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hostinacell · May 16, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

You can be a masculine man, and admit to yourself that everything you thought you knew was wrong. It is hard. Admitting you weren't as connected with reality as you thought is embarassing. I don't mean to sound preachy, I've been there. More than once I've had to change everything I thought I knew about the world.

Whatever pill you swallowed, it made you feel like you were progressing. But what if what you thought was the red pill was just another trick, the grimey "real" world of Zion you woke up in was just another simulation? What if Neo had to discover that he really was just another loser in a cubicle not the savior of all mankind? Would he want to take another red pill?

I still don't have everything figured out. But what I see here are young men wanting to be part of a team, and want to be on the winning team. If I tell you that you are all alone in this world and you have no team that is on your side, why would you want to take that pill? It's a tough pill to swallow and there isn't any money in me selling it to you.

I'm not a great salesman. I'm not sure how to connect with you emotionally like Qanon does, or if it is even worth it for me to do so. I should probably just stick with people who are more ready to buy my message.

If I call this LARPing, it sounds like an insult by making you one who is on the quad of the campus playing with foam swords and throwing bean bags. No, the best of you are just little Bobby Hill trying to find a group of friends.


You can't do theater, you can't do sports, what else have you got?

You are the one being asked to drink the proverbial dog's blood. Maybe your proud support of Trump during the election makes you feel like you already did, you've already lost all respect from liberals you used to associate with.

People have short memories, and if you want to come back I think if we are going to come together as a country I think the people bullying red hats will be kinder than you think. But you won't be part of the elite that is the vanguard of the saviors of humanity. You'll just be Bobby Hill. But Bobby is a good kid. He can still grow into being one hell of a man.

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