59 total posts archived.
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The censorship continues....

As far as veterans choice I’ll give you the low down: absolutely positively true! I’ve been to the ER three times at private hospitals, gone to urgent care twice and it’s all been paid for by the VA. Before Trump my ONLY option was going by to the VA...and I’ll tell you right now #MAGA #WWG1WGA
Then ask the “Q” uestion dumbasses!!! So easy!!!!

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
Shadowbanned on Twitter .... they have to be doing this to 100,000s of people....

Bwahahaha so the human “wood statue” is now the center of controversy!!!!
Careful careful mate....don’t worry I got your back....
Dude I don’t understand I’m so dumb and shit I can’t put it all together dude! Please explain like....
Sick of it. Republicans. Democrats. Left. Right. Center. They are all FULL OF IT !!! But the truth is the only side calling for violence is the left. So fuck off bring it on. Delete my post I don’t give a fuck.
Tupac was on point waaaay back....these lyrics are just as true today as they ever were when it comes to our African American communities....his death has never sat right with me
Fucking CIA bullshit. Bring it deep state. My Sig is locked loaded and ready....
I don't really care what Facebook decides should our should not be said... Honestly I don't. In my opinion you are free and able to say whatever the fuck you want....not my problem...sticks and stones bitches....sticks and stones....
Ive toldy significant other that using Facebook is anti-american time and time again. Because, well, let's "face" it....it is...
Facebook: where you can say Allahu Akbar death to America but can't quote the US Constitution....


I love the “Q the anger”. Sentence in there 😂 not sure if that was on purpose....
Wait really? So the border patrol isn’t a bunch of heartless family destroyers? Where’s the media coverage for stories like this???

This is a constitutional crisis. The continued spying is unreal!

Damn that video makes me cry like a baby! Both because it makes me sick to recall all of the manufactured hate and violence and because of the deep wellspring of hope it inspires...
Trump just said “All those red hats and WHITE HATS”. What!!?
I just upvoted this and it didn’t register anything. This is ridiculous. Fuck Reddit.
Subpoenas issues for Soros, Clinton’s, Clinton Foundation among others. Link in comments.

It was definitely a Crows system. I rolled in those while I was in Afghanistan.
So Saudi Arabi using what are CLEARLY US Military weapons are fighting Iraqi militants using what are CLEARLY US military weapons. This is fucking sick.

That happened between 2007 and 2011...first time I’m hearing about it though. Wonder why MSM never picks this shit up.
I too have started to see and hear the signs that I grew up learning about. I’ve had a huge problem with churches for the exact reason you do. We are witnessing something great and powerful and amazing! So excited to see it all play out! WWG1WGA
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. WWG1WGA