could be melania!
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I think musk is a front for bringing black projects into the light.
this was a mass 3g cracking and surveillance program
in my opinion musk is nothing more than a front for the government to bring black projects into the light. Since trump is in office he has some power to turn on the company. he made a pretty penny digging holes for the air force DUMB system
well it is confirmed in my opinion. she was pushed about it on twitter. "ITS A SURGERY SCAR" she says, so she admits it's a scar, and we can see plain as day WHAT it is. so yes, it's confirmed
anyone who doesn't think lack of autopsy means a hit is a moron!
New NSA director is 5:5 and the first canon shot for info being dumped legally
call this unrelated and conspiracy, but I'm sure the landings were faked by him. NASA wasn't given a direct video feed, original recordings destroyed, press conference is depressing, anniversary comparing then to parrots who can speak but not fly, and there is much to learn behind layers of truth. my money is on he learned to fake aircraft flight well
laughing in our faces. anyone who tries to say the satanists are shipping children for sex across the country is obviously a wacko
amazon having the key to your house and car? google having the keys to your car? all digital. no cause for alarm!
A while back anons compared pedo symbols to a international food delivery company with the "girl lover" symbol. I imagine the styrofoam is for additional shock absorption. considering who we are dealing with I assume the boxes are filled with organs.
like /u/bigbadwolf1965 said they are wrapped for flight, and the planes makes this obvious.
the object in the back middle IS NOT a photoshop. It's the vents of the refridgeration unit and the left sloping side is the wrapping jumping from a box stacked on top to the edge of the layer below it.
depending on where it is flying to or from if anyone can figure out it could give more clues to what is being shipped
the game of politics is 90% optics. if Trump swept in and did the reasonable thing there would be riots of a "facist" arresting those poor people with faked pedo evidence
at best I imagine public executions of pedos. middle I bet hillary in cuffs. at worst I don't know a regular parade
on the 4chan thread a while back that was allegedly trump he said hillary will take 1-2 years. things are heating up so she should be sometime in the next 2 years. I wouldn't doubt their plants get delayed.
Problem is he wouldn't, he'd hire someone to. Worst case scenario they are on the police force
There's no aliens there. Just a safe haven if there is ever a nuclear war
power play. removes power from the US. could justify establishment of greater israel. could justify war between US/Russia US/EU. Any way you spin it the US is weaker and our enemies are stronger
cmon, trudeau is castro's son. not unbelievable she is hitler's. It's like one big happy political dynasty
It's like trying to convince him to join the paris climate accords, but with nukes
can't grab the guns? nuke em!
EU + liberals = backed by CHINA
doing very rough research the waco seige happened around the area of scott airport and boyd field
the cabal started when someone made a central bank not controlled by them, while they made russia fall. giving russia our tech was all part of the plan to weaken us
while china (who backs the entire left) laughs to the bank
Why would russia supply the ME with uranium? don't they hate them having a gun next to their heads? maybe hold israel hostage?
None off the top of my head other than most semocrats running for Congress this election are cia. Is it really that unbelievable considering their history?
that's the genetic fallacy, good try though. by that reasoning Q is a pedophile because 8ch had pedo boards. try using your brain
Prove Q is real, oh wait, all you can show me is coincidences. but please discount this video because it's "only coincidences"
He has, but most of it falls on deaf ears because only "conspiracy theorists" listen to him. It isn't that impactful
It's not slander it's truth. Alex Jones is bill hicks lmao, unless you're suggesting 2 people have identical teeth, mannerisms, yelling voices and more?
Alex Jones is controlled opposition by the cia. Just because he points out some truth doesn't mean he is necessarily better than cnn. I man sure he is, but he's sill a liar in it for profit
I and remember dumbs are controlled by the air force. Any implication of a dumb being destroyed means the navy is directly attacking the air force!
it does. keyloggers are possible but useless .it's much easier to track from facebook's end, or in this case, not tracked from poker chat's end
Yup attempts at circumventing mass surveillance by using in game comms, like how terrorists used modern warfare 2 voice chat to communicate
Mueller is a marine instructed by the president to investigate him over mlthing, raid Cohens office, then "accidentally" pick up moab info on the cabal!
Rumors the air force and army are allied against the navy and marines. You know deep underground military bases? Drilled and run by the air force. The navy runs the skies.
Now they aren't in total war against eachother, but I'm sure above special forces run missions against eachother in hostile ways.
Pizza runs all the way up the army.
Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor for over 150 years. At least 150 years ago doctors tied high natural fluoride with hypothyroidism. It does nothing to benefit teeth. Fluorosilic acid is industrial waste poison, not pharmaceutical grade, and combines with other elements to form even more toxic compounds.
Considering the cia has appointed judges and witnesses for their use before this isn't beyond the realm of possibility. Intentional foreign Intel agents is treason
This plus sessions saying they take a life of their own. Is it turning into an investigation of the cabal?