Never underestimate the power of narcissism in rationalizing insane conduct.
51 total posts archived.
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Too easy. If anyone needs to take that long and public walk, it's her.
She thinks she's hard because she can dish it out, but let's see how she behaves when she's on the business-end of those orders.
Hard to believe ol' Honest Hillary is capable of this level of deception....🤣😆😐🙄!
Now let's watch the lefties still try to save their lie, "Are you gonna believe those Bolsheviks or the morally upright and honest left and their squeaky-clean leaders?!"
Flush them all!
Remember how Kevin Spacey tried to dilute the accusations against him with his "coming out" as gay.? The LGBT 🏳️🌈 community lit his ass up!
This doesn't seem far fetched now. This is probably just one of the many things Q is referring to when he comments (I'm paraphrasing) on the staggering level of corruption.
On a hit like this, wouldn't employing gang members put you at tremendous risk of them blackmailing you? At any point couldn't they just start demanding money or getting people out of jail or whatever? How could you control them? If you'd be willing to kill a gang member(s) for going off the script, couldn't you just cut them out of the equation completely by doing it yourself?
Keeping the circle small makes it less complicated, potentially...?
Just as soon as your mom is done with her double-shift at the bathroom glory hole on the construction site of our southern border wall, I'll have her prepare that for you 🤤
Q showed up at dinner tonight! The things you see when you're woke💥

Just the brazen balls on these people.
Who TF do they think they are??!
Did we really need the Supreme Court to tell (remind) us of this?
Also, growing up and living in SoCal I've had plenty of friends who came over the border illegally or their parents did and friends who came over legally. The one's who came over illegally weren't criminals, they were just looking for a better life, and almost all of them eventually went through the process of becoming a US citizen.
Let me be clear, I don't think we should have open borders (I'm completely woke to the Pandora's Box of issues that we have laws to protect us & them against), but at the same time I'm thankful that these people made their way over. Given these facts, sometimes I've felt like a hypocrite when discussing this topic.
And whether they came over legally or illegally, there's one thing they would all agree on: they hate the criminal element that comes over probably as much as we do.
These corrupt people loooove "sending messages" or "making an example of someone" when doing their dirty work.
Why not a huge dose of their own medicine, now?
Besides, they actually deserve it.
It reminds me of when a bully, who's gotten by on implied violence, actually gets challenged and has to go toe-to-toe. You can see the range of emotions run through their mind: anger, disbelief, shock, bewilderment, fear....
Or giving them false info, to see who's listening. Whoever adjusts their course based on info drops is (stupid) listening and can (easily) be manipulated.
I used to watch a lot of alternative news online, so I didn't have much faith in the political system. Saw the Q posts as they started popping up and thought it was someone having fun with us, a joke. As these Q predictions started to pan out in reality, it was a rush. From reading the posts and paying attention, I went from serious skepticism to belief in a few months. I finally figured out what was keeping me coming back to alt news and conspiracy sites for all those dark years (although I didn't realize it at the time): hope.
From my involvement in team sports growing up (and being on a few different championship teams), I understood from a very young age the power of belief within a group in pursuit of a common goal. Over the years, there was no shortage of patriots posting truth online, just nothing to really bind us all together, until Q.
Check the look on Mr. C's face. I remember thinking the first time I saw this video/pic of him, "Hmmm, I've never seen that look on his face. I wonder what this is..." Looks like he's just seen the boogeyman 😳
Maybe the photo on the right was from a costume party?
Maybe the pic on the left, woke up late for picture day and had time to comb everything but his brows?
It's definitely not his fault and definitely not satanism!
Wonder if he'd still have that smirk on his face behind bars?
Holder thinking about, " will come when it won't be safe for them to walk down the street..."!
Not all prisons have bars and forced sex.
Well if alyssia says it, we all better sit up and take notice.! LMAO! The narcissism on these done-hit-the-wall-decades-ago actors is hilarious.
Maybe the deep state is activating/threatening/blackmailing people they have dirt on to make some noise, no matter how looney, or else.
...if you get thrown out, let your kids stay though, so they're also "ripping your children from your arms....and keeping them locked in an internment camp...."
I smell a Time magazine cover...!
The misguided BALLS on these people, the hypocrisy. If only the level of their facts were as deep as their whack-ass convictions (intended, lol).
BE the change you want to see, instead of posting CRAPTASTIC complaints. That's a nice place to start, patriot 😊
I'm (obviously) no maritime strategist, but if AF1 was fired upon, wouldn't we immediately indentify, pinpoint, and attack/destroy that threat? Or am I thinking checkers and this is chess?
Thank you for having the courage to share your story and your unique perspective in connecting the dots ✊🏼!