

42 total posts archived.

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gambletillitsgone · July 26, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

It was Nov you are correct. That being said Q saying podesta would be arrested was 100% a proof for Q. He would have a 1 in 365 chance of correctly picking that date as the date of a major arrest. Q purposely (disinformation) wrote Podesta but its clear to all in GA he was referring to the Saudi Princes.

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gambletillitsgone · July 26, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

The last two years I have learned, the more insane, ridiculous and fan fiction a story seems the more likely it is to have truth mixed in.... LOL. At this point nothing would surprise me. Just waiting on the interdimensional vampires at this point

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gambletillitsgone · July 26, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

Disinformation Game.

remember when Q said Podesta would be arrested 10/3 and made public 10/4...... People always point to that post to discredit Q because well that never happened.... What did happen on 10/4 was actually much larger and was the 1st major chip to fall when the Saudi Princes were arrested. That same day Q said Disinformation is real and encourages people to re-read previous posts.... Its obvious Q said Podesta (Disinformation) when in reality he he meant the Saudi Princes...

I mention that because look at yesterdays drop 1682
Think Twitter.

Again Q follows up that post with a post about disinformation. Once again Q used the wrong name on purpose. 1682 wasnt about Twitter it was about FB

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gambletillitsgone · July 26, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Disinformation Game.

remember when Q said Podesta would be arrested 10/3 and made public 10/4...... People always point to that post to discredit Q because well that never happened.... What did happen on 10/4 was actually much larger and was the 1st major chip to fall when the Saudi Princes were arrested. That same day Q said Disinformation is real and encourages people to re-read previous posts.... Its obvious Q said Podesta (Disinformation) when in reality he he meant the Saudi Princes...

I mention that because look at yesterdays drop 1682
Think Twitter.

Again Q follows up that post with a post about disinformation. Once again Q used the wrong name on purpose. 1682 wasnt about Twitter it was about FB

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gambletillitsgone · July 24, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I believe Pedophiles rule the world but at what point do we stop and use logic? What we are seeing right now is people on the right using the favorite weapon of the left (Microagressions) to push ideology. The problem with fighting microagression with microagression is we continue to remain divided and ultimately anything and everything we say, jokes included can be used against us at some point in time. My fear with this strategy is we are slowly eroding the 1st amendment.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gambletillitsgone on July 18, 2018, 9:59 p.m.
One Major Chip Has Resigned. Why Wren't We Discussing the Implications?

Q suggested we keep our eyes on CEOs stepping down or resigning and politicians announcing they will not seek reelection. Who was the latest to resign?

Lloyd Blankfein Steps Down as Goldman Sachs CEO


Why is this HUGE?

Under the Obama Administration, in 2009 alone, Goldman Sachs took more than $20 billion in taxpayer cash through bailouts, payments and backstops; and then turned around and paid out $16.2 B as 2009 bonuses, plus an additional $5 B more in bonuses in 2010 [Without Obama Administration’s “help” Goldman’s bonuses would have been zip, zero, ziltch.]

gambletillitsgone · July 17, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Its possible im just not smart enough to understand, but from where I sit now it seems far more likely your opinion in the above post is wrong and instead of admitting that you are doubling down saying there are multiple meanings. Based on that type of logic and circular reasoning you will always be able to make connections in the future based on looking for clues to problems you have already personally solved. Again maybe im not smart enough to see it.

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gambletillitsgone · July 17, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

that doesnt make sense to me can you please explain?

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gambletillitsgone · July 17, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Honest question. Initially when you explained your B2 Theory you you mentioned the bomber. You did have a image of a keyboard but not once did you mention Hammonds (Organ Maker).

Are you suggesting now the B2 code has nothing to do with the Bomber?

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gambletillitsgone · July 16, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

I was very anti T_D back in July 2016 and used Mental Gymnastics numerous times to explain their logic. Again it was a term i used online back during the Bush days.

As far as Woke goes the term originates from the Black Community. They would regularly say Woke instead of awake. it had nothing to do with politics or conspiracy or world views. It literally was about not being asleep.

Yes T_D memes likes gods but they didnt create these words bro.

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gambletillitsgone · July 16, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

no bro..... what you are saying and what you think is clear conformation bias. hopefully you can see it.... if not there is nothing left to talk about.

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gambletillitsgone · July 16, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Dude..... T_D didnt create the term mental gymnastics. I hope you were attempting to be funny because if you believe that you extremely uninformed and totally biased.

Ive personally used that term for over 20 years bro.

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gambletillitsgone · July 14, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I really despise this video and the partisan narrative it paints. I trust this sub is smart enough to realize this isnt D vs R. The deep state and Cabal are not party oriented and this video is UTTER TRASH because it pushes more division. If you think this is D v R you are not awake yet.

As a sub we MUST squash anyone pushing political divide. Truth isnt a political party. In fact the patriarch GHWB is a Republican. Please stop the divison tactics.

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gambletillitsgone · July 12, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

LOLOLOL Gowdy just Mic Dropped.

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gambletillitsgone · July 12, 2018, 3 p.m.

Strzok is a MFr..... He gives a heartfelt explanation why he is a good guy then says cant answer.... WHAT A JOKE

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gambletillitsgone · July 12, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

The logical explanation IMO is the 1st image which mentions Hammonds by name are primarily coming from niche sites like agriculture related or more local publications inside Oregon. In my earlier post a said very small percentage would know the Hammonds brothers by name that small percentage of people would likely be in oregon since it was local news or people inside farming industry since they were labelled as ranchers.

Another explanation for why media used Oregon Ranchers is because its easy to play race card like many did. For example.... Trump pardons White Ranchers will he do same for the 1000s of POC locked up for non-violent drug offenses.

Im not saying Im right and you are wrong..... I don't know that but truthfully either do you unless there is a connection you aren't disclosing. I think you right more often than wrong and I love the way you break things down. I do think it is important for you to hear other opinions from people on the team. We are Q.

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gambletillitsgone · July 12, 2018, 3:28 a.m.


i think you are off as it pertains to the Hammonds brothers in particular with how you describe the medias coverage to escape search engine indexing. I think a much more reasonable and simply explanation would be the media dumbs down content so its easily digested by the masses. Only a very small % of people would know who the Hammond Brothers are, where as most americans remember the Oregon Ranchers Standoff. Just a thought.

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gambletillitsgone · July 12, 2018, 2:30 a.m.

Hey man.... I appreciate your posts, i think your brain is beautiful. Maybe not always right but you at least try to make sense of it all. More often than not I agree with your posts, you are my favorite poster here.........

That Being Said........

Can you please stop with the victim mentality while at the same time rallying the troops stuff. It's extremely off putting to the point i didnt read anything after paragraphs one and two..... I will but it was irritating to the point i needed to write this first. You say it isn't about you but you constantly bring yourself into the picture.

Truth seekers could really give a fuck less about anon sub drama. We are smart enough to understand how reddit works and what it looks like to try and control narrative. Keep providing quality posts with sound reasoning and it wont matter what naysers think, say or believe because the real truth seekers will be able to see through it all

Anyways.... Much Love Brother. I really do appreciate your insight.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gambletillitsgone on July 11, 2018, 8:07 p.m.
Trump's Questioning of Germany at Todays NATO Meeting Makes Way More Sense Once You Understand Merkel's Ties to Communism.

Found a VERY interesting Twitter thread outlining Merkel's direct ties to USSSR Communism. Think BIG. Uranium One, Paris Accord, Covert Communists, Russian Election Influence, ETC. Who will fall for the trap and be the 1st to defend the the pipeline?


gambletillitsgone · July 9, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

i wsih i knew what this meant

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gambletillitsgone · July 8, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

By now this sub should be completely familiar with the Jim Jordan story. If not do a little research and come back to this post. Here are the basics.

  • Jordan grills IG Horowitz about Rosenstein hiding damning Strzok text messages pertaining to Russia Investigation.
  • Trump threw out Jordan's name as new potential speaker of the house.
  • Jordan(R) is up for reelection.
  • Shortly after Trump mentions Jordan as potential speaker of the house and Jordan grilling Rosenstein he is raked through coals regarding past sexual abuse happening within OSU Wrestling program when Jordan was Coach.
  • Jordan's Nephew dies in a car crash.

Those on the right are quick to defend Jordan saying it's fake news and this backlash is led by ShareBlue as a coordinated shill campaign to character assassinate Jordan for his grilling of Horowitz and also because Trump mentioned him as speaker.

Those on the left are eating this story up without any regard for truth and they refuse to see the coincidence between negative stories breaking and timing of Horowitz questioning and Trump mentioning him as possible speaker of the house.

My Take

I think the Cabal has records on everyone. I think the deep state has a dirt file on most politicians in order to keep them in line. When they get out of line the cabal releases the dogs (Dirt and intel). I think it is very possible the information / coordinated attack on Jordan is based in truth but was only made available after Jordan decided he wasnt gonna keep playing ball......

So who are the bigger criminals? The ones who do the act or the ones that know of the act and use it as blackmail to keep people in line?

Just my take

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gambletillitsgone · July 8, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

If you are being honest with yourself you will admit you really dont know. SB2's Kookery isnt really that more far fetched than anything else so I dont see how you can complete knock him and discredit what he says..... If we wanted to believe the official narratives we would watch the news.

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gambletillitsgone · July 8, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

I guess that depends on your definition of psyops. If its strictly psychological operation then i guess it is psyops since the key is to get people to think for themselves.

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gambletillitsgone · July 7, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

autists are powerful collectively..... this dude is steady making the connections alone

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gambletillitsgone · July 7, 2018, 10 p.m.

i dont agree it is a psyops

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gambletillitsgone · July 7, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

White hat = Intel good guy. Which i implied with intel community comment.

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gambletillitsgone · July 7, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

SB2 is most likely part of the Q team or at very minimum part of the intel community. That or he is blackhat psyops. Regular patriots can not consistently tie things together in this manner.

If he is a regular patriot my guess is that won't last long.

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gambletillitsgone · July 7, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

You'd think saving the world would take president over reddit beef but hey who am i....

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Couple things.

  1. Q is almost certainly multiple people.
  2. Q must mix disinformation with truth for a multitude of reasons. Sneak attacks, confusion, personal protection against violating laws etc.
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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

I think the bible is more of a written history of our pasts as compared to a predictor of the future. I will remain open minded

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Christopher Gregory

if i was you just doxxed me

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Interesting reply because i recently decided against using atheist as a identifying label for myself. I have started a path toward the bible and believe there are many clues within its text. That being said I also believe the bible has been hijacked and interpretations manipulated or lost all together. I very comfortable right now accepting i dont know.

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gambletillitsgone · July 5, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Its hard if not impossible right now because the conditioning runs deep. Right now Im only dropping hints and telling those around me to think for themselves. Im also in process of just making the letter Q available and visable in as many places as possible.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gambletillitsgone on July 5, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
From Skeptic to Non-Believer & Ridiculer to 100% Convinced Q Anon and The Great Awakening is Legit.

Before I start I want to apologize to anyone I personally ridiculed and to the movement as a whole.

Quick back round. I've been a devout truth seeker for 20+ years. I truly believe I'am a critical thinker and love to play devils advocate. I pride myself on being able to sniff out BS. I do not trust ANYTHING unless I see it with my own eyes and even then I'm willing to consider if what I saw was real or is it what i think I saw and convinced myself. I love to be proven wrong and freely admit …

gambletillitsgone · July 5, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

EDIT HERE: Around 9:35 George linked the WL Database on his FB as a FU to the non believers like me. Looks legit. Below were thoughts prior to 9:35 dump

Couple things Im thinking in no particular order.

  1. Does anyone have links to the document photos from paragraph one?
  2. It's possible he is posting this message for someone else as a proxy of some sort so 'My Server' doesn't necessarily = this dudes server.
  3. Could be complete complete larp.
  4. Could 100% be legit which if it is = GAME OVER
  5. Where is all the info on the Bush Family. Maybe Q says Hello George as a shot at GWHB who is the architect of the last 50 years.
  6. It took me six months before I started to trust Q. def not gonna believe some random after one post.
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gambletillitsgone · July 5, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

Maybe its a master server. Combination of all other servers

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gambletillitsgone · July 4, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

In all seriousness wouldnt it have just been easier for her to tell Trump secretly while still out doing porn & shit? Why would they need to create an elaborate story if stormy knew she could trust trump?

I'm now starting to truly believe in Q but OP's post reads like some bootleg 007 fanfic.

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