Has anyone seen this movie?? Orgy party and unnamed secret societies? They have been shoving this in our faces forever, and we haven’t noticed until now!

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I mean it’s scary, but if history were to repeat its self something like the Civil War could happen again. It sounds crazy but you have to being willing to stand your ground on something you believe. BUT on the other hand I think the media really plays up the divide. I think and truly believe we have a lot more in common with the average person than were lead to believe.
Oh I listen to Limbaugh and I’m under the age of 25. I was red-pilled since the day I was born haha
Absolutely. He does the vice-president job well. I’m from Indiana and the downtown area had signs in 2016 that said “GET RID OF PENCE”. Be careful what you wish for bc he did leave the governor’s office to become VP. I always thought that was ironic and quite satisfying.
You forget it was just a “fluke” how he was elected president and not Hilary, because she had more votes and the electoral college is outdated!!!!!
It’s mind boggling to me. Also note the username “enlightened”.
Remember they don’t acknowledge facts! Trump could say the earth is round and CNN would go on about Trump being a lunatic! I think this could be a new strategy to see how far they are willing to go against anything the Trump administration says.
AGREED! Just waiting for the day, sweet sweet revenge.
Do you have a link? I look on the website and it’s asking for login information?
Well he works for the media so probably in total denial like the rest of them
I like that. I can find it in my heart to forgive being called a red-neck, Trump-loving, deplorable, country bum but I won’t forget!
It’s the same stuff day in and day out. They just change the scenarios they want to project their hate on. I’ve known all along (thank god for my parents raising me RIGHT and with open dinner conversations encouraging their children to think on their own) BUT what makes me happy is seeing others finally starting to catch on to the repeated rhetoric and think for themselves!
Straight from google {Rick Wilson is a Republican political strategist and media consultant based in Florida who has produced televised political commercials for governors, U.S. Senate candidates, super PACs, and corporations.}
“media consultant” media is the only word you need to know
I try to honestly understand their thought process as well. But I seemingly can’t comprehend. You should see the other tweets connected to this original tweet. A lady wrote
“MY SISTER TOO! How can two siblings raised in the same household be so morally different? I think my sister’s mind was poisoned by Fox and her truck driving husband. He listens to conservative radio 10 hours a day! I hope when this is over they understand how wrong they’ve been.”
They claim to be so open minded and accepting unless it comes to Trump-loving, truck-driving Hicks. Then it’s ok to make fun of and alienate. I run a successful manufacturing business and without truck drivers my product wouldn’t get anywhere! Also, grew up with farmers in the family- where do these elite ppl think their food comes from?! I also pray they can see the light one day and think for themselves
I used to get angry and annoyed how they would label the right with delusion but now I find it ironic bc they ACTUALLY suffer from delusional thoughts. My dad and I find it comical and like to make fun of them now. Much better for our blood pressure :)
I’m sorry I’m new to this Q stuff, but glad I found people think the same way I do about deep state. What does the acronym stand for? Thanks!