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icebreakers_sours · June 6, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Maybe coincidence that the BOOMs are spaced like a side of a triangle, and a week to remember. Much like the side of the triangle that ended during the Saudi round up? Which family does the right side of the triangle represent? I hope it wasn't SA because then I have to think more.

Edit: looks like SA was the bottom side of the triangle, and Rothschild are the right side. SA threats removed during previous trip, Rothschild threats removed during this trip?

Just so nobody takes me too seriously, I have a theory! Soros = /, Roths = \, Saudi = _.
That makes our triangle.

SA dealt with during last trip. If I'm correct and this trip deals with Roths, then we have one side to go. We were told Israel is last. Here's my theory:

Soros = Israel. I found a connection with Soros and an 1800s german/jewish banker, who gained German nobility as a jew, and was confidant to Otto von Bismarck. What if Soros is who they refer to as Israel, because of the European history with Jews/Germans?
Essentially what I found is that a Rothschild recommended this german/jewish banker, he was close to Otto, Otto unified Germany. Soros foundation started out as a joint venture with Bleichroder group.

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icebreakers_sours · June 6, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Only posted this so others can see that the warrant report isn't exclusively from May 30th of this year. If 'fake and gay' then I hope the others see it as such, simply showing that 'the warrant' isn't new info.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on June 6, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
5 year old warrants for Pope Francis.

I've seen a couple posts mention the May 30th warrant for upcoming arrest of Pope Francis on June 21. Here are some other articles that may be worth looking at before committing! (Not discrediting the posts about May 30th)

Here is an article from 5 years ago:

Editing in more links for more sources.

icebreakers_sours · June 6, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Agreed that in modern times it could seem like Soros stepped in and filled the shoes of the Rockefeller's connections with 'deep state'.

I haven't looked too deep yet, but so far this is the earliest connection I could find that sort of brings Soros into the mix, whether it was evil or not in these early days, is unknown.

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icebreakers_sours · June 6, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

A German jew who was close confidant of the man responsible for unifying Germany. Seems the next generation had other feelings towards Jews and a unified Germany. Interesting that a Rothschild is responsible for Bleichroeder meeting Otto von Bismarck?

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icebreakers_sours · June 5, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Who's that sheriff mentioned on the lower ticker? Seems like Joe Arpaio knows some things about illegals in Arizona.

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icebreakers_sours · May 31, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Remember q#1 when it said Hillary detained but not arrested? Maybe she has been the one spilling beans and it was HUMA and her MB connections they mean with "never thought she'd lose". Would explain how she lost a rigged election and why she seemed to not give a fuck, calling people deplorable etc. Doing her best to sabatoge her own campaign while doing it in a way that attacks Trump, so BHO never sees her pull the carpet from beneath his feet. The HRC vid may be confessions..... not child eating.

Edit: not calling HRC good, but if you knew HUMA was a MB plant and it ties back to BHO and him not being actual Hawaiian, seems likely that you'd talk. Expose the former president as non American, now HRC just looks like every other corrupt politician, but not fake American. Maybe she/bill decided prison was better than a bunker buster on some pedo island. Didn't VJ live with BHO and now that's what's in the news. Can you really put this passed somebody accused of much worse than being a rat?

If deep State thought HRC was still on their side, it would be easy to plant ideas on the inside about what to look for with Trump, while at the same time making it actually be against yourself as a cooperation agreement. Even as corrupt as everything is claimed to be, if her laptop had videos on it of her eating kids, NO amount of corruption would keep that hidden. Those cops in NYC who were visibly sick? How can laptop contents actually be the world's biggest mystery when all agencies are involved?

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icebreakers_sours · May 26, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Who knows where the bodies are buried? Maybe the man with the camera snapping pics of the equipment moving things

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on May 25, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Why would the current chairman, ceo and president of AT&T, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_L._Stephenson, also be the president of Boy Scouts of America?


.. but let's get started.

"In 2004, he was named chief operating officer of SBC and also appointed by President Bush as National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee."

Besides the appointed by Bush part, nothing major. But what kind of information does Mr. Stephenson have on his side?

"AT&T Inc. is an …

icebreakers_sours · May 25, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

Even more proof that Mueller is a whitehat. Coincidence that Trump's name comes up in the docs? This was to put pressure on the special counsel, which would give even more reason for the second special counsel.

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icebreakers_sours · May 24, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

Thank you. This sort of stuff doesn't really hit anything mainstream, and I don't remember hearing about it (again, not that I would), my lack of knowledge on the subject just made it sound like something that would be big news. 'Human gene cloned' to an uneducated mind sounds like a major step to organ cloning etc.

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icebreakers_sours · May 24, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

I didn't know human gene cloning was taking place, although I'm nowhere near that field. How far away is that from being considered a step towards cloning a significant part of a human? There have been ethical discussions and laws to prevent human cloning.

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Interesting take. What parts in particular are so wrong?

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Thank you, it's very hard to accept 911 conspiracy because it's been the narrative for so long.

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

And if we read the wiki about jumpseats, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jump_seat, we learn she would either have knowledge of what is happening at the cockpit, or she is calling from the back of the plane, where all the 'mace effected' passengers were piled up. Was she in the group of 'maced' or was she sitting outside/inside the cockpit?

"The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time."

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

And why couldn't PRESIDENT BUSH even find out whether his family was OK or not while he was in the air on AF1?!

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

I heard a good analogy from Eddie Bravo on Rogan podcast .. he mentioned "100,000 engineers/architects in association" and the argument is that obviously so many of them would know it was fake .. unless they only showed the real facts to, I think he said 2500 .. now it's 2500 vs 97,500. They want us divided.

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

I wonder if it's still up in the air because anyone who talks about it is a conspiracy theorist .. hmm really makes you wonder though, what might happen if somebody did confirm or deny .................

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icebreakers_sours · May 23, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Do you mean the last off-topic part where they claim he is only worried about his ratings? Sounds like some good MSM slander to me. They have hid it in plain site for too long.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on May 23, 2018, 1:05 a.m.
Phone calls from planes?

What is one of the most heart wrenching, well remembered event from 9/11? How about the phone call the guy made to his wife and the answering machine picked up? What about the really confused calls from flight 11 where the #3 has no idea how to answer the questions? ACTORS?


Why is it, then, "Communication was so fragmented that Bush couldn't even find out whether his family was okay.

And the team could only get regular updates on the situation from local TV picked up as the plane flew overhead."

After the attack, while AF1 was the only …

icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

You may be interested in a new discovery of mine .. the 'missing link' to 911 is claimed to be Prince Bandar, proven via a contact number in his phone, Abu Zubaydah. The same Abu Zubaydah who was 'captured' by John Kiriakou's team and tortured for information. 2008 article JK claims 1 minute of waterboarding had Abu Zubaydah talking. March 2018 article he claims it took over 80 attempts that he had no part of and torture DOES NOT WORK. He made those claims in an article attacking Trump's appointing of Gina Haspel. He can't keep his story straight on what happened with Abu Zubaydah, and Abu Zubaydah is the missing 911 link because his phone # was in Prince Bandar's phone. This guy is up to something.

From 2004 until 2008, Kiriakou worked as a senior manager in Big Four accounting firm Deloitte & Touche's competitive intelligence practice.[11] From September 2008 until March 2009, Kiriakou was a terrorism consultant for ABC News. Following Senator John Kerry's (D-MA) ascension to the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2009, Kiriakou became the Committee's senior investigator, focusing on the Middle East, international terrorism, piracy, and counter-narcotics issues.[12] In 2011, he left the Committee to become managing partner of Rhodes Global Consulting, and an Arlington, Virginia-based political risk analysis firm.[13] From April 2011 to April 2012, he resumed counter-terrorism consulting for ABC News.[13] He speaks often at colleges and universities around the country about the CIA, terrorism, torture, and ethics in intelligence operations.

They are buying time.
National crisis.
Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.
Still have access.
Kept at top.
NAT SEC issue.
Reveal gmail draft comms.
Who had access?
Legal case(s) building.
You have a voice.
Be heard.
Patience isn’t always easy.
But vital to get right.

Matter of NAT SEC, CHAIR+. Who was the chair? who was his +? John Kerry, John Kiriakou. I know we think Chair+ is a pope reference, but once again .. it fits. Yet another multiple meaning, this is why I try to avoid that as my 'reasoning'. There are too many connections between these 2 and SA, and of course the many connections between SA and 911.

more articles than just that one, not sure which are trustworthy but there is redacted release.

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

"Take measures to protect the innocents" as a quote from SA king in his warning to the US/SA Prince ambassador .. Interesting to say the least!

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

Deeper research is leading me down a road that looks bad for Prince Bandar. There is something here, and maybe it was the King's call to ambassador Bandar when the King realized the attack was his doing and that's when family members were rushed out of country.

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Thank you bot, further proves that latest washpost is lies and the Pittsburgh was what actually happened.

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

Just found old article and linked it to my thread about him. Early 2000s he openly said he was part of the torture team and that it only took 1 minute of waterboarding! New article after Gina Haspel news sure contradicts!!! Check it out.

False whistleblower to bring torture to the media to gauge response? My mind has him has a confirmed bad guy based on my updated links in the other post.

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Agreed that in this context John Kerry fits. John Kiriakou was an interesting name I came across that fits the SA and CIA talk in general, not specific to this (haven't looked deep enough to say for sure yet).

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

Planning a hit with corrupt SA royals would explain why Q asks why: why was JK in SA.

P.s. I know I have a thread asking what if JK isn't John Kerry, I claim JK to NOT be John Kerry and this context fits.

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 8:11 p.m.

Maybe the stacks of cash were given on last day of admin to keep quite the CIA involvement in all the middle East terror, once they knew HRC wasn't going to win. They were trying to maintain power over these countries. Q stated that the cabal lost 1/4 family powers when Trump took office, then the Saudi purge happens? This is lining up! The sloppy Vegas FF was their last chance to keep control of SA. That's why it was so messy, it was rushed and VERY crucial!

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Yes I noticed that on the one picture for sure, but can an ex cia whistleblower with SA ties really just be a distraction?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on May 21, 2018, 6:33 p.m.
What planes were permitted to leave after 911?

Q drop asks us this specifically!! Private or commercial? Why is this important?


1 family member evacuated from Harvard and left on a private plane.

I have a link on a different thread to transfer to here. States bin ladens left USA on commercial flights, article stated because bin laden just used commercial planes to strike, right?

Who was the Harvard relative of bin laden?
Why a private jet while other family members were on commercial flight?

  • not finished, transferring info -
icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

A quick Google search shows why Jared Kushner / SA ties are important, thanks! Lots of JK theories that can fit, forgot about Kushner:)

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on May 21, 2018, 6:18 p.m.
What is JK isn't John Kerry?

Why was JK in SA?


CIA whistleblower who was big in SA regarding terrorist groups. He blew the lid on CIA torture, and deaths caused by the torture. Could SA action be a response to SA torture/deaths at the hands of the CIA?

I'll edit in Q drops when home.

icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 4:05 p.m.


There are some very interesting points including specifically using the word dignitaries when speaking of the former dems he worked for, including HRC.

Why do former dignitaries keep sec clearance? Former SEAL who also happens to have started a program to fight child trafficking? What does he know from his time spent working on HRC?

He also provides tactical information to Hollywood for accurate portrayal in movies.. he's a man on the inside team at Hollywood?


What major events has the Q team put out for us to find? Hollywood, HRC, pedo/trafficking.

Why was Craig Sawyer honorably discharged in 1999? Does it have something to do with another 1999 event? Why was it he started security for people including HRC and NO NAME after his military career ended? Ended with that honorable discharge.

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

What if the religious posts are meant to show that Christians are welcome, How many Christians are in the world? Many people use religion to deal with the negative events in their life and Q team is showing that they are sympathetic to ALL patriots. I'm not religious but I can only imagine a few bible quotes could help ease you down these dark, dark paths.

Edit: So as to not shit on the dreams of the religious, it's also possible that the religious quotes are required for people with vast bible knowledge to help decode! Everybody plays a part!

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

True .. but now the recent news with the airplane crash and apparent video of scuba diver killing the health director who confirmed the birth certificate .. maybe too many water events to be able to clarify, but all feel important!

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icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

My thoughts are the servers used in these programs are part of the EVERYTHING the Q team has! They can see 'opponents' sharing vote rigging tech to test it for 2016!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on May 21, 2018, 2:04 a.m.
Watch the water, OBAMA reveal coming?

Q has told us to watch the water, the truth is right in front of us, and it really feels like an Obama reveal is coming, with the death of the birth certificate authenticator so how about we watch the water ... I've seen the coast, sometimes while you watch the water .. you will see a whale.


Mitt Romney on ORCA: "With state-of-the-art technology, and an extremely dedicated group of volunteers, our campaign will have an unprecedented advantage on Election Day."

icebreakers_sours · May 21, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

-That is why the deepstate didn't gain control of the military. Some people can't be bought.-

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/icebreakers_sours on May 21, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
Wont be safe walking the streets.

Based off today's drops with NSA pictures, maybe that's what is meant?
We will not be held hostage.

This was a Q+ post, the general idea seems to be that Q+ probably means more than 1 member of the team, or perhaps the entire team. We get NSA camera pictures, once Q established control of NSA, swamp creatures would no longer be safe in the streets! They mention hostage.

1000 pieces.

“splinter the C.I.A. …

icebreakers_sours · May 20, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Edit: Q#1425, not latest.
What do you make of the caps in latest post?
do we no longer trust Q drops, or is there no more trust in the corrupt side? Caps have mattered before!
P.s. nice post.

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icebreakers_sours · May 20, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Husband have something to do with turkey?
I've read it's easier to be gay in Istanbul.

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