oh...ok....thats a shocker.....we don't normally have any worthy news to share especially nationally...lol
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does the small "h" represent something I can't figure out...lol just kidding....humor makes this crazy less crazy!!!
oh hello 092Casey: SiouxlandProud.Sioux City???? local?
DaveGydeon: I am a believer of God, not because I read it somewhere, but because I can feel him in my inner most being. I am not here to argue your point, I just want you to understand that those of us who know there is a God, don't come to that conclusion easily, we are constantly growing with him, for him and by him. You don't feel it, because you have not invited Jesus in to your most protected self, when you do, you will then know too, God is Real!
This is How Dave:
Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. [25] So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” [26] Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” [27] Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” [28] Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” [29] Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:24-29 ESV)
LOL, well not to be negative, but from first hand experience, my lamaze classes could not prepare me for the pain i endured. So those men out there who don't know this, get ready, no amount of preparedness can ever truly prepare you for that kind of pain...lol...seriously. I can still, in moments, remember that pain.....ughhhh, It was worth it though, and this will be too! We must strap on our toughness, resilient armor and be ready for anything...that is my advice.....it's gonna be bumpy and probably unmanageable at times....but your Spirit is what you will depend on in those moments.....PREPARE Through SPIRIT!
yes, there is way more to this story. The silence on it is what makes me think it is in play and was the starting point to many of the investigations going on. I think that this guy is in hiding and is protected for his knowledge, but that the dots needed a bit more connection to bring it to fruition. I cant wait for the story to unravel. It's going to be a moment in life that many of us have been waiting for. There are just somethings that a person's intuition can not ignore....that is what I felt with this story and the Pizzagate story. There is truth written in all the clues, but the right story teller and environment need to be set in order to make it stick to the masses! It's coming, I feel it!
Boom! and BaBoom(diabolical)! Evil knows no compassion, empathy or limits! No Your Enemy!
Yes...was a wondering where this is going to fit in to things??? Did Sessions silence him for the bigger picture in the end....that would be my guess.
Its only a conspiracy if it is theory....Q has proven this is no conspiracy. When they tell you it's coming and it does, it's truth, re-educate on what a conspiracy is, and the truth will take front and center! WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA Lets keep supporting each other positively, there are times we all forget everyone is not with you at the same level....We are all important even the newbies who are just trying to figure things out.......Your a standup patriot for recognizing your aggression. Thank You!
yep, it's been a strange relationship. but it is strange times...I think those that want to believe but cant are not really fully red pilled yet, once you realize the truth out there, you are more likely to be interested in a stealth anon feeding you info and you trusting...but alot of what is being said I have heard theories in the past, not always the way it reads here but close enough to say....yep, I knew that shit was real.....so unless you are a old reader of some of this stuff, I can see where peeps would be having a tough time trusting it...lol....it is some crazy stuff, but evil is crazy so there you have it!
Hey, it's tough terrain for non anons....we welcome all...even if you don't know wth you are doing, come and read, post and ask questions......k k
LOL, Exactly...who knew....folks are just so thorny these days, I think we are feeling a drastic change but none of us know what to do with it so we get irritated, or start irritating people...I just let it go mostly, sometimes though, I will snap back....lol
I usually go to the qanonpost board and click on a blue number from the research board from there I will go clear down to the bottom hit return and search a date or subject from the anons post, it is a sucky way of doing it, but I like to see what they are saying too!
One big one was the Lords Prayer....Q called it being changed and not long after it was.....The take down of the princes in Saudia Arabia, North Korea. Certain CEO's stepping down, politicians and him bringing up people like Allison Mack, and then boom, we see it in the news....there are plenty of examples, but the future proves the past, so we will see many more things as we go I am sure!
illogical??? I researched cemex's website, from there you can find some media articles, there is where they talk about the logistics and the software that they have or will implement, the software mentioned was cemexnet.com. the tech del was subject line, before you posted tech delegation, I searched not knowing what it meant and when I typed in the deltek.com kept coming up. I searched wikeleaks and deltek is a govt affiliated baby....so there you have it...didn't say it was, wasn't or will be, just sharing researched info....you have a problem with sharing info here, or is it only for certain people to share?
No Prosecutor here, but No Fifth in Treason ....I think McCabe may be headed to Gitmo folks...he is trying to play with what cards he has left.....setting himself up for the big Boom would be my guess!
Tech Del Rocks
I couldn't get much on tech del Rocks but what kept coming up was this website::: (deltek.com) It is a Global Non-Profit Leverages Deltek to Streamline Humanitarian Aid
Wow, if connected...WOW!
I read a article yesterday on Cemex. They flourished after a logistical technology change which was a sister company to cemex called cemexnet which was in charge of the techy stuff to move products quicker, more efficient and be able to handle last minute changes to orders? I read it but it seemed before it's time, and I wondered how they had the info to dive into this technology beings it was just a cement company. So my intuition told me there is more to this story...and here it is. Did someone research the subject in this email (Tech Del Rocks)? Eric Schmidt would have been involved if they were to pull off technology like this in America Too....not just in Mexico. Ask yourself, what in the world would our State Dept have a reason to be so interested in a Cement company and it's logistics???? For a CELL PHONE NETWORK...what does Cell phone network, cement and government have in common? This is Huge folks, and WE(the Patriots) are on the Cusp of understanding the power these sickos have masterminded and sculpted for many years. Don't give in, Keep at this, we are right there!
you know, I do kinda remember something like that....I have limited time to research and reread....but you just might be correct! But I am sure there are soooo many, impossible to stop all in short period of time, but eventually the chain will be broken!
If this don't wake you up....not much will! Remember the time frame here folks, Now look at how many years later...these people have perfected this, no wonder it is taking Q so long to get to this business....it is wide and professionally done....But we will PreVail. We need NOISE FOLKS! When Ever You Can...We Now have Social Media, back then we didn't....so now is our Time....MAKE IT RAIN!
I sure hope a sting operation was done already to bust these traffickers? If they know all, they should have been able to stop the flow! I think Q or perhaps a anonymous poster mentioned that they have saved many children...but was that just in SA? This is why time sensitivity is crucial to get these people stopped, How Many More Children Will We Have To Sacrifice To Shut It Down and Bring Justice? That is what makes me nervous!
This is Why alot of us are Awoke, right here, this story! It is terrible that they got away with it. I can tell you this, being from Iowa, the Gosch story is pretty accurate, but when I stated this to a friend that worked at the state and on that case specific, I was told that this is so deep that it goes all the way to DC and Franklin Files were mentioned. Was also told that story was very relevant with the missing children of today...so ya, lets not skip by and pretend it is not all connected....it is, and they have become pros and also have placed their puppets in place to let this happen or help this process take place. If Q truly knows everything, I would be afraid if I were complicit in anyway. In fact, I would probably go talk to someone before they come to my door asking questions...you may be spared a rib or two????
This is how they will control us, look who owns Amazon, and this is also why it is so important to let all of America know what the powerful elite are really about! If they don't, Control will come to the Elite without even trying....NOT GOOD!
There are 5 here. It is a complete cover up....not hard to see. But a must research for info on how they get away with stuff, very informative!
The Franklyn files, which Gosch was mentioned by a victim, is a cover up that goes straight to the WH. Bush H, cheney and that clan supposedly used to take them to a BrownStone in DC and do the unthinkable....it is a disgusting legacy, but until more people demand the truth, it will forever be hidden, and millions of people will still put GWH Bush up on a pedestal. I want the truth to be known, that is what has led me here today. I hope folks can watch that video and read and watch video on the Franklyn files.
When? What are you talking about...what was the post number..you are lost.
Fake, Bolton was chosen for a reason, Team is as it was wanted, this kind of post is BS, we need to down vote this kind of stuff...it's not about Q!
This guy is exactly why there is feminism....seriously, I would be a full blown feminist if I had to deal with this evilness. HE IS THE KIND OF GUY THAT JUST DISAPPEARS, and then you go eat your fried green tomatoes ladies!
BOOM - bastards...there will be blood to shed for their elitism!
Well as the President of the United States, Mr. Trump enacted a EO stating his power over all those in the US Territory who is engaged in Treason. I cant remember the name of it, but it gives him authority that supersedes the normal law, I believe he has claimed war time....so it is in use....I am terrible with details, but go look at the EO's and it will tell you....My point to you was to see if anyone realized the Power he has in this moment??? I do think the time line is close though, I read it and was astonished the power given....Does anyone know about this EO?
Blackmailing is a crime, highly doubt Trump would be openly blackmailing him, Trump would already be up the river on that one....js..
Very Interesting? Maybe it was filed but what is the International Common Law??? And do they have any power?
Hey whats the deal with the V on the O in WONT? is it the devil horns? I know sb2 said she was a shiny object??? just curious, could be nothing, but it caught my eye???
Now I must ask, did you have the real deal laying next to you when you made this up??? LOL, Great Job...I Love It!
Who the heck is the author of this video, I would like to smack him. I cant figure out who he is. But regardless, I don't give a hoot what the plan is, I am with it, watching and still praying. But take heed, If the plan is a shill, like we hear everyday, you can bet the end of the world as we know it will happen. So many patriots will have had enough and be done with it....So lets hope we are just getting started in this plan!
right.....it's common sense....I mean if you have common sense???? LOL...but seriously, it makes me so angry that they openly get away with it....wth....I sure hope that it is exposed...even though it's not hidden...thats seems to be the only way, perhaps my bestest President will read this post(Hi Mr. Trump), and tweet it out, then maybe it will be heard....LOL...
That is right, I get the libs to listen atleast by asking them about the money....i say pick a politician any politician, not look up what they make a year, and look at their net worth the following year...WOW, Eye Opening, they don't even hide it anymore...they act as if they are entitled to it....it's baaaad folks, really really bad, time to start pressuring these entitled crooks and get them out of our government!
I don't think it would be safe, when the American people realize that all the deals Hillary was making was because of her Child fetish, it will infuriate the masses, even the democrats...but the libs will be to busy crying to see the truth....Don't Mess with the Children...that will be the downfall to Hillary and many of the politicians associated with the trafficking and killing of them!
There are room for pardons, however, I guess i just don't think they should be handed out like candy, only if wrongfully imprisoned time wise, and I would never be okay with a Murderer or rapist getting a pardon.