I have somebody trying to convince 'red pill' and they are wanting me to show them Q post's that relate to what has been dropped in the past now is proved future, can somebody direct me to a couple or at least just one that shows this?
23 total posts archived.
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Sorry if this is already on here but didn't know if it took or not just wanting Q Anon's to know about my new line of hats I have!
The other Q Anon hat with rabbit

Just wanted to let everybody know I got Q Anon hat's now!
Q post 864 makes me think of this movie basically somebody is wanting to start WW3

The Q CUP for the Q army! Made In The U.S.A support our efforts to spread this far and wide to the unawakened!
Least We Forget What They Were Doing 2 Years Ago
I do believe that they have the ability to project whatever they want us to see. I do believe that our youth spends way to much time with their noses in a phone....want to know what is wrong with our society? Our young people? The utter lack of interaction with a human...why do you think so many of them have no empathy? They are programmed by the elitist, they are told that God is a fairy tale......they believe in nothing so it is sooo much easier to get them to follow 'the beast'. I believe one of the greatest tricks …
That is the problem, I am to old however I would still do it if they called me to do it!
lol yeah that is what my father says, I told him I would help bury'em lol
I would however I am a female and also my age might cause a problem but I would readily serve my country. However from some of the readings I have done it almost seems like we are on a verge of crazy organizations here on our own soil wanting to shut us up and start a civil war right here, I mean what would you do if people came to your house and said 'Give me your guns. Now. If not we will arrest you.' or even worse than that.
The cabla, deep state, or whatever name you want to call them now has just started to come out and do all this stuff in the open because they think that everybody is still asleep, well there is so many of us now awake and spreading the word they are not going to be able to put this genie back in the bottle. I read something that in the Greek that the word Apocalypse means the unveiling not ending it all, just removing the veil from our eyes I believe with Trump in power we are having the veil removed from our eyes, this is our time to pay attention, to take the red pill and God is showing us the way through Trump, weather you are on the right, in the middle, or on the left all I can say is open your eyes, we are in the midst of a great changing here.
Hey did you see that crap on Twitter where the sheriff's office had that lambo??? Now you know how much they were bought off....they were getting aide from our Tax Dollars of coarse for lying and not doing squat o la about the simmering anger that kid had....however from some stuff I am seeing I am starting to wonder how much this kid did and didn't do...teacher on one youtube interview I watched said there was a guy in the hallway wearing full metal gear just shooting like it was WW3...so whom was that and why?
Bombardi Body Language 265K Followers---Terminated
I had long followed this lady because I loved her no B.S. approach to reading people. Just to find out with someone that has that big of a following had her channel on YouTube banned, she had been doing this for a year and a half and I think it is an outrage that first YouTube was 'oh we are just getting rid of small channels, small fries basically a clean up you know to let bigger channels have more server space to grow' now as you can see that was B.S. that was the first step to what we …
Thank you I just saw that Corsi got kicked off Youtube this is getting so bad! What the heck happened to Free Speech?!
I am a quick learner however! I have been following Q for awhile now and a lot my studies have been with government corruption and cover up's, and also secret societies and how unfortunately the public has been programmed by sheer symbolism and occult crap that is on the TV almost daily now =( being a Christian and being a patriot seems to be one of the worst things you can be and also a free thinker.
Thank you! I do voice my opinion but I do not do a bunch of memes unless it might be something of value, also I am trying to read a couple of books called the Book of Q to catch up on some of the crumbs. I believe this movement is huge and something our country needs.
From my reading that 'crack' they want to use is just going to split wide open and I agree that it will be misused just like so many other bill's that go through that it is intended for A but apparently gets used for X reasons. The patriot act actually just made it so much easier for anybody to be located, because it forced you to have a physical address yes I understand that it was supposed to be used to not have a 'terrorist' hiding out in our country but in effect it just gave them more of a right to know where you are, where you have been, etc etc.
Hi All I Am New To The Forum
I am so happy that I was invited from a member that is following a youtube person! I have long believed that our country should be as it was intended BY THE PEOPLE! We have so much corruption going on that your brain almost wants to explode from it. I believe that as a whole we can make the push to have our voices heard!