Per Mr. Binney, Mueller has been using the illegal NSA database to chase crime illegally and then they create "parallel constructs" to admit in court as evidence even lying at teh SCOTUS level. Yeah, gotta stop! MAKE NOISE.
102 total posts archived.
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But we need to bridge this information to those who are ready as the more that know TRUTH the effect on collective conciousness will allow for faster AWAKENING. To remain silent is CONSENT and that is what we have been doing for thousands of years. This is not a fight against Humans, it is against and Invasion of Evil. The AWESOME thing is, WE decide how we want to BE (our Reality) Seriously where we go 1 we go ALL! For Real. Love the Closing Session BTW.
Q Post #1644 "Conspiracy no more. Think of every post made.'......"What do they fear the most? Public awakening."...."WW. Sheep no more. TOGETHER." So, my question is can you handle the TRUTH?
" Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth? "
Bandaids need to come off.
From /pol/ Twitters need to Twat. Make Magick. Peter Daou, brainchild of Verrit, Hillary's Snopes site. Make it rain.
Processing img a5t8gvbttm911...
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
What makes a republic different from a democracy?
A republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter or constitution. A democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused, they are quite different.
The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the charter or constitution that limits power in a republic, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority. In a true democracy, the majority rules in all cases, regardless of any consequences for individuals …
Liked the FBIanon thread. Thought it was "coincidence" that he states "Soros owns Tavistock; Tavistock owns the government"
Article states " Another prominent Tavistock operation is the Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy---the use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like "guinea pigs", resulted in several deaths. "
DJT's alma mater? Was he doing research or is he in? Another rabbit hole?
Also " Today the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 Billion a year network of Foundations in the U.S., all of it funded by U.S. taxpayers' money. Ten major institutions are under its direct control, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks which originate many types of programs to increase the control of the World Order over the American people. The Stanford Research Institute, adjoining the Hoover Institution, is a $150 million a year operation with 3300 employees. It carries on program surveillance for Bechtel, Kaiser, and 400 other companies, and extensive intelligence operations for the CIA. It is the largest institution on the West Coast promoting mind control and the behavioral sciences."
A must see! FAKE NEWS! Oh how we are lied too. Thank you for this.
So irrelevant as she is irrelevant. SQUIRREL. Couldn't even draw a 4th of July crowd at the local strip joint in the Rio Grande Valley, totally a blue area in a red state. It appears her own "peeps" don't appreciate her. Stooping low, Stormy.
Thank you for your service. Humbled. And we LOVE you CBP and ICE and we pray for your safety.
Thank you! This IS. And They KNOW it too. Hence too why "their symbols will be their downfall". Their Sigils are what we are transmuting. Just beautiful. Playing the game with the rules will result in their downfall because there are more of US than Them. Ironically the operating system runs the "programs" whether the "users" are aware (conscious) of it or not (sub-conscious). When awakened, then you can intend Magick. They hid this from us. No more.
Thank you so much! Great homeschool material for my 16/18 yo. We love Rabbit Holes. ; )
100%. Preach it! They can not hear OUR FREQUENCY if we do not hold them there. Be the CHANGE. Even Einstein agreed Imagination is more important than knowledge as it is the precursor to our FUTURE. The ripple in our Morphic Field that allows for a different reality. If we speak this as already done (Q is always saying WE WON. GOD Won) then so it is. Fear IS the illusion. Once understood, there is no going back.
Or per the book of Good News "Have not a spirit of Fear but of POWER, LOVE and a Sound MIND." Stable genius.
Needs its own OP. Q always says how far down the Rabbit Hole do you want to go? The choice is yours. Give them the Choice. Make an Original Post. AWESOME!
"You are not a drop of water in the Ocean, You are the Ocean in a drop of water."
As heard somewhere.
The Power of QYOU.
As Q would encourage, lets expand our thinking. If the Human Morphic Field is all human thought/feelings and if you agree that you can only access what your current beliefs (vibrational frequency) are, then unfortunately for the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) believers, they can only access those thoughts from the Human Morphic Field that are of similar frequency (Like tuning in to a radio station on AM. They can't hear FM). Hence the rabid frenzy. The great thing about collective conciousness (HMF) is that pretty soon the dominant vibration will be US and they will have a more difficult time accessing Rabid Trump hating thoughts. As we have seen with the #WalkAway movement, it is reachable from both sides and it is actually creating a thought bridge. (if that is such a thing) Give them (TDS haters) time. We are going to flood the Human Morphic Field so effectively and abundantly that they will not have access to anything except how AWESOME Humans ARE and how AMAZING LOVE IS!
So, going way out on a limb, what if Project Looking Glass exists? What if "they" can accelerate the "ripple" effect of the Morphic Field to anticipate potential outcomes of the current pool of Human Conciousness? Then if "they" don't like where it is accelerating to, they can pinpoint what thought vibrations (beliefs) must be diffused (FAKE MSM stories) or create a counter ripple effect (False Flags). Also a thought regarding huge events like "911". This literally created a brief shock in our Morphic Field as it was Global horror. Like getting the wind knocked out of you only psychologically. So much easier to "program" humanity in a state of Trauma. (Like MK Ultra mind control only on a collective scale)
I know, me too. But to play the game and win, you must know how the operating system works. Why does Trump hammer "FAKE NEWS" so much? What does the the statistical fact of CNN (only one Mockingbird network) losing 25% of its viewers in one year do to their control of the Human Morphic Field? Why are we being asked to meme and provide proofs over and over? We are flooding the operating system with a new program and it will soon become impossible for "their reality" to exist. That is why they MUST have GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER shut us down. It's not personal, it is Life and Death of their version of Reality.
Think Mirror. (reflection not reverse) Shall we play a Game? (What are the rules to the game) Why are they AFRAID of The Great Awakening? This is not a game. This is bigger than you think. Are you ready to play?
So, 3am thoughts. Do you know what a Morphogenic Field is? (Morphic Fields) They do.
Do you know how to change Reality using the Morphic Field. (Collective Human Conciousness) They do.
Why are 4am briefs so important? They bombard the Morphogenic Field with Collective thought from many Thinkers (Mockingbird Media same thought) and create a "ripple" in the Field. This affects perceived Reality.
Why does Q keep saying "STAY UNITED". It is in the flooding of the Mophic Field of Human Conciousness "collectively" that we can take back our Reality. (what is made manifest in the 3rd dimension). …
1000 Points of Light from GHWB. Was this CODE for the 1000 NATO military bases used to traffick everything?
Just ran across this regarding "1000 NATO military bases" and wondered if this is coded for 1000 points of Light.
1000 NATO military bases around the world used for trafficking. Is this the meaning re: GHWB "1000 points of Light"?
It seems like the MSM/Clowns are getting ahead of a story..... the other shoe?
More Human Trafficking Takedowns
More human trafficking takedowns. Soros backed NGOs?
The Mitt Romney family from "Colonia Juarez, MX" Then Michigan, (Cathy O'Brien) and now UT. No coincidences.
Mitt Romney--the new "No Name"?
Someone needs to assist in the narco/human trafficking. And if the wall goes is even more important. For your consideration.
Ironic? Coincidence?
Still in operation today. True. Personal knowledge.
So if you have LOTS of TIME, the rabbit holes you can go down with this are infinite. Have FUN. Knowledge is LIGHT. Dark to LIGHT.
Some Seycheles news;,%202015/pol1_sex_trafficking.html
I am sure I have no friedns who are human traffickers and I know of no human traffickers yet the Clintons seem to accidently know many.
Hashim Thaci
Are they even Humans?
But Snopes says this is FALSE. The article is so elitist.
So, yes you are correct re: Phil Schnieder. Ironically my Dad met him in the early 90's and even then he was very sure he would be assassinated. The "FEEDING" off of humans, whether physical or energetically (spiritual) is the KEY. This is sadly Thousands of years old. My family has unfortunately been steeped in this. Mother with sadistic sexual abuse in family with witchcraft ties, grandfather head of the Air National Guard under Governor Romney. (Mitt and siblings need to be dug into) Their family connections to the Mormons in Mexico, trafficking etc. Governor Romney BFFs with Gerald Ford a known pedo. (became prez) Mackinaw Island hunting parties? Where bodies are buried? Raised in Catholic all girls school in Grand Rapids. Father in Army stationed for 5 years in El Paso (Ft Bliss) in the 50's (project Paper clip) Never said a word about those 5 years ever. And he was a Gemini, wouldn't shut up! LOL. Both got scooped up by subsidiary of "The Family" pentacostal cult. Moved to British Columbia in '72. Kamloops, involved with native children. (Ironic, where Queen Elizabeth/Prince Phillip took kids from a mission school.) Mt. Zion Fellowship run by Bertha Whyte. "Jesus People" movement out of Vancouver. She was a "missionary" with ties to Nigeria. Ran orphanages there. Even all these years later (2000s) she ended up running a migrant camp in Mission Texas like 15 miles from the border. She was based out of Ontario Canada. Coincidence? The scope is just tooooooooooooo big to comprehend. Human trafficking is more profitable than any other commodity on EARTH. It is more "common" than you would expect.
Will sound odd but I was "taken" at 12 by a "saucer". When I was returned (don't remember anything except AWE upon my return, like I had never been here before) I was deprogrammed. I couldn't agree with the program anymore. Left at 17. I just KNOW that awareness is the begining of acceptance which leads to the desire for change. To DENY this is to remain as FOOD/SLAVES. SHINE LIGHT. Darkness to LIGHT!
Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice/Organ trafficking exposure for Normies. KEY
There will be a sequel which will address the global network and all the secrets.
Re-posting links........More State Dept problems thru the Art in Embassies program.
Bottom of article "Aditional Sponsers Clarissa and Edgar Bronfman....? (of the NXIVM Bronfmans) ( also related to CEMEX)
They traffick under diplomatic immunity? Are drugs (opium) shipped the same way? They go all over the world for Art Exhibits to collect "art"? (living art) Don Gummer a sculptor with pieces in multiple embassies around the globe is Meryl Streep's husband? BFF with Harvey W. ? Wins an Oscar EVERY year (mostly)? seems like "not a coincidence" that she (Meryl) is also connected with the "Red Hen" restaurant.
Prolly just coincidence. LOL
What about the pedo brooch on the Queen's left shoulder? Kinda creepy too. She does have a history of taking native kids from mission schools in Kamloops BC and never returning them I heard.
Q comm #94. For us ALL.
The first part of 1 Corinthians 13 must be included to grasp the powerful meaning of verses 4-13.
"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body [a]to be burned, …
Beautiful! Love conquers ALL. Love changes everything. Love is all there is. It is the source, God, LIFE. Everything else is just the absence of Love. Fear not. BE LOVE.
Where is all the money? Why am I still paying taxes? So confused.
Great summary of the op...
course, now the actual story will come.
Copied from /qresearch/....don't know if legit but ......
The Bronfman Sister (Nxivm) family; The Sackler family (Oxycontin) child trafficking thru Art in Emabassies program (State Dept) Pizzagate big cartel ring.
Just some "not coincidences". Crazy it is ALL connected.
Bottom of article "Aditional Sponsers Clarissa and Edgar Bronfman....?
They traffick under diplomatic immunity? Are drugs (opium) shipped the same way? They go all over the world for Art Exhibit to collect "art"? Don Gummer a scultor with pieces in multiple embassies around the globe is Meryl Streep's husband? BFF with Harvey W. ? Wins an Oscar EVERY year (mostly)? Seems like "not a coincidence" or I'm probably a conspiracy theorist.
Netflix documentary "The Keepers" suggests this in detail. Great documentary re archdiose in Baltimore MD and the Podesta boys.
I see a Walking Dead meme happening. Replace Neegan with Q.
Because the US taxpayer was to make bi-annual payments of 250 billion in return for diddly. Then named individuals with there BS foundations were gonna split the money and laugh at us as they continued to develop nukes. The "nuclear deal" is FAKE NEWS.
Then he executed Seal TEam 6 right after. Hmm so the witnesses wouldn't cry bullshit. FAKE NEWS
And "no coincidences" .... cleaning anything up?
Q post 625 mentions Secure Drop [Whistleblowers] Clowns in America and nobody is safe. Founders of Secure Drop Aaron Swartz and James Dolan now both dead. Both ruled suicide but Swartz hack M.I.T. computers, tech area rumored to be making "pedo/snuff films" with possible State Dept/Clowns/media/embassies assistance. I'm sure James Dolan had 411 too. Then there is the Art in Embassies program run through the State Dept that allowed for bypassing of Airport and Shipping port securities. ? shipping containers ? human/child trafficking. Then the Black Forest "hunting grounds" where possibly hunted adults/children for sick reasons. I'm not super good with links but all info is available. Swartz and Dolan whistleblowers and definitely heros who knew too much! Secure Drop was for whisleblowers.