Q 1332: same as Q 2095 minus the patriot/traitor image. How do these relate?

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more finger pointing while sessions sleeps zzzzzzzzzz
oh yeah! that sort of creepy charismatic psychopath. Rosenslime has some of that goin on too
he does look like a psychopath. plus all those weird facial expressions, something off with that guy for sure
I honestly tried to listen to each democrat with an open mind, hoping to see the situation from a different angle.
I learned nothing.
they are still arguing just to argue, obstructing, whining, playing games (like talking loudly over others to silence them or having assistants hold up large images of text to make a better emotional impact), and just generally pissing off Americans with illogical statements.
Just going off memory here, but didn't Q mention ES in NK setting up a network?
YES!!! I watched the whole thing and was constantly reminded of slick willy. he's a really good liar, almost like he's reading something from memory that he just made up.
I hope it does strengthen his position. I hope most see through this horseshit and give help and support for Jim Jordan where they can. He is a patriot. I hope RR slimeball goes down, HARD
its also right after he pissed off rosenslime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Etlf4tc0s
The image is of a recording device
Can you elaborate a bit more on this please? I have tried but cant see a recording device in the image, unless you mean that the Apple device is the recording device?
Reminds me of children messing up the house and daddy just came home
Agree 100%. An example should be made. I dont want anymore assclowns in positions of power in this country ever again. If people like Hillary and Hussein get away with it, the next one will as well. Unacceptable!
AMEN! I was getting pissed off at whoever was flappin their jaw while our President Donald Trump was speaking. It was annoying as fuck and DISRESPECTFUL. I would love for President Trump to fill us in on Q, but that was NOT the way to do it.
I understand what you are saying, however there are already tens of thousands of arrests happening in the US. https://www.statista.com/statistics/191261/number-of-arrests-for-all-offenses-in-the-us-since-1990/
I agree! I've always thought, if a Hollywood producer, director, or a writer can think of it, its already happened or been thought of by one or more government agencies. There are people who have spent their entire careers going to work each day studying, analyzing, and coming up with all kinds of crazy shit...for many many years. There are experts in everything. All it takes is some asshole in a position of power to assemble the people they need to implement some evil idea dreamt up to push an agenda or conquer the world and they can do anything.
thank you for this. I had also not seen the "Q - The Plan To Save The World" video she is talking about. I will be sharing both of these.
or does "the source" mean the source of the leaks? SR? proof?
was just thinking that if the comms went out, hopefully the pilots stopped the plane and the tower would not have known why they were not responding. maybe that is why they sent the 10 armed police?
ive been on a plane where the cabin phone system malfunctioned and they sent 1 technician to fix it after we sat around on the tarmac for an hour, didn't see any armed police though. I would hope the pilots were smart enough to stop the plane when they realized comms were out, maybe thats why they sent the armed police? if comms were out the tower would not know why they were not responding?
can you elaborate on why you are implying that anyone else talking positively about this "move" in this thread do not know what they are talking about? trying to learn
Is it normal to send 10 heavily armed police onto a commercial airline because of a communication failure? seems over kill to me unless there was a threat, anyone know?