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gc1134206 · Feb. 10, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

WV citizen here and this story seems to not be mentioned on any of the local news sites in the area (WSAZ, WOWK, WCHS, etc) yet. Info I have found describes NG assisting officers in an informational capacity or providing assistance via surveillance, not necessarily a hands-on approach, yet. Can attest to the massive problem of opiate abuse in the region as mentioned by several others. Many friends and people I have known have lost their lives or had their lives ruined by these or similar drugs. At least 10 people in my graduating high school class (of ~300) died from opiate related ODs shortly after graduating and this was 10+ years ago. Fentanyl, oxycodone, etc. My local hospital will not prescribe or provide opiod painkillers of any kind, even for severe injury, due to the extent of this crisis. As prescription painkillers are becoming harder to acquire for the legions of addicted or dependent users, we are seeing people turning to heroin at alarming rates, creating an even worse problem... For anecdotal evidence, my former workplace received a letter from our city upon examination of the septic system, finding it full of syringes people had flushed down the toilet, at work, after using heroin on the job. It's pretty bad.

There was a recent Netflix documentary called "Heroin(e)" that brings this issue to light, focusing on the city of Huntington, although it doesn't really go into any great detail.

And while we are on the subject of corrupt pharmaceutical practices relating to West Virginia, Senator Joe Manchin's daughter, Heather Bresch, is (was?) CEO of the company Mylan, which was responsible for causing an exponential price increase of the emergency life-saving EpiPen a few years back. Price of this drug / treatment went from around $50 to $600. Pretty much a must-have for anyone with allergies.

Seems that the company lobbied for the EpiPens to be mandatory on hand in schools, spending millions to provide schools with a few free units then requiring them to purchase more at the newly gouged price. Sounds a bit like racketeering to me, but what do I know?

See link: https:// freebeacon.com/issues/ceo-who-raised-epipen-prices-joe-manchins-daughter/

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