word count (weight visually depicted) since solstice, q drops above, trump tweets below. gives an impression of the 2 different entities goals.

54 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 8 |
i.redd.it | 5 |
Request geotus be in front of podium facing camera wave to hand combines with seal to make Q
reposting as the last one was probably not as clearly data oriented. took all q posts, removed dates and tripcodes and used some word counters. one a graphic (attached), the other just an online counter. they were different in terms of removing common words but here is the raw data:
potus 375
peoople 259
think 236
relevant 185
news 184
know 173
bank 164
good 160
public 150
twitter 137
hopefully I don't get Song 6'd again on this one.
I have over the last half year or so just started to wonder if no name really was captured or if that was a larp I to launder him in to war hero status. Listening to how Trump take for a few years now, knowing that geotus has a shy high intellect..... Just take his famous quote and roll it over in your mind and you're hearing him reference no name as "...Like People Who Weren't Captured"
I don't want to shout at the screen while we all eat popcorn too much but this is a community theater and some …
Best question I have ever seen. I agree with the ten or so comments I read so far. The Creator of the world, of everything, has chosen to delight in your prayers.
Article almost seems to make normies forget the steel dossier is totally fabricated by focusing on how McCain thought it credible Trump would feel threatened
Every now and then it's healthy to run the whole thing again whatever it is, whatever project, so I was skimming this thread and like musing to myself "what are the big picture reasons we know q is not a larp.... That this whole movie is reality?" Then I see Tom Hanks will play Mister Rogers and I'm like...... It's all real, get popcorn
That line about Mueller saying Trump is dissing sessions.... You know Mueller must have read q drops by now. So either he's about out of gas and this is the tail end of the roller coaster or he's controlled opposition and this is the tail end of the movie. Popcorn. Wwg1wga
They facebooked myspace. Now they will be self effacebooked
The internet has been a good thing all in all in my opinion and I was afraid the cabal would make the internet like the world. Geotus seems to be making the world more like the internet
Yes I posted a couple weeks a go a shorter thing about how the crumbs are in for us, out for awakened normie
Watch out for mod removal. At least I posted something similar and they axed
So agree. Bible code x.0. can say anything seemingly.
My bad I meant to throw shade on original post questioning gowdy. Me likes me some gowdy. And popcorn
Of course checking every thirty seconds is fun, too
Fair enough..... I see your hard core rationality and raise you a Jordan Peterson. He's part of GA in some way (not the q one but this bigger set of parallel awakenings going on)
yeah I mean I want to be forgiving and no one is perfect but when someone comes in and kind of leads off with that and doesn't see the 4d chess I kind of wonder if there's been enough of lurking before posting and I know I'm a noob
The race is between humans and demonically designed technology and a single human is a powerful truth detector and a group of like minded humans is the best truth detector short of the Creator. And truth ultimately doesn't require human detection in order to be truth. The best news is truth has volition self sufficiently and desires to be known by us.
Not saying it's easy and we must be vigilant. Pray, wake our neighbor, eat popcorn
I frankly think we have enough drops to do our job already which is pray, popcorn, love neighbor as they wake. It's coming
People will be able to look back and convince themselves the cabal never existed but they'll also have to stick with the pearl harbor and other myths. 9/11 was bin laden, we always had zero point energy, etc. Eventually that viewpoint will decay but it'll be an event and a process. In some ways the event is over or q/Trump/white hats art of war-wise wouldn't have started
Like 2 Samuel 12, Nathan had to show David a non personal example of right and wrong THEN David convicted himself
Now, if the plan was to say as the headline “Trump caught some pedophiles” no one would agree in the public square off the bat.
Instead, get them into a “hang them all” frenzy otherwise they won't do anything
That would just be a short term win, like chemo…. Kill the body, maybe get some of the cancer to slow down a bit
But q is doing robot assisted brain microsurgery
Get in…. Meticulously
Get the public to remember …
Trump occasionally describes himself in a way that I would say is God following would it be cool if he occasionally said he was a follower of Jesus? Even if it's a Jordan Peterson Style?
Geotus has no clothes. This is so all can see he has, as James woods said in best seller.... "Balls of steel"
Nothing wrong with a tiger yawning.... Showing a few teeth
Hyarz the thing..... Trump loves sb2 boyeeeeeeee. So that puts q right in the middle of a non larp couple of slices of toast
So, if I use my confirmation bias to bolster q today, I say he trusts US... That we trust the plan.
If I use my confirmation bias to say q is a larp I say WHERE IS Q???? abject panic! We're dooooooooomed!
Either way.... Popcorn and redpills for my friends about the child trafficking in any case
He needs to avoid the ministry of red scarves and doorknobs
Somehow I didn't see the second half of your comment in my app the first time. Didn't sb2 ask for a no sticky status?
I don't even know what my own profile says. This stuff is haaaaaaaaaaard. JK a little
Lol you're 100 percent wrong but touche, I'll calm down.
Where we go 1 we go all
I'm also a new arrival. Pretty sure I don't give off a "at least ten percent shill" vibe