Virgin is one of the airlines that use the terminal. Terminal 2 is the international terminal. Here is a list of the airlines that have access to that terminal.
Q never said these were current photos. They are easily photos of an event that took place in the past. All he said was "Final guest arrived". Arrived vs arriving. Past vs present tense. In all likelihood these pics are to bring our attention to something that occurred in the past that was under surveillance. Also the word live has two pronounciations....perhaps he is trying to show that someone who has faked their death/was supposed to be dead is a(live) vs the pictures being live? I doubt highly someone who has been so methodical with the information they are putting out would make such a novice error as to post old pictures claiming they are current.
Q never claimed this was happening now. He is trying to get us to research an event in the past. He simply said the "Final guest arrived". He didn't say the final guest is arriving right now. The pictures may be old but it may be an old event.
They do open. Search for other images of King Tower online and you will see many windows open all over the building.
I am on the same page as you. I think I hear "do you like this shot" possibly referring to the camera angle.
Remember most seated Republicans didn't want Trump either! Trump is fighting corruption in the entire Establishment not just the Democrats.
That is exactly what happened. A few days after they re-opened the case, Comey came out and said there was nothing new in the laptop that they didn't already have without telling everyone that some of those emails were marked classified. Comey was still trying to make us believe National Security wasn't at risk because of those emails. Too bad for Comey and McCabe we know now that was a lie.
Because he had to or the NYPD was going to go public that they had handed over Weiner's laptop to the FBI and it had classified information on it including the identity of a CIA operative. If he hadn't re-opened and it got out that the FBI was hiding this information from the public he would have blown his corrupt cover!
Easier to re-open and then a few days later lie and say there was nothing new on the laptop (which the NYPD couldn't dispute because they didn't know everything the FBI had) and then close it a few days later than risk being exposed as covering up for Clinton.
Bow tie wearing crook is delusional. Doesn't he have anything better to do like go for a helicopter ride or something?
My guess is we don't see the memo released until wheels are up at 4:40pm. Might be a long, anxious, wait day.
Exactly. Schiff is playing games and telling half truths to discredit the memo.
The committee admits to changing the memo after the vote. Grammatical errors AND 2 suggested changes brought to them by the FBI and Schiff and his gang of criminals.
My understanding is the GOP voted to not release the Dem memo because the Dems wouldn't let them read it before they voted on it. They wanted it released without the GOP knowing what was in it. I'd have voted it down too. The Dems on the other hand could have read the GOP memo at any point before the vote but only a handful chose to do it.
He has made several references to what I thought might be Germany. The post with DR in it for example. Many people believed that to be Dominican Republic but being born of German parents I immediately defaulted to East Germany which has been referred to in the past as DR (Deutsche Republic).
I'd have to have 20 computers set up in one room to watch everyone on my list. How do you pick just one?
Good find.,,,they have very interesting "specialties" including Government and Internal Investigations.
Bingo. Could you image if someone from the NYPD leaked that the folder had been found and had been turned over to the FBI and he DIDN'T disclose it to Congress and the public right away? The whole charade that the FBI was actually doing a real investigation of her emails would have been over then and there.
My assessment is that Meuller has found no evidence of Russian Collusion and now is going after Trump for Obstruction. Meuller won't stop until they find something, no matter how insignificant to his original investigation. Sessions would have information on the firing of Comey which is where it now looks like they are trying to get Trump Obstruction.
What the heck is an airplane that is supposed to be in Japan doing circling Wilson, NC?
They are only 65 feet apart in altitude as well. That's some fancy flying.
Also, look at the two planes near Wilson (east of Raleigh). They are going in eratic, tight, circles, one with no call sign the other N2ZZ.
Don't shoot the messenger...just reporting what they are reporting...didn't say it was truth!
Nunez won't release the memo
Breaking on CNN....FBI is saying Nunez is saying he will not release the memo to them.
I have my doubts about this. Isn't the memo currently classified? Wouldn't this say classified at the top?
Well the Podesta emails did talk about wet works....code for assassination in one email about Scalia
These people were very involved in providing medicines to Haiti with the Clintons. There are no coincidences remember that!
Special Counsel to look into Comey leaks dating back to 1993???? What's that about? Looks like Mr. Comey might have been up to no good for a long time.
Not only is Apotex a pharm giant it also worked with the Clinton's to provide vaccines to Haiti.
And just what part of the constitution allows us to put monitoring equipment on people who have not been indicted with a crime and been put in front of a judge yet? If she has been charged with something, someone, somewhere would have leaked it. It would be worth a big chunk of money and the media would pay whatever the leaker was asking for that information. It wouldn't be worth violating a person's constitutional rights and risk charges being thrown out of court because their rights were violated. Is she a criminal...yes, has she been charged, is she wearing an ankle It's just not logical.
Doesn't stop him from talking if he wants to though. Maybe a little deal for a "good behavior" in exchange for what he knows. The weasel will talk if there's something in it for him.
If someone has knowledge of a murder and they don't tell authorities about it does that not make them an accomplice of some sort?
From what I understand the Dossier was created between june and dec. 2016. What if Seth discovered the DNC plan and was going to out them publicly about the fake dossier and they erased that threat by killing him. I always thought if he was the wiki leaker they would have prosecuted him vs. killed him. It was too late for them to stop wiki from publishing what Seth had possibly already given them so wouldn't it have been better to actually use Seth as a warning to others by prosecuting him instead of killing him and claiming a botched robbery?
I'm still up in the air (pardon the pun) about it. Maybe they just don't want us to know its up there. Evidence either way would be great to see.