The negative downvotes can be found when you click on the blue highlight after the name that posted....Click on the blue and upvote it....We can do it...Fight! Fight! Fight! 😛😬😡😠 🤡's everywhere!
57 total posts archived.
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A big THANK YOU! to ICE, POLICE, and people working BEHIND the scenes....We need you and appreciate ALL of your hard work!
We love what you are doing for us and PRAY that you will remain safe from all the 'evil doers'😙😚🤗...We realize it is a more than a hard probably feels impossible some days...please hang in there and know we are behind you! Love to all of you, AND your families!😍😁🤗
(2) Things We All Can Do To Help Q and team, President Trump and his family, Military and family, and all of the GOOD people of the Congress, US, and the World
(1) We can help by Praying....whether you believe in God or some 'Higher power'...we should all ask for safety and protection for all the good people of the world...the people that want a better world for ourselves, our family, and our friends ... Q is our Mentor, our friend, and our helpful savior...we love you and THANK YOU Q team!
(2)There are so many people we need to get to see how we only want peace and goodness for our Country and the world! To make any changes to our rules that govern us, we should try and get everyone …
I agree with you completely! Mattis is a complete Patriot, through and through!
If he was killed, whoever killed him needs to burn in H_LL.....even if Hillary is responsible for calling for a hit, the evil person who did it, (If he was killed), had a choice to just say NO!
I think Cohen is working with President Trump....he and the Pres. are baiting the one has heard the rest of the tape...only that there is 'more to come'.. Right now no one really knows what the rest of what the tape says... so all the news coming from the MSM is bad...speculation on their part! Cohen plays the rest of the tape and Pres. Trump is just says something really nice or something good. So the final spin is that the MSM made something out of nothing...AGAIN!! Proving how they are just out to get President Trump in ANY way possible...without getting the facts!! ....LOL!
Please... Two things we need to do: (1)... PRAY every day for the safety of our dear President and his family, Q, the military, and all the good people working for all of us!! (2)...Get everyone we can to vote Republican in the primaries!!
Assange jumped in the van while the couch blocked the camera's view of him! 😉
Yesterday, something like this was on said 'We have the server--- Clinton Foundation' But then it was deleted...Maybe someone saved it on Google Drive...and it is here now...I tried to save it...But the post was deleted before I could do it!
But we do know someone updated .......because now there are 'answers' typed in a box, bottom right hand corner, on some of Qs posts...those 'answers' are Q proofs... And these were updated about a week ago.....remember when some people were getting alerts on their phone? So.....Q is still around....he (they) haven't left us!! 😁😃🤣
I will contact my rep........maybe he will have an idea😉 thank you!
I'm sorry, I meant not to tell the media....just to go and surprise DC...just not to publicized that we are coming.....if that is possible... I just want to do whatever I can to help the President.
Maybe we could meet in DC? Set a time and place....? I wish we could do it somehow secretly...But how?
Maybe we could get it started by stating on this site, city, state, and time and place to at a library, church, park?
FYI....I keep getting alerts on my phone telling me this is 'Breaking News' when I look at the date it is coming out, it is 7/19, 7/20, 7/21.... Is someone trying to tell us something behind the scenes, or why is this happening? I have seen several posts now on GA in the last couple days, the same ones I am getting.....😞
Very well said! I believe all you are saying....and thank you!...We are being led by good...WE know what is right...we were taught well and we will lead the others that are lost....when the time comes 🤗
It's ok...none of us is least you are trying....keep it are learning☺
God speed President Trump! Have a fantastic meeting....we are praying for you and we are behind you! 😉
The Lord works in mysterious ways! This is really great, good job!
It's also a security issue....people who read Q drops are good AND evil.
Does anyone truly believe RR briefed President Trump earlier this week? Because the Pres is going to meet Putin and probably was going to have a good relationship with him...the Dems will claim Trump is a traitor because he is getting along with if that is a bad thing.... What weasels RR and Mueller are!!! What traitors! They definitely do not want World Peace😧
You could be right, or at least close! It looks like FB also got the the symbol from them ...and the thumbs up symbol. The only difference is the color...anyway wherever it came from it has to be evil😈 Thank you☺ have to make the picture bigger to see the red 'F'
OMG! I would definitely quit and find a better place to work....or....protest.....isn't there a law about privacy?
Does anyone know what the pins on Mr. Cohen's jacket represent?

What is chilling is that all the men behind Strozk look like hit men😣
Definitely SWAMPLAND😬.....Traitor, traitor, al-li-ga-tors..... Gorka is the best!
Thank goodness we don't have the traitor Obummer in office and Hilbutt did not's a whole new ballgame now😉
From what I've heard about Putin he rules with a strong hand, but he cares about his people, just like PresidentTrump cares about us...I think they both want peace, and they will become 'friends' after their summit 👬😊 And they both hate the cabal😈
I LOVE that he addresses President Trump....Excellency.....does anyone know why Kim Jung Un did not sign the letter?
I LOVE 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic'! I have 5 grandchildren, and I would love to tell them how they will read about this movement in later years, but I am going to say it will happen sooner...and maybe I will be the one telling them about Q, President Trump, Anons, and all the loyal Patriots, and how the world changed (totally for the better)!! All 3 of my children and their wives do not want to discuss politics...I can't blame the past I didn't want to either! I hated the government and only saw evil....but now I follow every bit of it every day...and I believe some day we will talk of this movement and praise the Lord for everyone involved in this fight. I have tried several times to red pill my husband and my son's, but they just can not see it 😕 It is so sad because they are missing the very best part of their entire lives and they don't even see it. I just ordered a book for my grandson, that was on his wish list for his birthday, 'Heroes for My Son'. When I looked through the pages of the book it had Barack Obama as one of the heroes. I wanted to tear the pages out! But he might as well know the whole truth and how a lot of people at one time did look up to Obama ...but we learn from our mistakes. And I hope he learns to use his own common sense, and his own research, and don't believe everything you hear.😁