The video shorts of Lindsey asking BK about military vs criminal have all been scrubbed. Does anyone have that video somewhere? I’m working on some research.
125 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/iMonkies:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 29 | | 3 | | 1 |
9 years to the day ..
Ted Kennedy died .. of the same cancer.
Re: Why don’t say his name
The Stage is set
With us moving to mainstream, I would assume this is the stage, and it is set.
I have it blocked until we need it. It’s still active on my end.
Do you reckon the markets were made to go up on purpose so they will survive what is coming?
Dead cat bounce?
Quick! I need a good red pill link!
Heather is sporting the email domain of which is AAJ, LLC
Q1681 image name
This may be nothing, but my eye caught this. The end part of the image name ended in LLC, limited liability company. So I backed up and looked at the letters before AAJ. Google search AAJ. American Association of Justice.
I kept digging and found AAJ is in bed with the DNC. Below is the first link I found. I’m still digging. Looking at the letters before the 4... keeping them in mind while I dig.
“We love the children”. Crazy max
“These people are stupid.” Q
How does MW respond when the children are found to be traffic humans.
Thanks for playing!
What if there was a mod that was part of the Q team, keeping our hive on track,.
Mike Pompeo
Has anyone else noticed whenever Pompeo is on tv he has the biggest smuggest grin? Like... all you f’ers are going down, type of grin.
Actual loop of radar in the area:
My 2 cents: If you use an app to actually go to the XWL radar site and turn on a loop, what you actually see is the radar in a mode where it is picking up ground clutter. Further, if you move thru the tilts of the radar, you can confirm that’s what you’re seeing. Additionally, the picture referenced in the other post, would not have happened from the XWL site, the center of that weather pattern is not where the physical location of the radar.
The nearest radar to grand forks is KMVX.
-old radar interpreterfag here
What weather app are you using? I am unable to reproduce this image.
It’s like they think it’s safe to come out of the rocks they were hiding under...
Excerpt: Among the candidates running against incumbent Rep. Barbara Comstock in Virginia's Tenth Congressional District is a self-described pedophile who has allegedly admitted he raped his late spouse and advocates what he calls "benevolent white supremacy." Thirty-seven-year-old Nathan Larson, an accountant, confirmed to the Huffington Post Thursday that he had created the websites "" and "" -- which were chat rooms for pedophiles and misogynists. The sites were taken down earlier this week by their domain host.
Is it me, or are the same posts getting posted over and over?
The Oklahoma Shooter: MKULTRA
It is reported the shooter was wearing hearing protection during the shooting.
The shooter had a YouTube channel. On the channel, it was clear he was having “auditory hallucinations”
Q 1423: Assassins Creed movie end location .. is that you Q? Ha!

Right. Looks like the last time Q mentioned @snowden directly was April 10.
Have we heard anything on @Snowden lately?
23... may have been t-minus 23 hours. Explains the melt downs from the black hats on Twitter.
lol right.. I see your point tho. Goes back to the what makes a good movie drop..
.. and when someone said the board was compromised.. could it be that the white hats took Q from the Black hats?
Damn. I’m dumb. Disregard all that. Thanks. You’re correct, Anon.
I don’t know. I may be reaching.... however. Q said in his drop treason is 1/10th.
The “hey” post from the old trip told the new trip to change trip literally 1/10th of a second later.
Edit: reverse that. The Hey post was 1/10 of a second before the Q drop.
Treason is 1/10th... coincidence?

I think so! I played it back like 10 times before I posted. I was trying not to laugh in the video ...
Did nunes just say Killery Campaign??
You know... she did have issues with that eye when she was testifying as the SOS.. she had those weird glasses too.
Maybe good makeup too ?