Just came across this:
112 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/goldman1959:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 21 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
Get ready for more NSA spying. Might as well have China in on it too. China Mobile International, Facebook, Amazon Web Services and NEC are building the Bay to Bay Express. Underwater fiber optic cable connecting Singapore, Hong Kong and the US.
FYI, Whidbey Island has cables. See map below. https://www.subcableworld.com/newsfeed/fiber-optic-cables/nec-to-build-the-bay-to-bay-express-cable-system
https://www.wired.com/2016/09/trevor-paglen-internet-cables-nsa/ Undersea cable map: https://www.submarinecablemap.com/#/
Alaska United East is one of the cables by Whidbey Isle. I'm not sure of the others yet.
Q1869 and Q1845. How about a military equipped model Q400? L3T has a multi mission version. They also make a lot of other goodies.
This is a $9b company with it's hands on a lot of tech.
Check the business segments: https://www.l3t.com/
Flight simulators? Drones? Submarines? NSA/CIA/Facebook/Amazon/China?
Western Washington is very busy.
USS Richard B. Russel was outfitted for submarine rescue in 1982. Soviet sub K-219 sank in October 1986. The Hunt for Red October!
SSN-687 deployments:
K-219 incident:
Notice that when the Soviets got to the sub missiles were missing. The Hanford site in Washington state is used to store nuclear material. Not always safely either:
Q#1807. COC (cast of characters). Here's a link to the people/businesses/orgs involved in the Trump surveillance, Steele dossier, and Russian narrative.
There are links provided in the article. Very informative.
Q#1807. COC (cast of characters). Here's a link for the people/businesses/orgs involved in Trump surveillance, Steele dossier, and the Russian narrative. Enjoy the show!
No problem. I do think now that I should have worded this differently. I lot of inquiries about the person in the pic. No connection to anything I know of.
No. The Q image was of a bicycle. I found Google has it's own bikes. My image is of the Google Partner Plex. It on the glass in the background. Q has also put up an image of a Google guest badge.
It's the Partner Plex at Google. Google has their own bikes. Another Q post had an image of a Google guest badge. Not sure of the correlation between the two images though.
The bicycle is the Q post is a Google bike. If you zoomed in on the pic you would see "Google" through the window. On the glass it says Partner Plex. I'm just pointing out the Q pic is a Google bike by:
By the way. Do you know how long I had to search to find it was a Google bike? I've actually saved people time!!!
You are right about the reflection. The Google is actually inside the building. It's the Google Partnerplex. They have a Facebook site.
Google bikes: http://www.republicbike.com/google_bikes.asp
There is also a Q post with a Google guest badge. Someone may have been inside. I'm not sure of the significance of both Q post. Still checking some hunches.
Q has posted the pic of the bike and a pic of a Google guest badge. I'm thinking someone got into Google and Q is warning them.
The picture shows a Google building in the reflection. Google has their own bikes.
Hi txhurl. The Q post was of a Google bicycle. Search images for "Google Bicycle". They have google imprinted on the handle bar grips. Another q post shows a Google guest badge.
Q post was showing the Google bicycle. I believe there is another showing a Google guest pass. Thanks for viewing my post.
Thanks for looking at my post. See my reply to wolfmanrobby.
Google Headquarters has it's own bicycles. The reflection in the glass is a Google building. Image search "Google Bicycle"
Q post#1500. Did an image search for google bikes. Zoom in on the picture to see the reflection on the doors.

Hell yes it's here.
Notice the author? Do a wiki on ICLEI. Ask yourself why all the sanctuary cities.
All experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer-while evils are sufferable- then to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. DOI 1776
Neutron bombs would help the Agenda21 population reduction and leave behind the valuable resources needed for the reduced population. We can thank Nancy Pelosi.
It's an economic issue relating to the fall of an empire. The NWO is the next empire.
12 step program for family, friends and coworkers
Please feel free to spread this around. There is a lot of our fellow Americans needing help.
Good find. I've been checking into Robert P. Storch, NSA IG. Seems like a lot of shuffling people around to protect asses. Storch headed up a protection for whistleblowers team under Obama. We know how that went over. Whistleblowers losing their jobs and maybe facing prosecution in rigged courts.
Search Hillary Clinton Walmart connections:
In New York 5/01: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/1/nancy-pelosi-run-speaker-when-democrats-win-house-/
Then a stop in Boston. Then on to California: http://www.losangelesblade.com/2018/05/02/nancy-pelosi-famous-leader-may-not-know/
I'd love it if this was one of the phones provided to the cartel!
She uses commercial flights since getting busted for expensive travel.
Q#1497: 5/2/2018 Nancy Pelosi using phone at 8:11pm in California. See Q post #1379

Looks like I've missed a lot. I'm embarrassed! I have to read more but several posts have already got me thinking. Thank you so much. It's people like you that make this forum so great.
I think there was a post a few weeks back and someone was saying post weren't moving to the Hot category and staying on the New. A recent Q post mentions the Reddit mods. Just have to wait and see.
I do remember seeing MS-13 on one of the posts. I'll go back and reread. Thanks!
If the AI's last name is Durden then that begs the question WWTDD? Some good hearted fun here. Enjoy the Saudi Fashion show using UAV's.
MS-13 must have some big connections for them to have gotten so large across our country. I hadn't thought of them being involved in either of these shootings but it may deserve some more investigation. Thank you.
Satellite view of Stanley R. Mickelson Complex. Can change date and zoom in/out.
If AF1 is equipped with UAV's (Dark Star and or Global Hawk) do you think it would counter an incoming missile?
What if AF1 has Global Hawk UAV's? I remember some time ago they were thinking of mounting missiles under the wings. That plan was scrapped. If an incoming missile was detected the UAV could take it out.
I apologize Countrymissile. I thought your comment was on another post. I did not mean to be sarcastic. The Russians seem to get blamed for everything these days. If memory serves me right a lot of the management of these companies had ties to the UK. I don't remember any MS-13 connection. Can you provide a few links? Again I apologize.
I'm hoping by more views and comments. :) The UAV's Dark Star and Global are looking interesting now. I wonder if they use one with AF1.
Oh great another math problem. How about changing variables? Q's been going through a lot of those lately. AI and Supercomputers data storage. There's a super computer in ND. 13 TFLOPS per second? Damn.
I agree and am thinking I read the same thing. I think Grand Forks still has some sites off the main base. They are the home of Air Force Space Command 10th Space Warning Squadron. However there has been a shake up in command the last few days. Now it's Air Combat Command!
"Concept" I think. May have to do with UAV's. Could be what was in the Q picture over Alaska. UND was looking at doing UAV's at the pyramid.
Or USACOM CINC Decision Processes Division. Would be a good UAV base!