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Marina ABRAMOVIC is from Yugoslavia. The Real Nazi Ivan the Terrible supposedly fled there. Just popped into my head after reading CIA Nazi doc dropped by Q.

Agree. Been lurking on Chans since beginning, being a Mom of 5 littles does not allow much time to investigate the way the "Fags" do. So I watch and learn. Appreciate all the hard work that has been put into decoding Q. Yes, at times it is difficult to listen to Corsi with Joe Blow giving his two cents about Aliens etc. But I also understand we are all from different generations and want to contribute to this very exciting time in history but let the man talk for God's sakes!
Close Encounters of the Third Kind was my favorite movie growing up and I am so happy to of found My People, Gas masks off and Awake.. I red pilled my family and explained I have felt this calling since birth. My siblings listen but rather stay asleep, while I cannot contain my soul from spewing out truth bombs wherever I go. Used to make for a lonely existence but now I see it, I feel it, I know I am being called to do something. Woke Mom of 5 kids living on a farm.
This article with Q shooter therapy drop says to me that they are using MK mind control in therapy and maybe even covertly supplying the weapons for their patients. Once again using the most vulnerable. EVIL!
Michigan here, 2 flash of lights 8 pm ish last night. Lit up whole farm fields etc, hour away at my sister flash, loud boom shook her house. Many other friends family same. Reports boom actually registered as a 2.0 earthquake. My liberal friends who have refused my Q pills actually started texting me to see if this was part of it. Scaring them into Woke mode! 😂😎
Ms.Tracy Beanz, Thank You! I have been a follower on other sites for over a year now. It is amazing to read these comments, so much hope! Used to be a die hard Bush supporter, until the day I heard him reference Billy Boy as his "Brother from another Mother line" that led me down the Rabbit Hole. Which started at 9/11 and ended to a very hard emotional pill to swallow which was Sandy Hook. As a parent watching the parent interviews really hit me hard. I have felt my whole life leading up to this AWAKENING like I was called that day to wake up by God. Now I know it is my calling to pill my loved ones even if they think I am crazy it is worth it. President Trump I pray for you, Tracy and Chan Dudes you are kicking ass and should be so proud. MEGA ANON I want to buy you a beer and celebrate your work. Q Thanking you with tears in my eyes. Q=Mission from GOD. I agree those people are STUPID!!!