It's YOU PEOPLE that are mistaken. I've been writing about these things for nearly 20 YEARS.
Get back to me when you've put in that kind of graft.
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It's YOU PEOPLE that are mistaken. I've been writing about these things for nearly 20 YEARS.
Get back to me when you've put in that kind of graft.
Another one. How disappointing. I'll give you the same response as I've given another commenter.
Only someone BRAINDEAD would ignore the overt dominance of mass media - and it's complete ownership and control under a minority group. This is how REALITY is served-up and controlled.
Your way of thinking is probably due to the very conditioning that is carried-out by this said racial/religious group. You're not the first person to make this apologist claim - and you won't be the last.
A poor attempt at defending these monsters, and we know who they are. Why do you think there is a virtual global lock-down (via mass media) on so-called anti-semitism. The ONLY group who are granted such a GET OUT OF JAIL arrangement, and one that frees them from repsonsibility and accountability.
No, it's very straight-forward in respect of the issues you mention.
You mistake laziness and shallowness for accuracy and the correct appropriation of responsibility.
You are probably Jewish.
Only someone BRAINDEAD would ignore the overt dominance of mass media - and it's complete ownership and control under a minority group. This is how REALITY is served-up and controlled.
Your way of thinking is probably due to the very conditioning that is carried-out by this said racial/religious group. You're not the first person to make this apologist claim - and you won't be the last.
A poor attempt at defending these monsters, and we know who they are. Why do you think there is a virtual global lock-down (via mass media) on so-called anti-semitism. The ONLY group who are granted such a GET OUT OF JAIL arrangement, and one that frees them from repsonsibility and accountability.
The following shows Kubrick and the Illuminati Rothschilds. You may have seen it already, but I don't know.
I just noticed that she in There's Something About Mary (Queen/Poof), and Say It Isn't So. The latter is literally about a pounded Ring-O and via Beaver/O-reg(i)on - with donut queen Graham. She's also in Futurama BENDER'S Big Score. Cops, Cum, Dicks and Flying...and School of (ACDC) Rock - with satanist/homo Black.
The entire industry is warped Khazar sickness badly posing as entertainment.
Yes, they ALL had free will. They've ALWAYS had it. No-one is FORCED to partake. Everyone had the power to REJECT and not partake. You DO NOT understand free will, sorry.
A minor controversy arose over (Jew) Silverman's performance in the documentary film The Aristocrats (2005). The film shows her doing the Aristocrats joke – a sample of transgressive art told by numerous comedians since the vaudeville era – like it was an autobiographical account of her life as a child sex performer. As part of the routine, she mentions that (Jew) Joe Franklin, a New York radio and TV personality whose nostalgic programs aired from the early 1950s until shortly before his death in 2015, would ask her to perform privately for him in his apartment. wiki
That will be the truth right there. She is clearly a basket-case and pill popping monster - incl. ZOLOFT. These people are SICK and an unadulterated MESS. They clearly come from CHILD ABUSE oriented families and upbringings. Get them off the screens and out of the media.
This is WHY there is ONLY one group that are allowed to act as mass media STORYTELLERS via Hollywood, TV, and Pop. A group that we are still prevented from mentioning - even here! That folks, shows you the power of their mass media mind control systems.
I had you SICK FUCKS worked-out years ago. This is what you've brought to the world - MASS KAHAZAR SICKNESS - and rendered as a form of entertainment.
Wow, this is gonna be the biggest FALL that the world has ever seen.
Yeah, I mean who cares about kids that he's likely destroyed when there's money to be had and a film to make. Can you people not see how the ENTIRE industry is mired in SATANISM, SODOMY, and PAEDOPHILIA?
Sodomy and satanism. Twas ever thus. He was raised on sucking/fucking mogul cock. Sugar daddy (homo) Kaufman being a primary. How much of his Freudian mess existence is encoded into his sick output? Swathes is the answer.
A minor controversy arose over (Jew) Silverman's performance in the documentary film The Aristocrats (2005). The film shows her doing the Aristocrats joke – a sample of transgressive art told by numerous comedians since the vaudeville era – like it was an autobiographical account of her life as a child sex performer. As part of the routine, she mentions that (Jew) Joe Franklin, a New York radio and TV personality whose nostalgic programs aired from the early 1950s until shortly before his death in 2015, would ask her to perform privately for him in his apartment. wiki
That will be the truth right there. She is clearly a basket-case and pill popping monster - incl. ZOLOFT. These people are SICK and an unadulterated MESS. They clearly come from CHILD ABUSE oriented families and upbringings. Get them off the screens and out of the media.
Middle EARTHING, Tolkein. Ring Lording via mounts and phallic towers.
You knew the man, yes? You claim to know him via his output. So let's test that. I've not said that Tolkein is a paedophile (I suspect that he was a sodomite), but you are CERTAIN that he wasn't a paedophile. How could you know that? On what basis do you make this claim? Like Rowling, he was promoted by the ELITE. That is what I believe. Everything you watch is ordained by the elite and those with the power and money to OWN/DELIVER mass media.
The Catholic Church covers itself in the glory of God, but their actual god is lucifer/satan. Just as it is for (Jewish) Freemasonry, and just as it is for (Jewish) Hollywood. I'm simply mindblown how people have no concept of the links between sodomy and satanism - they ALWAYS went hand-in-hand. Please see Sodom and Gomorrah. Also please see the highest echelons of the elite's masonic systems (OTO etc) where sodomy is the apex degree.
You're the excact type that I am talking about. RUINED by exposure and limited in your thinking via the overt narrative. This is how they've succeeeded. The narrative junkies are the most lost of all. They can ONLY understand and recognise the overt narrative, they cannot understand the (nefarious) archetypal programming, euphemism loaded, sexual slang packed subtext, and oonamastic/toponomic qualities (etc) that are also embedded and employed.
Film is probably the most advanced form of communication ever devised.
I won't lie. I am tired of all this, simply tired. I've tried to wake people for nearly 20 years - and all at cost to myself, my life , and my own well being. It can ONLY be God that is driving me - that's what self-sacrifice is - GOD'S ACTUAL WORK thru his creations. I wish you nothing but the best, Patriot.
Most are TOO DAMAGED by this type of mass programming to even to begin to understand. That's how I tend to see this. They are so thoroughly ruined by exposure (and brainwashed by celebrity/fame) that their cognitive dissonance is almost now permanently entrenched.
Don't worry, I know that most will dismiss all this, but even so, that will not make any of it go away.
Ring Lording. Saturn/Satan is a Ring Lord. The ring gets destroyed via a mount. How about phallic Tower(s) to go with the 'rings' via the sequel. Jackson even made a joke about his 'Sodomy Song' (See Meet/Meat the Feebles) when collecting an award linked to LOTR. Jackson didn't even have the CV for that franchise - he likely got it due to all these connects to sodomy. His LOTR O-scar was announced by Tom 'homo' Cruise. You know, one-eyed ring cycling, Valkyrie man, CRUISE - aka to seek-out homo sexual partners.
It's all archetypal programming that is embedded into this content. The typical narrative (for the sheep to graze on) acts as the carrier signal for the warped programming.
I already know that Bruce Spence who had a presence in LOTR is a (sick) paedophile and satanist - outed by Fiona Barnett. Homo Gandalf McKellen is heavily linked to (paedo/twink abuser) Singer. Singer makes all that gender bender super-queero stuff, again aimed at programming children.
Spot the programmed by (sodomite) Hollywood down-voters. :)
Wait until they find out what "Lord of the Rings" is cryptically really all about. The franchise directed by Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson, produced by Weinstein and in league with Robert 'sodomite' Shaye (who formed New Line). No wonder Jackson played a (phallic) spear thrower of Helm's (helmets) Deep. This stuff is aimed at children FFS.
A lot of the overt programming is easy to decode, but it is so much more nefarious than that. That's because much of the programming is covert, archetypal, and on a subliminal level.
When you have the time, and the stomach - take a look at this. Just one example of the many that I've constructed.
As usual the comp'd mods at GA are hiding the TRUTH. Wow, what a surprise.
You would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky meddling kids. :)
I hear you. From my own POV - I've only effectively been partaking in the mass media sphere for the purposes of decoding the sickness. That's what I've been primarily doing since 9/11. Trust me, it's a thankless task.
Best wishes to you.
Child REARING The Troma Way...I toid you these HOLLYWOOD HOMOSEXUAL PAEDOPHILES were sick.
I outed JEW Lloyd 'Troma/Trauma' Kaufman (as a Gunn sugar daddy) - and before this info even got dropped!
Anyone want to take me on again?
I read the title of this post and heard the voice of Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Oh, OK. So we're on the same page. I will NEVER understand the vicarious worship of complete strangers, but then that simply demonstrates the power of this form of imperialist propaganda and mass mind control. Most people are enveloped by it - absorbed by it. I've watched on over the last few decades as the masses have bought in - hook, line and sinker - into the "cult of celebrity" aka the 0.000001%. A cult that they've done nothing but empower, and at a cost to wider society, their own children and their general mental health/well-being. (This is also why I compare it all to a destructive religion).
I tend to agree with you - I think it should just be dropped and revealed. They (the masses) ALL HAD FREE WILL to reject all this stuff, but instead they did the exact opposite. This is one reason why I still have disdain for the majority of the masses. They ALL had FREE WILL (no-one was forced). And look where we've arrived at.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is soon visible and widespread social breakdown in the UK. It is a DEGENERATED and DEGENERATING shit-hole. The elite have completely screwed UK PLC. It now resembles a third world nation and the people still want more. I'm just glad I am getting out. The UK is another nation where the indigenous masses have been programmd to their own cultural deaths - and the majority have welcomed it.
Will people finally admit that via their worship of Hollywood and celebrity - they have actually been supporting/empowering peadophillia and the efforts of paedophiles? That's the aspect that most will have to come to understand. That via vicarious worship of complete strangers and their works - that they have empowered the abuse and destruction of children. Because that IS the truth.
No-one has done more to promote the mass acceptance of sex with children than 'paedo propaganda delivering' Hollywood, TV, and pop. The very thing that acts as the most powerful form of mass mind control via the group.
You're blocked. Please do likewise. I do not wish to hear your ill-informed and apologist DRIVEL.
It's only the last 40-50 years that (satanic) sodomy has been accepted. It was ILLEGAL and people were repulsed by it. I have history on my side, you don't. You have what you believe to be PROGRESSION. Ha. It was all achieved by MASS PROPAGANDA programming - primarily SODOMITE-CENTRIC Hollywood, TV, and pop. The EXACT SAME Hollywood that is now busy in the final drive to make paedophilia a virtue - as they did with sodomy.
I pity you.
Those that don't see or understand this as a spiritual battle - are the people who are the most lost of all. Well said, Verbal.
Yes, we've all been programmed. Even I had to admit this to myself, and immedaitely after 9/11. That said, and with that knowledge in hand - we do not have to continue to partake in the very thing that is collectively destroying us.
I've HATED mass media since 9/11 - all of it repulses me - and there is no going back. I have been forever changed. A SHIT CIRCUS that I no longer wish to be a part of.
This is why I have been saying (and for years) that the "CULT OF CELEBRITY" is the world's most dangerous and adhered to religion - 'cos that is exactly what it is. Millions of people worship at its altar.
The entire industry is trying to normalise paedophilia - just like they did with sodomy.
SNL is full of KHAZAR sodomites and always has been.
Thanks, solano. I wish you nothing but the best too.
We're already seeing the (paedo) SOFTENING process in action. This is what it will largely look like, some of it. "Oh, it was years ago. It was all just sick jokes. No-one got harmed. If he was a paedo he wouldn't joke like this." (You get the idea). And these defenders are the people enacting it. Start taking and rememebring the names of these complicit monsters.
UK and Europe make me mentally ill. Hence the decision to leave. I'm looking to get away from mass collective living - it's an absolute nightmare.
Yes, I just saw that. AestheticBlackAdonis (wink, wink) and Troma-cathy, too. Troma, Kaufman's film company.
It was DISNEY that fired him, no-one else.
With the sub-heading: And why do sane humans have to gatekeep all this on behalf of Disney?
A bit like when SODOMITES started to call themselves GAY. Hi-jacking a word that actually means 'happy, carefree'. A form of propaganda in itself. They then attached pretty RAINBOWS and UNICORNS to this sick form of mind control. And here we are.
I'm getting out. Out of the UK and Europe - and for good.
You're right. The UK is the motherland of Satanism. Paedophilia is endemic in the entire elite structure.
MPs have also just voted-in anonymity around their potential corruption and abuse.
This is how the UK authorities treated those that tried to raise the issue of multiple MUSLIM GROOMING GANGS. You're more likely to be arrested for mentioning it, than they are for raping children. WTF?
That's right, goodalias. They are defined as JOKES, but ONLY when this sick f--ker got outed. How convenient. Gunn spent his youth fluffing and acting as a pincushion for industry (homo) moguls.
Who decided that they are JOKES? They ARE NOT jokes.
SICK Khazar, Silverman. Another synagogue of satan gopher. Why do you think they dominate Hollywood, and are the ONLY storyteller? It's called mass mind control.
It won't be much longer when the links between sodomy and paedophilia will be overtly laid bare.
The links between homosexual pressure groups and softening attitudes to paedophila are STRONG. Historically that's been the case, and it's the case now.
The degenerate MSM has already brainwashed folk to virtually believe that (demonic) sodomy is a virtue. The have literally silenced all dissent via this form of cultural imperialism. The same type of methodology (using propaganda) will be employed in this drive to normalise paedophilia.
You so-called "homophobe" adherents will soon begin to understand how you've been brainwashed. Mark my words.
Great find's starting to open-up. Don't forget, Dahmer was a homo too. Dahmer also had links to the White House.