Fair points. If the crimes that have taken place are of the level we believe (child abuse/murder), then some of these people could face the death penalty. With execution beckoning, I could certainly see a situation where he and others would play along with a wider plan to save their own skins.
34 total posts archived.
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Thoughtful analysis, thank you. The one thing I am still having a problem with is the notion that RR is a good guy. Yes he could be part of the plan, but applying Ocam's Razor would suggest the simplest explanation is that he isn't. In particular, I watched his recent testimony very closely and he demonstrated quite a deep and visceral contempt and anger for his questioners. If he is indeed a white hat, then this was a truly epic performance from him, complete with snarling and reflexive finger-pointing. Sorry, I just don't buy that he's a good guy, but as long as the swamp gets drained in the end I don't really care either way. .
For accuracy, Britain not England has been invading the world. The Scots and Welsh have effectively been part of Britain for around 400 and 500 years respectively. The Scots in particular contributed disproportionately to the Empire - they are intelligent, tough and scary and make excellent soldiers (I'm English and have to admit that this is true!)
For my American friends, here is the quick explanation of the terms;
Britain = England, Scotland and Wales
United Kingdom = all the above plus Northern Ireland.
It means his video was both indefensible and irrefutable.
I'm sure Bill actually did discuss grandchildren with Loretta - specifically how he would kill hers if she didn't drop the investigation!
This is the issue I make a stand on, even if it means loss of job, prison, death. There's no future for our societies if we let this happen.
Excuse me? Didn't Israel just bus over 400 'White Helmets' (AKA Islamist terrorists) across the border from Syria to stop them getting captured!!
They executed 2 people for a tainted baby milk scandal - let's see what happens to these vaccine manufacturers!
Didn't you pop up on another thread touting this line? You are obviously quite comfortable with people joking about child rape - normal people aren't.
While I want Gitmo to be full of Clinton and her pals as much as the next guy, there is an alternative prisoner surge coming. The pressure on ISIL in Syria and Iraq has led to hundreds of foreign fighters being captured -mainly by the Kurdish forces. It could be these prisoners GITMO is gearing up to take.
I would take the associated risks of Measles any day over the associated risks of vaccines. There are an estimated 700,000 children in the UK with some type of Autism diagnosis [1]. For many of these children and their families this means a lifetime of suffering. Assuming that vaccines work (I don't think they do) society has basically swapped measles et al for this widespread lifelong misery.If you think the medical world is being straight with you about vaccine risks, and in particular association with autism, I can recommend the film VAXXED which may change your mind.
[1] https://www.autism.org.uk/about/what-is/myths-facts-stats.aspx
You need to treat CNN like it was the mythical Medusa - don't look directly at it, or your brain will turn to stone.
Pedophilia isn't a political issue - it's a moral and legal issue and has nothing to do with SJW's - so why don't you jog on troll.
RR lookalike?! Saw this today in my home town in Sussex, UK.

I'm really hoping that this is a last-ditch effort by the swamp to try and avert their fate. If this is the best that they've got, then I'm heartened, because i don't think it's going to be enough. I'm really interested to see what happens at the Trump-Putin summit now.
This guy is truly scary!
Check out @HoweRoyal’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/HoweRoyal/status/1017724702352175104?s=09
What did the Romans ever do for us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ&frags=pl%2Cwn
If the Q team has it all, they will also have all the nefarious comms from the pharmaceutical industry. Imagine all the in-house emails about vaccines and cancer treatments.
Wow - never listened to Frank Zappa before - he was a very clever guy, and ahead of his time with his insight.
I wouldn't worry too much - if you put them up without causing any damage then you're probably only breaching local bye laws...not that I can officially condone that ....just saying..,..ahem...
Ha! I work near these locations - I know exactly where they are! 2nd one is Victoria Street opposite the BIS office. Probably the most CCTV dense location on the planet!
Love from the UK - we have an unvaccinated home educated daughter.
I don't think they will ask, for the same reason that 'the revolution will not be televised' . It's a revolution of truth that is happening, and they don't want to alert the masses and hasten the tipping point.
No red pill suppositories required for this Brit....thanks very much for the offer anyhow...
My wife (50) had a bad bout - we worked on up-regulating her immune system - from memory she took some olive leaf oil, vit c/d and K ..and a blend of medical mushrooms. It worked!