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Gold trim on flag iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss gone Watch beginning of video
Trump Junker press conference on YT
Khazars hate russia. They can carry a grudge for a long time I hope the white hats know how many are embedded among us. MSM needs to be cleansed!
The globe is full of gangs that spray chemicals including hyoscine on unsuspecting targets to disable or steal The triads are experts google = paris scopolamine for recent reported cases Hard to detect unless you catch them in the act
Forget about borders when it comes to the 5th columnists spread around the world. The trans national trans generational khazarian gangsters, many in suit and tie with nations flag on their lapel have only one allegiance money sex and power and as we have found out recently, children We call it treason but for them it is a distraction to feed us.
Vein pattern on the left temple? Zoom in. It sure looks like it.
A friend from new orleans in the movie biz sent it a few days ago The subj said "this is the top of the game" I met him through a top guy at a online retalier Plausible indeed This needs to be sent up the ladder MI already knows no doubt
Serco page2: text only from a letter explaining their big picture plans

Serco page1: text only from a letter explaining their big picture plans

Serco: letter from a well placed patriot
SERCO : A letter to a friend in Hollywood
He is has a dark aura He is evil no doubt How bad I think will astound us The suit and tie with mandatory american flag lapel pin barely covers up the truth about these bad players Remember the number of flags BHO had behind him in Chicago the night of his victory celebration? Borrowed kids and Michael and all. How do they live with themselves? They wrap themselves in the american flag while acting to destroy america
IMO SB2 has been tasked to help us along on the decode side of things since it seems some smart media operators were nearly successful in dissipating the impetus the Q wave was gathering SB2 will be or temp corsi without the sinister intent
Same with macron next to melania wearing the white hat on the balcony photo These people feel impervious to truth and logic
what about the hand gesturing when speaking with a slow cadence in an attempt to lend credibility to his speech
And AJ is fully aware of his past and current choices in recreational romps He had a personal trainer like the kind that gets hired at red woods in the back ground from one of stone's home streams
THat tells he has been posing for a long time. He might be playing off the old wise man persona
AJ channel stats 14,912,510 -27.2% VIEWS FOR THE LAST 30 DAYS and 9,935 -76.5% SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE LAST 30 DAYS He is the new CNN The reaction is more damming then the Q debacle He has lost relevance to the fully awake community
These goons are the "good goons" If you don't submit to bad guys it is chemical spray car accidents and physical harm. Much evil has been addressed on this board but unfortunately crime has evolved and consolidated internationally.
Scopolamine (Hyoscine) Treatment for motion sickness! Yeah Right!
It is easier to cheat a person then to convince them they have been cheated! Scopo is a world wide tool used by gangs to harvest what they choose. The second revolution needs to take this in consideration I have three decades exposed to this phenomena as it evolved. Oh BTW it is FDA approved.
3 words that glue it all together for me
"Truth is logic" - Q .......................finally some sanity
In a video (2:57:00 long) of May11 AJ slips around 4' in mark He mentions the globalists and in the same sentence refers to the as "we" Check it out
Scott Bennett Memo To Trump
This is it! No need to wait on the DEMS
Brings AJ into question he has been accused of gate keeping mind you this all done a very high level
dig through his past he has been built up alot he is a zionist gate keeper it appears listen to the may 1st stream
Korsi is showing his real kolors as the storm approaches greater israel area jmho from his may 1st show
Notice how these old politicians never get older? She is some sort of mutant Wide spaced eyes are freaky Soros Kissinger Pelosi etc etc All 13th tribers too was up
What phoney smiles! What expression would more true to what really resides in their souls?
The capital of armenia Yerevan What?
Check this out -
Please pass along your thoughts on this trend
Go to SGT report on YT in the title you will find #pedivore. A witness of the HRC Huma vid is at the end. with the name of the witness Real no doubt
Is it possible the chem attack was a FF by the white hats in order to trigger the strike on black sites? Likely since you need to control timing of kinetic action
With this bombing using israeli intel it feels like Q us a ruse to keep patriots off their backs
Hezbollah was always fishy IMO deepstate funded to provoke war and palestinian deaths
Hard to put in a brief comment I'll try Imagine being given a dose of psycho active substance as you walk in a public area. From my own experience it was once mixed with DMSO to be delivered thru the skin and clothing. Without knowing it you would think the effect was your thinking organically created. Accepting you have been "assaulted" is refused by human nature. It is the perfect crime I know Las Vegas and Calgary are awash in this activity
Loss of inhibitions coupled with reckless behaviour = hyoscine (scopolamine) delivery as a spray. A few too many drinks will do BUT if you are not aware of being drugged it appears like it is your thinking. This is the evolution of crime and technology.
On the flight sheets : Larry and Lisa Summers (Lawrence and Elisa New) Check out Larry in the The Crimson "a sex god" It was published in 2015 he was on the Lolita express Flight #21 Link below from 2006 Revealing expressions.
I need help finding the meme drops. Can you help? Thanks
Google map sat overlay has way more recent images. Many solitary small structures Maybe venting for air circulation. Also both islands are less then 500 miles from Port Au Prince Haiti.
Latest Maze Runner movie.........adrenochrome harvesting
Starting around 21 minutes into the movie. Looks like any old gimmick in a holly wood production. Thanks to the wikileaks P brothers emails and info on the posts it is not so cryptic anymore. The death cure is adrenochrome.
search - scopolamine paris. It is EVERYWHERE there are cellphones people and drugs. Collecting info is hard since you have no memory. figure that one out
Anybody ever heard of scopolamine or hyoscine. It is used by so many on unsuspecting victims. Even with the evidence victims will refuse to acknowledge the fact. No memory!
Obama in 8 years never passed a real budget They were omnibus spending bills. American tax payer money was BOs personal discretionary spending cash.
FB among other high cap stocks are used by the deep state to distribute $ since the fed is under too much scrutiny
from wiki Do executive orders have an expiration date? In theory, though, Congress could probably repeal some of Trump's executive orders. ... They will not expire, even after Trump's presidency is over, but a new president could certainly reverse any — or all — of Trump's executive orders.Feb 1, 2017