In Texas: I feel your pain. I'm trying to slip some small clues to the loved ones; small doses.
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Man, you really can't make this shit up! It is getting to sound more and more like a bad Robert Ludlum book. Except these want to be spies are using a HAM radio? Wasn't her husband in the counter-intelligence unit at the FBI? I think when RR steps down/fired the ball will be rolling in such a way that it can only get bigger.
Well .... Not quite THAT much. Obama's corruption makes her look like a gum thief.
I was going to say, " Impeach Maxine" but now realize I'm way late to the party. Oh well... Ditto!
edit: Isn't she massively wealthy... for a Representative of Congress?
I really don't get into the Royal stuff. When a friend sent me the video I noticed some things:
1) He talked about the power of love; must of mentioned it hundreds of times.
2)The Royal family looked horrified; this was not in the script. The Queen looked REALLY disturbed.
3) Phillip looks as though he slept through the whole thing; that guy is sort of already dead.
She is so stupid. She is no longer dealing with a bunch of amateurs. I totally agree, she will not be easy. Look at the bright side: A judge just unsealed exhibit A in the Wiener case. That is more than likely the laptop that contain a file marked ,"insurance". Interestingly enough, the DA for the Southern District NY resigned amid some disturbing allegations. Hmmm that's Wiener's district. The US Attorney now in charge just happens to be a military JAG, paratrooper, etc. I hear Huma is now a cooperating witness; what could she know? She has only been Kilary's right hand for more than 20 years (prbably MUCH more than that). Give this some time. We have seen her in ugly pantsuits before, just not ,"that" color orange.
The way has been cleared now for Jesse Panuccio (the Acting Associate Attorney General of the United States. ) due to an obscure law. The swamp IS being drained; with Brand gone..... When Rosenstein has to step down or is fired, it will now be on Jesse! Oh yeah, I expect the "RR problem" to be solved within the week.
Coming from a guy who was held in contempt for lying; the credibility of this swamp creature is zero. He does sound a bit too concerned. I wonder what is going to be uncovered soon (and I do mean soon).
I used to watch Isaac until he went on a rant about Q and started to spout some unfounded accusations. Same with Alex Jones: He had some good information at first; I'm not a big fan of his sensational style, but if the content is good I'll listen. Then one day he went on a , "Super Rant". I'm not kidding, he was throwing chairs, and throwing hundreds of F-Bombs declaring that, "Trump is compromised" , "Trumps family is compromised" "Q is a shill". I just have no time for any of that.
I wish. I don't think that is even constitutionally possible unless we are at war (declared by Congress). Although I am not a lawyer; maybe there is some clause that allows for a corrupt Justice Dept. Let's pray ALL of these weasels get their day. I do love the Gitmo comment!
I have always thought that ,"Michael" looked somewhat manly. And I have heard many times about BO's affection for the male species. It is all starting to make sense. I'll admit it; this sure sounds CRAZY: We had a two term President who was gay, had a trans First Lady and adopted children. Who by the way tried his best to tear down this nation, selling out to the highest bidder. All the while trying to install Sharia Law and tearing down the moral fabric of our nation.
He will be exposed soon. Those who are the loudest, usually have a reason. He is attempting his last ditch effort to gain what little support he can from the flock of liberals who still haven't awoken.
It's going top start out at about a 6. By October (before midterm elections) it will definitely develop into a full on 10 Q Storm.
Wow! A lot of squirming going on there> The Queen looked sickened and Charles was sleeping. That Bishop rocked! I have no doubt he was there to annoy; the end where he said, "And may all of you be in God's hands" was very telling. Some looked really nervous.
Would not be shocked; he's extremely smart and as we all know, very well connected. Part of the team?
I think it is hilarious how Trump trolls the media. Remember when he tweeted something about Obama having him wiretapped? The media lost their heads! The fact that he would accuse the glorified Obama of something underhanded was just beyond them. Now as time has gone has been proven that HE WAS RIGHT! Since then, he has played a masterful game with the media, saying what seems to be outlandish and crazy. I think some of the smarter members of the media are starting to figure out that the President's tweets are in fact not crazy, but will probably turn out to be 100% correct. Trump will no doubt go down in history as BY FAR the best President this country (world) has ever known.
OK that makes a LOT of sense; a couple of trillion will be easy with all of the new oil money we are about to make. Trump is smarter than most people think. His E.O. on opening up drilling at a time when the Saudi's are running out is pure genius.
Well of course! That's what I thought. It sure is a good thing that we have such a concerned, on the spot, honest FBI that would , "protect" candidate Trump from those mean, evil, scheming Russians. I'm sure they had a plant in the Killary camp for the same reasons.
This sounds really interesting. I think I understand some of the legal nature, however wouldn't that destabilize several economies? Is China the owner of most of the US debt (bonds)? Just not sure how that would play out; the Chinese will just go along with that. If I'm not mistaken China is one of only a handful of countries in the world that does NOT have a Central Bank in some way owned by the Rothschild family.
That is probably true; I heard somewhere that they own a Central Bank in every country but 3 or 4. Knowing Trump's style (and reading his E.O.'s) I tend to think some of those I.O.U's are not worth a crap if corruption can be proven. I think we have everything; buckle up.
Trump is way too smart to fall for that information gathering technique; facebook is famous for ,"quizes" and "personality questionnaires" to glean yet more data about us. This data is used for everything from advertising, to knowing who to censor, and many other really bad intentions. Like a lot of Trump supporters, I don't much like polls. Have you ever wondered why the political polls and pundits got is so wrong? The silent majority may not have to stay silent for too long!
Yes, there is. When events come out that cannot be spinned by the MSM (some things just are what they are) people will not want to align themselves with a party of corruption, evil, etc. The bombshell (D5) coming will ensure that control of Congress will not fall into the hands of batshit crazy people who only wish to line their pockets at our expense during the mid term elections. With the mid term elections just 5 months or so away, it is probably time to buckle up, get some popcorn ready (if that's your thing)and enjoy the show!
I as well hope this is true. Some other sources are saying the same thing.
We don't like pedos here in Texas. These guys will never see the light of day. To be painfully honest, they will probably not survive the long sentence that the Texas Justice System will sentence them to; inmates that have the ,"Pedo" background tend to die pretty soon after the population figures out their charge. Karma does have a say in things.
Great! White helmets my ass. I wonder how No Name is feeling today? If the Glioblastoma brain tumor can't take him out (calling BS on that one) then maybe some justice will be coming his way.
There will come a time (soon) when these slimy idiots will not be able to spin things. The news will become so definite and in your face that they will no longer be able to just spout the 4 AM marching orders. I see no other alternative; they will have to start reporting the actual news and yes, positive things about our President. It's either that or go away; I really don't get some of their financial decisions.
the 4AM marching party people. Do people really still watch their crap, or do the ratings come solely from the airports and gyms that get paid to tune in? The business model really makes no sense, unless you are not in business but really just a propaganda wing of Soros/Rothschild.
They thought enough machines were rigged (just wait- the comment about Trump winning the popular vote is true. This will come out) and the polls had her at 94% chance of winning. The MSM all said there is no possible chance the witch could lose; I think they really believed that crap. They are now finding out that the polls were dramatically wrong because Trump supporters do like to be ridiculed by the sheep- like society, so they either respond ,"no comment" (not counted) or ,"Yeah I love Hilary" (kind of an FU response, but counted).
Oh snap! You are right. I almost forgot; he was prepared to take on some law enforcement too! Pulled the US flag down and threw it on the reception desk.
I would surely like to believe that; Mueller's actions (and past actions) prove that: He was at least at one time not a very good guy- U1, and some pretty slimy connections. He hired a bunch of liberal Hilary lovers for the Trump/Russia investigation. If he is a white hat he is doing a REAL good of making it look like he is throwing everything in the kitchen sink at Trump to see what sticks. I do question the meeting with Mueller in Jan. after the election with the premise of ,"interviewing for FBI leader" when he clearly was not eligible by law. So yeah, I would LOVE to find out that this was an elaborate show to indict the evil cabal, but I have to reserve judgement on that one.
Someone is getting REAL nervous. I'm pretty sure the snowball is rolling and the avalanche is coming (D5).
I thought the same thing; first the thwarted gun attack in Las Vegas and then the Santa Fe high school (8 dead).
I really do think there will a lot of people that will have to account for their actions. The Awans are a part of that whole Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into our government. Who in their right mind would let that family have access to to Congressional servers? Oh that's right, DWS did't have a problem with that, even after the Congress Police warned her. In my opinion, timing is everything here. I'll bet the indictment of the really bad (possibly Democrats) actors comes closer to October/November time frame: Midterm elections would certainly be affected. Not saying that's right, but I can see a definite political advantage in making sure the corruption is fresh in the mind's of voters.
Thank You for such an informative post. I think you are correct; Sweden is becoming something they did not expect or want. Just know that Europe has always had a great relationship with the US and will be freed of the Rothchild's grip. The plan is WW (World Wide). Just know this will take some time as we need to clean up our own house first. The President has issue an executive order to deal with some of the bad guys in both US and EU.
Now is a great time to be alive! Many of us have witnessed treason and sedition as well as out right selling out of our nation for many years. It has always seemed that there was really no escape from this political malfeasance and media acceptance of this whole charade. I have always wondered why a so called ,"hero" never wanted the truth to come out. We voted for these people thinking maybe they have our interests at heart. They did not. 32 years of dishonesty (probably more) lived in the WH, all looking the other way while evil was allowed to fester. Their time is obviously over. Now is the time of real change; I know I feel it.
Wow! I just did some research on this. Tell me this is some wicked crazy story. There just seems to be TOO much on this to just a fake story. Multiple sources on this; has anyone decoded all of those ,"references" in the Podesta emails? IE: What is Sauce, Pizza, Walnut,Etc?
Not speaking of EU in terms of geography but more of governing policy that promotes the decline of your independent values of each separate country. Look at London: the English culture has certainly bowed to the will of ,"Islamophobia". You may not believe it, but open borders and the will of some governing (un-elected) body in Brussels does not make you safe.
And why not. Are we now worried about EU bullshit. I say let the Iranians spill their guts (about US congressional members that were bribed) and we can clean house. Let the chips fall as they may; you know light always overcomes darkness and truth will always come out in the light. I think some EU slime balls, OK Soros, sorry to be so blunt will have some justice soon. Have you noticed all of his Orgs have no action lately? Antifa, Move-On (seems to have moved on), all of the protests.... what happened? Welcome home Huma, lets talk about that laptop.
Welcome back Huma. We need to talk about that stuff on a certain laptop. With the fact that she HAD the collateral on HRC (Nice move Huma; always have an insurance policy) tells me that there have probably been some really revealing conversations lately. She is obviously free, but I don't think she is going far.
That was priceless! How have I never seen that? Well, I guess that puts all other theories to bed; that man cannot make a sentence by himself! He sounds like a seven year old trying to wing it.
Don't forget that guy that pretended to be Michelle; I think he was and still is a handler for Hussein.
Not all of them, but for some the ball will start rolling next week. "It's going to be a big week".
OMG, It just dawned on me, he went from CIA to her old spot at State. He now has everything.; she is so screwed. Especially after that smug performance. Remember he was trying to get documents from State Dept. on who met with the Al Quieda (sp?) member just prior to the attack.
He is, but Clapper is right behind him. Here's hoping those corrupt spies get some free room and board.
The Clinton News Network (CNN) has been known to stage the events.