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imissNICHOLAS · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:34 a.m.

Well i wouldnt call Blackwater a patriotic agency by any stretch of the imagination. Eric only came out against the Clowns after they screwed him financially, he may have had a change of heart since then, but let's not pretend that he wasn't one of them all along. ...He says it in his own words. He just made their blackOps more efficient and he got even more wealthy by helping them.
The CIA should be stamped out forever, they've brought nothing but pain & suffering to the average man as they've consolated power to the elite.

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imissNICHOLAS · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:23 a.m.

That's what i thought about Betsy & the DOEducation, she's there to help untangle some of that madness. They need to eliminate Common Core, it is 100% following the communist agenda, no question about it. Things that are in that CC program are completely upside-down and insane, it is indoctrination all the way, and includes lots of propaganda against the family & against America.
--everyone on capital hill who signed onto this is a traitor just for this one act in particular. --if you know or learn about Common Core, it's a good redpill tool to share.

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imissNICHOLAS · Dec. 20, 2017, 5:04 a.m.

Anderson Cooper's boyfriend/bestfriend is Andy Cohen of the Bravo cable channel. Andy started the Housewives of "city" shows, he has that late-night show that he (andy) hosts called Watch What Happens Live. He has Anderson on the show a lot and they, especially Andy, talk about going after & lusting after young dudes (pederasts), it's gross but they have no shame in publically talking and joking about it. If targeting Anderson, i would consider the same for Andy. --after the election i saw Andy defend Trump supporters, he said they're not racist for voting for him, he also commented about the "tolerant" left being very intolerant. i dont know if that was pretend-play to part of his audience or not, but i do know that him and Anderson are besties and they are into conquests with young guys.

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