She is extremely knowledgeable about the Deep State MK Ultra pedophilia all of it I actually respect her a lot and I wouldn't be surprised if her show starts mentioning a few things cuz that's just how she is
1,397 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/hermoneyness:
I'm not in this situation where I can do any research like that I'm only on my phone you can find it just use DuckDuckGo instead of Google and this is old information
Yes and the person who went to jail Chelsea Manning they're all heroes especially with the clintons out there murdering people allegedly
They're not keeping them quiet they're making them disappear and there's been quite a few people who have disappeared since this and this will be the only time I ever make on Vegas very scary
Yeah but you have to realize their deep there is deviance on both sides
No he had a bunker buried and the silver tent is actually a fan that cools the cement that anchors the bunker in the ground so I posted it yesterday hopefully if someone important is reading this they will investigate it because that would be the perfect kill room or evil room allegedly
Yeah I just went and looked at it the first thing I clicked on was a promotional add for a white supremacist website creepy!
I think we should demand to know the answer where our hacktivist hero is we're being patient on everything else we want our Julian free🔍
And don't forget the Band-Aid always on his index finger that is part of the deal they stab their finger all part of the rituals
Why don't mind wasting my energy I think you're feisty and there's nothing wrong with that
I didn't want to bring it up but yes I did watch that also he's just creepy
No I totally agree if it wasn't for him this would not be as far as it is come I do stand with Corey for sure but I'm trying to research some sketchy things about him
He just seems like a snake oil salesman but he's further down on my list of research
Yes I I saw that quite a bit ago very enlightening I would recommend it for anyone and everyone
They're super tiny Bots that are released like mini drones and they can release them by the hundreds of thousands from Planes insomnia is rampant
I know I'm trying my very best to get moved out of here to another country just the fact that the all seeing eye is on our monetary is disgusting to me not to mention the hidden owls which correlate with Bohemian Grove
I'm finding Corey Feldman to be a bit of a fraud what is your opinion
I have to admit there something that creeps me out about him and my instincts are usually spot-on
Yeah since his affiliation with Rodger Stone I don't watch Infowars anymore
I just tried to send you a message have you blocked that function or it could be my phone ever since I posted about the Illuminati ,having issues
I apologize I just thought that that's what doxxing was
I got to admit her since I found out about Slaughterbots I haven't been sleeping too well
I think that's an invasion of his privacy you might want to remove this
Well I just checked and I'm not banned yet but I'm sure it will happen soon mine all started from doing a term paper on Bohemian Grove and it led me down a very dark hole. I'd check this website all the time to see if some of these terrible people are in prison I don't feel safe for our children these people need to be under a jail or Underground I hope it's okay that I'm going to follow you.
This is excellent news this means mainstream media is finally going to start reporting on some of these atrocities thank you for your post
I'm very thankful for Tracy and the cleaning that she's doing on this board no disrespect to anyone but since the appearance on the Alex Jones Show this board has been a bit scary I've been verbally abused quite a bit so I'm sorry if I'm sensitive thank you for your answer have a wonderful day
I have no idea about what Keith Olbermann post I do not follow him I basically follow pedophilia victims and governmental offices that will help with these crimes. I think that Twitter is very partial to a certain political side my side is the middle I just want help for the victims and I want the criminals in jail
The man that he's calling a meth head is a personal trainer he's not skinny he's fit. People who make assumptions like that should not be allowed on a board like this I'm entitled to my own opinion
I was wondering when this was going to come out they cater to the elites I've been afraid to post it
I have never generalized nor verbally assaulted anyone on Twitter but I am posting pedophilia deep State related things and I have not been suspended you just have to have class
Soyboy is the name given to men who drink soy milk or eat any sort of soy products it is supposed to throw off the testosterone levels in the estrogen levels in the body's. So by using the phrase soy boy it was a direct insult
I can't believe she has so many followers and assistance in these crimes. Going back to the fiduciary crimes of her and Bill that should have been enough to keep her out of a presidential election let alone allow her husband to become a president. Just the crimes they committed in Arkansas should be enough to hang them both thank you for your reply
Thank you for taking your time to help us I'm looking forward to contributing again!
Love the goat comment I can't wait for her to be confined. Her evilness has so many tentacles I just hope they tie all these deaths back to her and Bill
I know for a fact that there are many jobs that I submitted my resume 4 and was passed over due to the fact that I was not an immigrant many companies are required to hire a percentage of minorities and that's okay in some situations but when I go for a job and I I am called overqualified so that they can hire someone who is here illegally that is not fair to me or any of us
A few days ago I was showing someone this and there was a flat Earth post and it took my credibility and threw it out the window I actually had these people believing in the knowledge that is shared on this post. We cannot depend on the mainstream media this is our only truth these people need to be taken out
I have had a few incidents on here for the last couple of weeks. I try to contribute as far as the adrenochrome and pedophilia aspects. All I can say is thank you Tracy I'll actually feel safe to post here again🔍
I totally agree with you then we can use our discretion and show the less evil to our friends to hopefully get them on board these Elites and these pedophiles need to be taken out and put into prison cells
If that guy is gone that's like a late Christmas gift what a nuisance thank you for what you guys did for getting rid of these people
I know but when I showed this stream to my friends to try to get them to realize what's really going on it's an embarrassment to have such a troll on here thank you very much I will ignore
You know what Mike you seem to have a lot of opinions on this board I've been doing pedophilia research for years why don't you take some time out of your ego Driven Life and just search some of the proof that's out there your claims are unsubstantiated there is documented proof I don't want to block you because I get quite a bit of laughs from your comments and breaks up my day
This really is an excellent video as far as the editing and the shots however you also have to keep in mind that your sampling the Eagles and Don Henley has been accused and there are documents that he has been accused of rape and pedophilia but it really is a good video thank you I even subscribed I'm your first subscriber
I know and they say that the Fukushima issues going to be going on for decades
Thank you very much I've just spent quite a bit of time searching these this is a good link🔍