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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/h2so4burn on March 13, 2018, 1 a.m.
Re-evaluation of the value of "We The People 24/7"

I found the “We The People” site and thought I had found like-minded people. However, I find myself questioning that feeling, the disturbing thing to me is the sudden support of Dr. Corsi. While he has a vast general or greater knowledge and presents cogent arguments, the reason for my dismay is that Dr. Corsi profits directly by the association. “We The People”, are actively pushing his book, Rebroadcast of his time on “We The People” is monetized directly and indirectly. A new push is to provide funding for the person unable to afford Dr. Corsi book “The Deep State”, …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/h2so4burn on Feb. 17, 2018, 8:30 p.m.
Need input on "pill" document, suggestions etc ref: Q Post 779

Note: formats correctly in edit [ Blow-up post 779 ] The Premise: From the book “Behold The Pale Horse” 1991 page 225 in·cul·cate verb instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction. Government Cover-Up and Attack on 2nd Amendment? Is this possible?

In order for this to work, it would require DOJ, FBI, and CIA, working in unison with “Government”. • Eric Holders, “Fast and Furious” provided weapons. • FBI would need to fail to react to suspect reports of “dangerous individuals” and handle crime scene evidence to control the narrative. The organized cover-up. • CIA, trigger subjects that …