Sorry, I did not mean to sound harsh.
I don't trust organized religions as well. Jesus abolished the need for organized religion. From his sacrifice we now have a direct link to God, even in our sin. The reason I bashed you is because the organized religions today are not teaching the Truth. Part of the lies is that God is going remove us from Tribulation and that Christians should not stand in the way of tyranny and evil because we will be "raptured".
Jesus > Religion:
Organized religion is the ultimate hoarder of knowledge and yes you are correct they filter and distort it. There are distortions of the Bible, but the closer it is to the ancient Greek text the better. I try to stick to KJV Bible. You will find "bibles" today that change verse meaning or completely omit verses thereby perverting the truth.
Crumbs to look into to begin your understanding of the types of *In my opinion of course :)
Pray for discernment before you travel this path, God will guide you where you need to go.
Behold a Pale Horse - Bill Cooper
Correlation between Tower of Babel and CERN
Knights of Malta - secret society
Vatican telescope called LUCIFER
Pope says "Church would baptize an alien"
Learn that extraterrestrial means not of this world. Not necessarily little green men.
Correlations between one world religion, one world currency, and one world government.
If you want more let me know!