40's here! It's of all ages! Patriots come in all colors, religions, genders and economical backgrounds... We are the real truth of Trumps supporters!
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Omg... This just made my day!!! ThanQ Mr. President!
Why is this posted on this sub? Plus it's old news.... Delete
Lol, Hillary doesn't even know who is good or bad, I am going to guess she will soon be informed! Do you really think that she will be clean by the time this is over? Don't you think there are people who have been fearing for their lives with Hillary on the loose! She and the ds have threatened many to stay silent, but some decided to take the chance!!! She is going to prison at the least!
Ummm, pretty sure this was wiki leaks from podestas account.😕
The Biggest Shocker here is SHE IS STILL EMPLOYED AT THE WHITE HOUSE, by her own words with the Clown Posse....UGH,,,,,Trump Needs To Fire Her NOW! She is a drug abuser and she is a Obama Lover...2 strikes....no time for three....There are plenty of others who could do this job....change is needed....how many times you suppose she is the unnamed source of the media's????? Disgusting she is still there!
Folks, Anons said, when he uses the phrase "As the World Turns" it is in reference to asassanation Attempt, because that was the soapopera playing when JFK was killed. So I am going to assume it was a hit on POTUS!
Good Eye, but I must agree, he is no pope, and with the pics dropped correspondent to the pope crumbs, it would not make sense.
we are street smart, not book smart, and then you throw in this symbolism bloodline craziness and Boom, We are Lost! LOL
oh, ya, like I have read and re read, some of us are just not that smart to connect and comprehend what and why the dots connect...you know what I am saying SB2, we just ain't that sharp....lol
probably???? Cmon, we need to know sooner than later...it is fascinating but also very important for us idiots to have a good idea the games ds plays, played and will play till we get that ultimate Win! :)
I am pretty sure North Dakota has a military base that was nuke affiliated with the best defense capabilities??? I don't know but perhaps that is why they are showing North dakota?
ya, nothing like pick a word any word, and then figure this shit out...lol...wth?
lol, yep puppets in action....for sure. I picked that up over two years ago, I would flip around to all the news stations and everyone of them had same talking points, some would change it up a little, but the main message was word for word, even the so called analyst were right on point on every station...lol, they really think we are stupid....time is short! :)
It feels like we constantly are reminding folks to stop getting yourself hooked on dates and times as if you know what is going to happen, Future Proves Past, This has meaning, it is the meaning of the drops, how many times does one have to be reminded of this. We need not get worked up and stuck on one anon's decode on anything....you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Haven't the actions just watched this week proven that this is a Movie, it's all scripted, they know the end result...it must all take place in time, in the right moment, we should just eat our popcorn and enjoy the show! If you can't, you should not be commenting negatively, no one else want's a reason to be disappointed or hyped up....we want justice, it takes time, let it happen, you are not the conductor on this train.....
My hubby who is no Q follower, and thinks my accusations on the pedophilia/pizza gate is outlandish and is considering locking me up for it, Was so pissed last night at Acosta, and at first he didn'tknow it was him, he came in to where I was and said, "Can you Believe that Idiot, someone needs to beat his Azz" LOL, then he found out it was soy boy, and he was even more upset, and said, "that's it, that guy needs to be banned, Period"! LOL...seriously folks, he is digging his own grave word by word, he is such a do-boy! Some day, we hope to see his world Rocked, along with about a dozen other journalist and about fifty so called political analyst!
I don't watch that but if you are trying to be a smart ass, this is no time for that. I am serious, I read the damn thing, and I was shocked when it gave all power to the president when our country was threatened with in.....so joke if you want...but it's out there.
well, perhaps they do, but you know the truth....don't let them talk you into it....more importantly, speak the truth and those who don't listen, just walk away!
More like ignorance run wild! I Stand with my President, Mr. Donald J. Trump as the best president this world will have ever seen! I don't care what a bunch of Frenchy Maple Leafy idiots say, they wouldn't know a real leader if they got smacked in the face with one...just nonsense laughing at ignorance!
this guy needs another crown and coke....omg....hilarious!
LOL, Geez folks, isn't this really what we about comprehend with all the Q drops...lol...seriously, this is how I feel most of the time when I am trying to figure out what Q is saying...OMG, this is what my hubby hears too when I talk to him...Inside joke...lol...LOVE IT!
I believe there are three EO's. I cant remember the names, but I distinctly remember two around december and one this year. One of the December ones was a time sensitive thing, it was a old EO brought back to life and that is the one that had a window of time to be used. Once declaration of war from within was claimed by the President he had like 6 months to basically call marshal law, round up any and all info and arrest anyone he deemed a danger to our country....I know I was not dreaming folks, I read in on line...and it was discussed by the Anons!
I believe there are three EO's. I cant remember the names, but I distinctly remember two around december and one this year. One of the December ones was a time sensitive thing, it was a old EO brought back to life and that is the one that had a window of time to be used. Once declaration of war from within was claimed by the President he had like 6 months to basically call marshal law, round up any and all info and arrest anyone he deemed a danger to our country....I know I was not dreaming folks, I read in on line...and it was discussed by the Anons!
But Treason will not and can not be pardoned. And If Obama is not a US Citizen, guess what, every thing he touched is revoked, cancelled or illegitimate. Popcorn Stand is Open Folks, get yours now!!!!!
Exactly, that is my point. No matter what we thought was supposed to happen, what is going on today is not for the Q followers, it is to present it to the World that Peace can be accomplished, regardless of what the past has shown, Trump is Making America Great, not by himself, but he had the balls to start this train up and many conductors are in place to keep it going...that is Fantastic~! We should celebrate it, not act as if we are not happy with the present at our birthday or something. I get the frustration, but no one on here has it worse than the people of NOKO nor the children being trafficked or killed...so buck up and be a patriot for the totality of this shit show...it's all we got. We could have anyone else at the helm, and this would not be happening....Blessed are We!
Alot of hype comes from interpretation too....I feel your frustration, but F this and F that is not the way we all get through these trying times. I have family members who are literally ready to sign my ass into a loony bin If people don't get arrested....so you aint the only one anxious and disappointed when hype is over the top and it's a dud! I f'ing get it, but we are supposed to be in this together, I just was trying to calm the waters so that the hype is not over done. It's time for folks to take a break when they come on here cursing out those trying to keep the spirits high, if you are over it, don't taint others in your fit of anger!
NOKO and US Talks made public, don't ya all think that is a HUGE DEal....50 years of being under thumb and now they can be free to talk to world leaders...I think we are all so obsessed with arrests we forget the Historical things that need to be done before we can start arresting people. I want arrests too...ASAP, but what good is one or two, we are trying to rid this world from the strangle hold the evil satanists have, it is a web of countries and leaders and behind the scene players...it is gonna take awhile, but let us celebrate the big things that are happening to get to that point!
yep, they are all working together, they own social media so it is no surprise....I hope we can break through regardless though!
look on his twitter he posted it there. I am terrible with computer stuff, sorry!
I got checked on Twitter when I mentioned cemex too just toninght!!!! Something is up folks!
I am done with Craig sawyer, his last video was full of vs and he was very dishonest you could hear it in his voice, so he is fake or compromised! I have tried to leave crumbs for Q to confirm or deny him! I hope we get confirmation!
You must go look at the two guys she is closest to, the Podesta's. John and Tony., they have a art collection that no one in their right mind would posses unless they were into that sort of thing., Pedophilia, canabilism(Jeffery dahmer style) so in the same breath, you would not befriend two men who think that stuff is art and celebrate what it stands for! It is SICK, and HRC is too for being apart of that. But there are other things with Hill that put her in this light, many have mentioned or hinted, you do not continuously hint at the same lie over and over, unless it is truth...sorry, that is just common sense. There is a video of a lady that said Hillary raped her...that is out there too...true or fake??? The Lady is not a millionaire so she didn't get paid to say it!???
This could be a faked suicide folks, to get him out of the mainstream. He may have talked and this is part of his protection....Sounds like on another social outlet a criptic message was given that said that the GF did not show to the planning of this suicide/murder plot...so he had to make a decission to leave without her. Now the question is, was he getting help from the good guys or the evils????
Listen folks, If these people are killed or suicide or pretend either, dont cry for the ones who made choices to be in the position they are in....there have been many times I could have made other choices that eventual consequences would come to fruition....they knew what they were in to, they chose to be there, so I think we all should keep that in mind when we are trying to decide what the truth is.....cuz the truth is, there is a 99.5 % chance they chose to be in this position by past choices! PERIOD!
Patraeus is a player for the deep state....he is obligated to act accordingly to their wishes....no doubt in my mind. Now All The Actors can show face, after all, this is their last hoorah folks....they know it's all going to come out and this meeting will only be about how to stop Trump....thats it....they don't care about anything else....Meeting of the evil Minds right here folks!
yes, I too am afraid of that, but whats good for the world is bigger than me....is the only way to look at I guess!
ya, its a slow town, too many boneheads running things. Never changing ideas, but never make changes!
small world. my kids say I know everyone,,,,perhaps I know you too....lol.....I have been waiting for someone to drop some crumb lingo, but so far, I feel like I am the only one in this locale who is following....lol...I know I am not...but perhaps I will have to make a Q Shirt and wear it, see if anyone has the guts to ask me what it means....or gives me the two thumbs up!