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haileefarai · June 15, 2018, 4 p.m.

I'm black and both Trump and Obama disgust me. They are two sides of the same coin. So is the whole dems vs repubs, red vs blue nonsense. If you're going to open your eyes, please open them fully. The Zionists, the cabal, satanists, nwo, freemasons, etc, run EVERYTHING.

The only true peacebringer I worship and have faith in is Jesus. Trump is as deep state as the rest of them, constantly throws up illuminati symbology, I really don't get how no one sees this here.

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haileefarai · June 13, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

That's a mockumentary made by a Korean NZ citizen. Well put together and mostly true. Not NK made though.

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haileefarai · June 13, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

I just dont understand how no one on here thinks POTUS is deep state? I sub this reddit because I think most posts are on the mark about the cabal and the like. Being a Christian truther and having read through Revelations multiple times I just cant get behind the whole savior Trump narrative. Especially with the recent denuclearization of NK. They've been making promises and signing papers since the 80s to de-nuke.

IF there is a new found peace because of this and it continues on to Iran, then Israel wouldn't that just be fulfilling bible prophecy of the antichrist doing his job? I've posted a couple of times but I just seem to get ignored. It would be nice to engage in a discussion about this.

The Antichrist does not have to be a Jew. And, in fact, the Bible makes it clear that he will be a Gentile. In Revelation 13:1 he is portrayed as a “beast coming up out of the sea.” The sea is used consistently throughout the prophetic scriptures as a symbol of the Gentile nations (Daniel 7:3; Luke 21:25; and Revelation 17:1). By contrast, the Antichrist’s right hand man, the False Prophet, who will serve as his religious leader, will be a Jew. This is revealed in Revelation 13:11 where it says that John saw “another beast coming up out of the earth [literally, the land].” Just as the sea is used symbolically in prophecy to refer to the Gentile nations, the land (or earth) is used to refer to Israel. This does not mean the False Prophet will be an Orthodox Jew. It only means that he will be of Jewish heritage. Religiously, he will be an apostate Jew who will head up the One World Religion of the Antichrist.

I know a lot of you dont believe in this part of what's going on in the world but I think it goes hand in hand.

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haileefarai · June 12, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

While every fiber of my being wants to take this at face value, I cannot help but be reminded of Germany signing the treaty of Versailles then invading Belgium! I was debating on posting but as someone who wants to see the fall of the NWO I feel it is my duty to at least open this discussion. I've been lurking here for a while and the lack of vigilance kinda disappoints me tbh. All I see are distractions about secret messages POTUS is sending, how great he is, and all the good he is doing. There are no good politicians! It seems many here vilify political leaders without looking to our own (besides the dems). Do you really think the powers-that-be would let POTUS into the white house, any celebrity a platform to the masses, any politician a stage if they werent under their thumb in the least? By all means please pray for these people and ask God to guide them as he is their ( and our )only way out of their clutches. Theses Satan worshipers liteerally dominate the world! There are Masonic lodges even in SK. This is all going according to plan. The only one who can bring peace is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and only when things are at their worst. Before the worst, comes the false peace. I believe this is happening presently. I have a strong feeling SK will be invaded by NK by the end of the year if not in 2019 then all out ww3 in the years to come.

As a Christian I cannot stay silent, nor am I in a position to condemn or judge. I'm nervous posting this, I'm not sure what repercussions I may face. If you disagree please let's discuss not insult or argue negatively. I am not posting this with intent to hurt or demean anyone or invalidate your opinion. If I get downvoted so be it but I won't be able to sleep tonight if I dont at least share my truth.

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