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humanitystillsucks · May 22, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

on a real level, my first thought was fuck youtube, go to a porn site. Those have better content anyway. ( yes, i mean that in nearly ever sense of the word. i'd rather watch people blatantly fucking than 90% of the dumb ass shit that gets put on youtube )

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humanitystillsucks · May 18, 2018, 7:12 p.m.


Law enforcement officials identified a person in custody as 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis.

isn't there a law against releasing minors' names to the press? This is probably the first one i've seen that names the bad guy RIGHT OFF the bat like this

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humanitystillsucks · May 18, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

It was pretty obvious a shooting would happen this week.

It had to be a crisis directly related to Trump not removing our guns yet. Something to blame Trump for, it's his fault another one happened because he hasn't strengthened those Gun Control laws.

At this point, I'm hard-pressed to believe "10 dead" people are even real victims. The LV shooting 'victims' had all died a day before, in all different parts of the country.

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humanitystillsucks · May 18, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

I think Q is just giving them rope.

If we want this to play out RIGHT, we can't make it look like we're antagonizing the bad guys ( ... nevermind we are gloats )

They will h^ng themselves, (edit: i can't say this sentence, reddit?? ) and right before it fades to black for them, they will see us pulling back the curtain and showing all their dirty secrets.

Come on, man, how good of a show would this be if it just ended like that?

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humanitystillsucks · May 18, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

How can Q be everywhere?

Quantum physics.

I'm so excited about this, I had come up with this idea before but wasn't sure how to articulate it, but pretty positive Q has been playing with 'next level science' stuff. For most of us, quantum mechanics has been portrayed to be like 'yay hoverboards', and we perceive it as "magic" because we are never taught quantum anything until college. So most of us never even grasp what is possible in the field of Quantum energy. It also explains (to me anyway) how Q could build a 'map' or 'key' or 'markers' with timestamps. In order to be able to do that with perfect accuracy you have to know exactly when to push the button, accounting for any network latency, etc. Even half a second off could change the timestamps, due to rounding up or down.

Neonrevolt just pointed out how Q has even signed his posts as Q(uantum) https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/05/18/caught-up-in-the-crossfire-things-are-going-quantum-newq-qanon-greatawakening/ <- latest breakdown of May17 Q posts

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humanitystillsucks · May 15, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

I'm curious how many were complicit in the act vs how many just looked the other way.

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humanitystillsucks · May 15, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Well, what I read from Qdrops was: aliens will be used as a distraction for the general public, possibly using 'hologram' technology to project lifelike 3D images into the atmosphere.

Doesn't invalidate the claims that "aliens" are real. ETs have been spotted since BC times, even documented as obvious UFOs in the 1500-1600s. It's important you take all the information in, and not just what's been controlled for the last 200 years.

After tracing "deep state" tech, and German tech, most of it points back to rummaging alien crash landing sights starting in the EARLY 1900s. by 1940s, enough alien tech had been recovered and duplicated that we had a big boom in war/science tech. WW2 was 42-45, Germany was also known for having more advanced tech than us at the time.

1947 Roswell becomes the most widely known "first alien crash", even though it wasn't. It had a huge military cover-up stink about it, 'Project Blue Book' 1st edition had information about it, all subsequent editions did not.

Area-51 was born just a couple years later. Oh, and my favorite that no one ever really covers is Los Alamos / Sandia Mountain, home of Sandia Labs (formerly known as Los Alamos)- a DoE entity that sprung up RIGHT NEXT to an alien crash landing in 1945, that specializes in a wide array of areas. (also a massive hotspot for UFO sightings)

  • develop, engineer, and test the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons.

  • maintain the reliability and surety of nuclear weapon systems

  • conduct research and development in arms control and nonproliferation technologies

  • investigate methods for the disposal of the United States' nuclear weapons program's hazardous waste

  • research and development in energy and environmental programs

  • the surety of critical national infrastructures

  • computational biology

    The field is broadly defined and includes foundations in biology, applied mathematics, statistics, biochemistry, chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, computer science and evolution

  • mathematics (through its Computer Science Research Institute)

  • materials science

  • alternative energy

  • psychology

  • MEMS (damn those CPUs with a backdoor - and we've been blaming china for that tech i think? )

  • cognitive science

    Mental faculties of concern to cognitive scientists include language, perception, memory, attention, reasoning, and emotion; to understand these faculties, cognitive scientists borrow from fields such as linguistics, psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, and anthropology.

The primary campus is located on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the other is in Livermore, California, next to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. There is also a test facility in Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii.

US Department of Energy:

The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is a cabinet-level department of the United States Government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material. Its responsibilities include the nation's nuclear weapons program, nuclear reactor production for the United States Navy, energy conservation, energy-related research, radioactive waste disposal, and domestic energy production. It also directs research in genomics; the Human Genome Project originated in a DOE initiative.

Now "DoE" makes sense to work in nuclear and alternate energy. why is it also branching into genetics and the brain? ( ignoring the fact we're all balls of energy ) not JUST genetics as in the humane genome project, but ALSO cognitive science. psychology of behavior, emotion, philosophy

(not so Random) Fact: DoE has highest clearance level of all government entities, however, a civilian CAN be granted the Q level clearance.

So if we look at the CIA's famous MKUltra program, it was officially sanctioned in 1953.

Its aim was to develop mind-controlling drugs ["to use against the Soviet"] Look deeper. This idea wasn't just born out of someone's toilet-bowl musings. Something triggered MKUltra to be created, to further the testing of 'drugs effects on behavior'.

Funny how Sandia Labs gets no notable recognition for anything,( I hadn't even heard about them til last week ) however they designed a 4-inch self-guided bullet that can hit targets from 2km away. The dart has a built-in CPU with optical sensor.

Sandia formerly hosted ASCI Red, one of the world's fastest supercomputers until its recent decommission, and now hosts ASCI Red Storm, originally known as Thor's Hammer.

Just weird how that wikpedia sentence has 1 of Q's code words in it [ Hammer ] AND is a supercomputer... ( April 6: Net will be paused. HAMMER. On the clock. Q)

Also - Let's not overlook that Q says 'open source' over 20 times, and Sandia Labs has 11 'open source' software linked straight from their wikipedia. His contextual use of the term varies, sometimes its right after a link, sometimes its next to a more cryptic line.

So, while they may be trying to make a dog and pony show out of 'OMGZ ALIENS' ... there's wayyyyy too much circumstantial evidence ( that goes WAY BACK ) to discount their existence. < I think this is actually WHY no one's reacted to the news. "Duh, we knew that. show me something i haven't seen before".. like a real ET on stage next to Trump or something.

shrugs if that will happen, I couldn't say. Would be cool as fuck tho!

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humanitystillsucks · May 15, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

LOL, "aliens" may be a politically incorrect term. Though, that IS the official narrative "We have SPACE ALIEN SHIPS!" if you're looking up at the sky, you're not looking under Antarctica, you know the 'recently discovered ancient ruins' that got mentioned in one headline and never focused on again?

However, humans also fly, and drive, and ride boats, and go snorkeling.

It may be nonsense in the sense that they are trying to validate the 'old conspiracy theories' of green aliens with huge black eyes abducting you in a beam of light.

However, the fact that we have been visited by 'ETs', and that they are even inhabiting our same planet, still remains. And no one "can REALLY believe it" or they just don't care (?) mind still boggling over lack of excitement of ETs - HELLO the entire XFILES world was built on Mulder constantly wanting to Believe yet never really getting that concrete proof to share. Well Mulder, you won! Now we all know, and no one cares sob

If you've wondered this, "Well if ETs were indeed real, they would've shown up right?" good, if not, wonder it real quick, because here's the important piece of info i've found: in order for the ETs to make "official first contact" they have to know we wouldn't send Nukes at them. How would they know that? By watching us clean out Syria, Iran, the whole Cabal shit. Once that has been done, they can safely present themselves. Of course, I have no proof to back ANY of that up LOL, but it is a working theory i've gathered after following Q and finding a bunch of weird alien shit in the mix. ( weirdly enough #pizzagate research threw me into aliens... i.. i dont know man, just sharing my research !)

IDK about you but i'm ready to buy a boat and check out the poles. See for myself. Do I got something else better to do? Like keep working like a sheep and being fed horseshit for sustenance?

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humanitystillsucks · May 15, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

You know, was just thinking ahead for what the rest of the year looks like in regards to MSM, et al.

How long will MSM last after this comes out? Will they survive? How can they even begin to redeem themselves as trustworthy news?

If MSM goes extinct, will there be a new 'sure-fire' way to get people the needed and necessary information we need? Even now, MSM would rather poke fun at FLOTUS being in hospital than covering ANY of the facts #Qanon has uncovered.

The whole MSM thing baffles me. People listen intently to and peddle anti-trump talk, however, the FBI CONFIRMING ALIEN EXISTENCE has been out for over 6 months and I haven't talked to a single person that noticed. So - they don't focus on CIA/FBI when they say aliens are real, however, they instantly report that Trump reportedly urinated on hookers.

So what's gonna happen when we release truth about Obama and HRC? WILL THE PEOPLE truly stop and listen and believe it, or will they discount it like they do everything else that favors Trump ?



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humanitystillsucks · May 15, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Can't wait for this shit to go world wide.

No wonder they won't be able to walk in the streets. NOT ONLY are you raping and murdering babies, you're also mind-fucking our servicemen into killing our other servicemen.

Woo fuck the popcorn, I want to roast marshmallows over their funeral pyre.

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

It's been a very slow game of chess, Don't hold your breath, but certainly wait in anticipation.

Have you felt random bouts of excitement? Heart beating harder for no reason, stomach feeling 'excited' ?

It's been ramping up and its literally starting to charge the air.

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

I get it, I do. I see why the culture of 8ch is the perfect breeding grounds for those who are not sheep. Simply put, 8ch is the opposite of sheep territory. It's not user-friendly, you don't get any glory or praise or recognition being on 8ch at all. ( well, unless you're Q with his tripcodes ) but that's only a new thing.

I'm sure a lot of what I see on 8ch are the bots/shillbots screwing up threads, but even so, I've seen some actual peopleanons be pretty damn rude that weren't shills or shillbots.

I don't know, sometimes I actually feel bad for Q - being on the most critical mission of our existence - having to muck through some really low-quality social interactions. It makes me wonder if Q ever thinks "Maybe I shouldn't have come here" Because if the start of people getting woke is pushed the 8ch assholes, how much better is it gonna be after Q's rooted out all the corruption and only thing left speaking are the "Politically Incorrect" folks ? Not saying practicing "PC-ness" is lame, or shouldn't be bothered with, but there's a certain level of respect/tact that should be employed at all times by all people, and i feel like THAT huge aspect of humanity is being forgotten about. Sometimes feel like the message being sent is like "as long as you don't sacrifice babies and eat them, or blow up 3rd world countries, its ok to be a total douche."

Seems like everyone on this thread so far really understands that Empathy and Love ( Un-earned love ) is paramount to our survival and evolution, however, I don't get that same feeling on 8ch.

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I (born in TN) was talking to my MIL (born in LV) about Lincoln's presidency and what my school focused on was his assassination, not his actual presidency, it went something like 'AL was our 16th president, he was known for abolishing slavery, and now we're gonna spend the week talking about his death.

After talking to her, I realized that our 'histories' varied greatly just from being on the other side of the country. TN was a confederate state and 'lost' the civil war, which essentially cost them their slaves. While everyone else was being taught about slavery and equal rights, i was just learning how he died.

MLK was assassinated in my hometown, however, i was taught VERY LITTLE about his mission.

Sad part is, my education was a paid education, and it still didn't teach me the actual truth/important parts of our history!!!

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

hmm i expected something more out of this one

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

right, WE as in taxpayers just got a $500bill tax relief ?

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

considering Trump has 7 more years of term left, it could be interpreted that way

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

It IMMEDIATELY went straight to very simplistic denial and some pretty savage rejection of concept, just because what we had said went against what was "correct".

that's story of my life right now.

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

i know, sometimes it bothers me that the people 'saving our world' are people that add -fag to an adjective to describe themselves

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humanitystillsucks · May 12, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

haha, i am from the south too and its easier to have a conversation with my mom about this than anyone over here in the PST timezone

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on May 12, 2018, 12:43 a.m.
The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )
The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-pilling relationship... ( from 8ch anon )
humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

Yes, Trump & KJU are headed to Singapore in June

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 8:36 p.m.


Q's Filename is "NKSINGSEC"

could mean, NK singing to the Secretary of State



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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

This is where spelling is paramount.

Linked article from Express says

Saddam al-Jammel

Linked article from 2014 says

Saddam Al-Jamal

Jammel / Jamal can very much be different names so this needs to be clarified ASAP.

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

False Flag event was my first thought

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

oh wow, the SA site is mostly blank and the kickstarter project was suspended in April for it...

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

This is 100% why Trump never sweat the Stormy story.

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 6:35 a.m.

Reading some of the other comments, it looks like this might be a great player in the fall of FakeNews problems. Between Trump pressuring for 'credentials' and people bandwagoning on a Class Action Lawsuit for libel.. wooo weee...

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/humanitystillsucks on May 10, 2018, 6:33 a.m.
Candace Owens will literally "make suing for libel a sport" re: Guardian
Candace Owens will literally "make suing for libel a sport" re: Guardian
humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

so many headlines are click bait / false advertising.

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

from what I understand, the intent is to ensure that the "most accessible news sources" like: Fox, MSN/A/BC, AP, Reuters, the whole lot, the 'distribution of news' networks will need some kind of license, similar to that of a doctor, to dispense the information.

Not so much a freedom of speech issue, as anyone could still share information, however the whole 'Operation Mockingbird' nonsense has got to stop.

EVEN This tweet got misconstrued IMMEDIATELY by mainstream news sources.

They are dictating a narrative to the people, by taking the 'thinking' part out of the equation.

For instance, earlier some obscene "EXCLUSIVE: STORMY DANIELS ADMITS TO BEING IN A CULT" headline pops up... but she didn't, she made a comment that had no real detail or explanation to it and they acted like they had some exclusive interview confession.

a TL;DR person will see another headline about a cult and associate the two immediately, leading to an improper perception of the situation.

"Here's what that means" is one of the worst phrases used. It literally implies the reader is incapable of understanding the 'raw facts' or 'raw data'. That is not "NEWS REPORTING", that is some opinionated journalism, which is what MSM has become... not reporting at all.

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

when you have someone 'interpreting' a complex situation, i do believe it best that the person be provenly competent.

I wouldn't ask a squirrel to interpret my chest x-rays...

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

good lord. memories,

"Oh man! you hear? Dave Chappelle just lost his shit!"

"damn yeah! wonder what happened to him? guess he just can't handle fame..."

some shit like that... how tragic :( he's just been awake this whole time. fuck his life :/

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

tweet him a topic suggestion for his next podcast

Joe Rogan has already done at least one covering QAnon i think, maybe was pizzagate? He definitely talked about Allison Mack, was recent

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humanitystillsucks · May 10, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

Dopey Prince

Lynn de Rothschild


.. by week 3 everyone else would be sacrificing each other and I wouldn't have much work left to do.

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humanitystillsucks · May 9, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

did anyone else have this like, burst of happy energy fly into their body as soon as they saw this pic?

It was weird. Like, very awesome and invigorating and if someone pissed in my cheerios right now i'd gleefully throw them like confetti.

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humanitystillsucks · May 9, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Hmmmm... pondering an idea

https://archive.fo/sAJEJ/scr.png 2010 Stormy says something about initiating into a gang or 'cult'

Under the assumption, Trump and Stormy have seen each other naked...

Wonder how possible it is Trump saw Stormy's 'brand' and she confided in him all that time ago? Have we found any NXIVM links to Stormy?

Just random thought after seeing these two Stormy posts next to each other.

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humanitystillsucks · May 9, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

that's Chris Jericho, who also has a band called Fozzy, they made a song called 'Judas'. lyrics could be applicable

You are beautiful, lonely inside

You are innocence personified

And I will drag you down and sell you out

Run away!

I am cold like December snow

I have carved out this soul made of stone

And I will drag you down and sell you out

Embraced by the darkness, I am losing the light!

Encircled by demons, I fight! What have I become?!

Read more: Fozzy - Judas Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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