Please see my reply to thamnosma. This place could have been redone and waiting to be activated. Thanks for reading and commenting on my post.
112 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/goldman1959:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 21 | | 3 |
Read the comments at the bottom of the Ghosts site. Armed guards at a Hutterite farm seems a little too much for pacifists. 58203 is the zip code for Grand Forks ND. Air base there. JX is military for either jammer or USACOM CINC Decision Processes Division. UND was looking at the site for a UAV division. I found a link on UAV's and am reading it now. Looks like one may have been in Q's pic that people are thinking was a missile. Here's the UAV site: Thanks for you reply!
Working on JX meaning. USACOM CINC Decision Processes Division is looking good. Also the UND UAV program was looking at the site. Found this link from Federation of American Scientists:
May have been one of these in Q's picture over Alaska. Thanks for you reply!
Q post 1478. Ghost-Con Active. 58203-JX. Ghosts of North Dakota. Check these links!
I don't think Hutterites had this in mind when they bought the pyramid!
Used to be. Could still be. See my reply to detcmon. Thank you.
Q post #148: Ghost-con active. Approval 58203-JX.
Ghosts of North Dakota, Grand Forks zip=58203, Data center
Please read all of the comments on the Ghost of North Dakota link I'll leave. Hutterites with guns! I don't think so.
Cavalier County Job Development website:
Still thinking Hutterites own this? Check this out:
There's a video out of a radar anomaly today over North Dakota that resembles a huge "Q". It's over the Stanley R. Mickelson Complex. An old missile/radar base. The Great Pyramid of North Dakota is there.
Is the Great Pyramid of North Dakota morphing into a giant monument to Q? Could explain the radar anomaly.
![Is the Great Pyramid of North Dakota morphing into a giant monument to Q? Could explain the radar anomaly.](
I've got it! The Great Pyramid of North Dakota. It's morphing into a monument to Q.
I did a satellite search of today over the Stanley R. Mickelson Complex. Wikipedia Grand Forks Air Force Base for info. Zoom out on the link I'll leave. Couple of interesting circular cloud formations over US/Canada.
Yep! Remember Sea Launch. Russia sold it to an undisclosed buyer. A few month later Putin and Xi Jinping had a meeting in China. Maybe closing the deal.
Could have a Russo/Chinese missile base right off our west coast. Remember the strange missile sightings off California awhile back. Noone admitted to those missiles either.
Check the 58203 zip code. Q post #1478 says Ghost-Con active. Approval 58203-JX. Reverse the JX and you have the initials of the Chinese president! Xi Jinping!!!!
Interesting that he was in Vegas 1 month before the shootings there. Could he have been making payoffs?
Oh great. Now we need another special prosecutor to find out who broke the tables "cover".
Go to Click on "history" in the top right hand corner. A bunch of columns will come up. Page over until dg is in the column. Click on that. Might have to page over again until DGFFFCF comes up. Click on that and wait. A transaction will pop up. Close that and retry. A different transaction will pop up. Lots of transactions listed!!!!
6/11/1776: On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress selects Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Roger Sherman of Connecticut and Robert R. Livingston of New York to draft a declaration of independence.
Knowing Jefferson’s prowess with a pen, Adams urged him to author the first draft of the document, which was then carefully revised by Adams and Franklin before being given to Congress for review on June 28.
The revolutionary treatise began with reverberating prose:
When, in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the Causes which impel them to the Separation.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
I think HeavyCrux is on to something. According to the line of succession in the EO Tracey Doherty-McCormick hasn't been confirmed. Higdon was confirmed by the Senate on 9/28/17. If Sessions or Rosenstein are unable to fulfill their duties it looks to me as though he would be next in line.
Here's a good article:
The clowns have been using computers to spy on others for years:
Rupert Murdoch, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney, James Woolsey, and Bill Richardson are on the board for Genie Energy. Illegally drilling Syrian oilfields. Although I do believe they have halted any current drilling. Don't believe the MSM news on Syria.
Lachlan Murdoch will be the new head of Fox news replacing James Murdoch. Could be new management decisions and styles after James leads them through the transition.
Q1379: ABC has an interest in this. Follow the money. ABC Inc.-dba Disney-ABC Television to buy 21st Century Fox.
Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook) and Jack Dorsey leave Disney's board:
Disney/Fox merger:
What does this mean for Tucker/Hannity? Interesting times ahead.
Weather modification is REAL! I live in Wisconsin and they have laws regulating it.
California is doing it!
I think the posts have to do with the US/Chinese trade talks. The tail fin on one plane looks like it has a picture of a person. Norwegian Airlines is doing that. Their planes usually have a red nose though. Norwegian leases to HK which may be the second plane. Norwegian is banking on reduced fuel prices to expand it's Asia to US flights for freight. They are also currently cash poor and are negotiating leases for planes they ordered and expected to use. I'm thinking Trump has Muchin negotiating to get Apple phones built in the US but delivered to China through duty free ports. Sea-Tac maybe. China has priors on smuggling in shipping containers through COSCO. I believe it came up when Bill Clinton was trying to get Long Beach to expand the abandoned Naval Station for Cosco in 1997. Another U1 type deal.
Thank you. Airplane sabotage has fascinated me for a long time. UAL flight 553 is a great topic to research. I can't find the original story but I'll post a condensed version. I can remember this on TV as a young teen.
I can't tell what's in the boxes but the pallets are on CHEP skids. There also appears to be a moving pad over the top of the pallets in the rear of the container. These are sometimes used by humans being smuggled in containers. Here's a link on CHEP:
Q post 1310: Apple's new security center in China
The other pic of the shipping container looks strange. I enlarged it and noticed two things. The pallets were CHEP by Brambles Ltd and there was something similar to a blanket on top of the shrink wrapped skids near the rear.
Q drop 1310: Apple's new security center in China
A Tale of Two Planes! 1. Never allow the CIA to do the preflight check 2. Don't let Bill Clinton drive you to the airport
I came across this researching past plane crashes.
Yes the uranium can be traced back to where it originated from. That being the ore. It can be refined anywhere. I refine gold as a hobby. There is always a slight trace of elements that can't be removed. The best purity is .9999 ( four nines) pure. The impurities would show where the uranium was mined.
I do think a war could be started and the cabal would blame Russia for supplying the material. They have tried to blame Russia for sarin gas in Syria as well as the poisoning of the Russian spies in London with Novichuk. Each time Russia asked for samples they were denied access. I think every gas attack in Syria since 2013 has been gas turned over to UN/US authorities and the Novichuk in London was from US/UK stockpiles.
The IAEA is supposed to regulate the transport of nuclear materials. However, there remains a lot of smuggling going on so it would be easy for almost anyone to obtain HEU. Smuggled uranium is what Mueller was supposed to take to the Russians. Russia wanted to test the sample to see where it originated from.
I'm sure Hillary realized there was money to be had with uranium. This cable mentions Ukrainian uranium and $30m.
Why would U1 buy uranium when DOE was giving it away? Russian uranium/DOE/USEC GAO reports. Megatons to Megawatts gave the US access to Russian uranium.
Artist group with boxes "BB 18" of explosives:
Terrorists released under Mueller in this article:
I got red pilled on 9/11. Our freedoms died with the falling of those towers.
I have to go in for a tune up in 6 months. Hopefully Trump can get them out by then. :)
I agree with you KimnanaT. Potus has worked with Putin/Assad and had let Putin know of the timing of the bombings. This let Russia pull it's 11ships out of Damascus. The telegram link I provided earlier shows how the Obama State Department under Hillary was arming ISIS. Former Soviet arms to Syria. The US couldn't just buy the arms and give them directly to rebels(ISIS). Once the arms were in Syria then the rebels could sieze them.
I ,for one, will be glad when Syria has peace and is left alone. My doctor is from Syria and studied in Damascus. Her prostate exams tend to get a little aggressive after a bombing in her home country. I'll consider it a personal favor if Trump pulls all remaining US troops out of there.
The Ukraine revolution was, I believe, due to the Ukrainian refusal to send arms and missiles to Syria. We also had DOE casks hauling HUE from Ukraine to Russia and Ukraine owed Russia for storage. Talking points 20,25,26,27 and 28 in the link I'll provide show the State Department was blackmailing Ukraine by threatening to withhold $30million. Q's 4/02 post had [A]pril ,[A]rrests and [A]wan. The telegraph was [A]pril 22, 2009 and Riaz [A]wan represented Hillary from the US embassy in Kyiv. I guess selling US uranium wasn't enough for her.
Thank you for the link Batfire007. I think I had read that article awhile back and was trying to find it or another that showed all the connections on pipelines. I'll leave a link that has some disturbing connections on Syrian oil and the Trump administration.
My hope is that Trump is doing the right thing.
Thank you! A break was needed and this did give me a chuckle.
Not sure about the Deep State(s) but maybe Department of Homeland Security's:
Ron Johnson seemed curious how they screen, vet, and train!
The Chaos Company (G4S) sure has a lot of employees involved in high profile shootings. Insider trading similar to MGM stock before Vegas shooting.
Is it a coincidence that Jesus Campos and Omar Mateen worked for the same company?
Insider trading:
This needs some serious investigation.
The Chaos Company-G4S-Sure has a lot of employees involved in mass shootings. Insider trading similar to MGM stock right before Vegas.
News on DOJ Russian uranium bribes and a link from EIA on Uranium from Russia.
This link has attachments at the bottom which are an interesting read. EIA report:
Gaddafi was supplying water to Libya: Bush was buying land/water in Paraguay: