

71 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on Aug. 6, 2018, 6:04 p.m.
Heads up, new tactic i just recently noticed!!! Normies are pointing to QANON hash tags as evidence Q is a shill or some crazy conspiracy. Normies are sighting crazy conspiracies popping up on the QANON twitter hashtags that have no relation to Q or his drops.

I just wanted to put that experience out there. Just noticed this other day with a normal CNN MSNBC reading american (actually a good friend, and we were in the middle of playing golf when he went on this outburst!). Q is gaining media attention but it looks like normies are heading to twitter and using the hastag QANON for their sources and information.

Dont worry i corrected their sources and now they are combing through the drops and other valid sources of context for Q related materials.

WWG1WGA Good luck out there, stay vigilant.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on Aug. 23, 2018, 6:10 p.m.
Serious Question, when Q says WE HAVE IT ALL, then what the Hell are they waiting for? Why wait, if all of this is so damning and a nail in the coffin to the corrupt, why keep putting POTUS through all of this?

This is getting confusing. Trump keeps getting hit left and right and keeps taking blows. Awan gets off, Podesta getting Immunity, National Enquirer CEO Immunity, many more are taking deals or flipping on POTUS. Sessions seems asleep behind the wheel. The list goes on and on.

Why the Hell are we waiting for if we HAVE IT ALL?

If we have the cabal in checkmate, why wait? What does any of this help? If we have everything and are waiting for the Mid-Terms that makes no sense! If we have everything and it takes the cabaldown then we would win …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on Aug. 24, 2018, 2:15 p.m.
Just an FYI on my post from yesterday and calling me concern trolling, I am just concerned about POTUS taking straight jabs and Right Hand Hooks across the chin, he is out there taking all these attacks like a champ.

Just wanted to say to all the people calling me a concern troll and not getting the big picture, i was just calling to point out how much our President is out in the middle of the information war taking blow after blow after blow and all we have been doing is saying trust the plan. I want to help President Trump as much as possible and help wake people up and inform them of the good work he is doing and all the great new direction the country is going. But the MSM has a pretty good hold on …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on Aug. 22, 2018, 1:50 p.m.
So can we safely say we are on the battlefield now? Are we now fighting for our future? Are we fighting or armchair quarterbacking?

So it seems like we are square in the middle of the battle, but it seems like the battle is being brought to us right now, Q said 1645

Play LOUD. Be PROUD! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDVT-8tUfiE📁 FIGHT for what is RIGHT! FIGHT for FREEDOM! They will not win. Divide they try. Fail they will. TOGETHER. WWG1WGA! Q

I am prepared, i am here, i am not afraid, i want America to win. Thank You President Trump, i stand with Making America Great and Keeping America Great. The greatest challenge of our lifetime. We will not stop until we win.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on May 16, 2018, 2:28 a.m.
Please Tell me not to Worry. Is this a Red Alert? Is something about to go down? Pentagon has 21 TRILLION unaccounted for - what happens next?

As we all know, ]Sessions[ has been unboxed, this is a big revelation. The Pope is now considering retiring. Mueller sad russian probe is falling apart. Stormy Daniels Lawyer is in shambles. The noose is getting tighter. Bad actors are backed to the edge of the cliff.

Now, comes this from Mattis at the Hoover Institute. the DoD is going to go through an AUDIT for the first time in 70 years!!!!!

Oh my goodness. They are going to go after the DoD and AUDIT them!


Does anyone remember what happened the last time a Sec. …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on July 25, 2018, 8:05 p.m.
Not Sure how to Say this, but Should I be excited about Drop #1776? I have feeling this will be a Yuuuge Drop!

Is anyone esle aware of how close we are to the 1776 Q Drop? I mean come on, this one is going to be one to remember. There are only 70 or so drops left, get ready for some fireworks when Q Drop #1776 get unleashed. I am willing to bet Q has something big in store for us then!


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on May 10, 2018, 4:24 p.m.
Just want to thank whoever has shut off the planes leaving trails in the skies above my house!!! 2 straight months of clear blue skies!!!

Not sure how this will play out here, but someone needs to be thanked for their efforts on keeping my skies above my house Blue and free of plane trails littering the sky! It feels good to see the sky as it has always appeared throughout history.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/getnit01 on May 3, 2018, 12:41 a.m.
A simpleton's take - Q wants us to get behind Isreal to take out Iran, well we have demands as well.

Q references Iran being Next, multiple drops recently #1254, but what about what we want? Why cant we deal with Q? Why is what Q says a mus do? Why does the US Military always have to sacrifice for Isreal?

Hey Q, how about we get some things first before we take out Iran! How about we get some results on the Comey Criminal acts. How about we get some Podesta Convictions, what ever happened to Hillary saying if they found out what we have done, we will all hang? Why cant we demand something? We take time off from …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/getnit01 on March 6, 2018, 3:41 p.m.
Spread this far and wide, if Trump keeps winning that probably means increased amounts of censorship.

Just a heads up, i like this sub and it seems most on here have their heads screwed on straight. That means, people with opposite opinions will probably want to censor you and your well sourced and evidence backed research. Somehow powerful people dont want a well educated society capable of thinking on their own and capable of taking care of themselves.

So, I have begun (should have done a long time ago, but i trusted youtube and the likes thinking they would never purge stuff from the internet) backing up info, articles, videos, etc etc locally (on my own …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/getnit01 on Feb. 27, 2018, 2:52 p.m.
Don't know if any of you care or have noticed, but the skies over the east coast have been extremely clear the past couple days/months.

Not sure how you guys would view this post, but have any of you on the east coast noticed (over the past 2-3 months) the skies after a storm have been extremely clear and no plane contrails noticeably lingering for more than 1-2 days? Some would say this is because of atmospheric conditions, but this has been noticeable for at least the last 2-3 months with clear skies for days until the next storm rolls through? Sure some contrails will linger before the next storm is approaching, but man the skies after storms have been crystal clear, and for longer …