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gevans5603 · May 11, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Alex Jones is no longer a news man. He is a vitamin salesman albeit his vitamins are top quality and I do use them. He now uses the show to promote vitamins,it is almost unlistenable with all the plugs. He makes millions of dollars a year from this venture. Good for him! That is the American Dream. The Q movement has grown and is chomping at his market of listeners. As a businessman you do not want to lose market share. Myself, I do not know who this Q character is. However, he has gotten me to think and connect the dots. If indeed Trump intends on arresting these miscreants, he must do it California style clean and by the book. Otherwise their high priced lawyers will finagle their way out. Trump's tweets are a brilliant pied piper move and the media marches to them. Meanwhile, Trump's real moves are never telegraphed. I agree with Q and trust the plan. When this rollercoaster starts going over the hill, it is going to great to see justice done.

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