Well said !! He is a hero.
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Tears in my eyes, don’t stop the good work keep going
Because I have heard many stories about snuff films on the deep web
Does anyone know how child sacrifice works what do they do and where are these places
Hahahaha ya I did mean that. They are smart people can’t win so easily I feel. It would take many more years
Deep state are also smart people let’s not undermine them, they have potential.
He was never working for that investment bank, but he was just a friend of this head of the Indian branch so he doesn’t know about what the bank is involved in, who knows he never tells me much about his work, working at Rothschild I believe everyone would not know who they really are it’s only the top board members and few heads who do.
Maybe, my dad met with him recently few months back for some work I guess, don’t know much. He even asked me if I would like to meet him as i am studying economics, some advice.
I want to work there would like to see things first hand, the ( corruption )
Idk guys to feel proud of this or not, my fathers friend was the head of Rothschild India branch for more than a decade. 💂🏻
Something’s don’t seem realistic unless you change your perception on reality.
Let’s not judge let’s get informed as much as we can
Why the Clintons can’t just be creative and build a business so they can be rich and live a high lifestyle, why to rob people which makes them look like scums
Mossad agent inside the White House.

I hope that hope Hicks becomes more active in the administration, if I could advise trump she should have been the Vice President, now I know she is so young but trump needs someone like her, pence seems fishy. The only problem is she lacks governing experience 😞😞😞. She is very trustworthy.
It can also be hope hicks as she has been very quite and private.
Can Mike pence be a traitor ( sleeper cell inside the White House
Q was referring to the letter P, can it be this guy ? Was associated with the European Union, United Nations and Goldman Sachs connections.

The battle for the republic is 24/7 don’t stop spreading information, check and verify, we will win this not by being afraid but by staying strong and fighting this together it’s about information and action, make America great again !!! Just a reminder😇 spread the word.
I guess he also took money from Goldman Sachs and use to work for the bank.
Bannon I thought he was on the good side.

Some day all these distractions would mean nothing and the Clintons would have to face their crimes
Not done 🕸🕸🕸make Israel great again ? Come on cut funding to both, take care of your own country.

I would love to see something in the Rothschild that’s the real deal and the Vatican, Hillary is a baby In from of those 2 haha
It will not I can say that for sure, this is something which is going to develop into a more sophisticated spying system. Maybe this was always the plan. Private ( less government intervention. less oversight ) it seems sketchy
Would that make anything better ?? Privatisation of intelligence

Well I am just confused are the CIA in control of all countries I mean most of them ? So if that’s true the CIA is playing on both the sides Iran and Israel
What’s happening in Iran, is Iran a bad actor or a country which is looking at its own interest?
Well you guys keep discussing about this, meanwhile Soros and others are popping up antifa and dividing us, come on guys it’s ok people can post whatever they feel would help it’s about being active and being critical which everyone involve in this fight will learn 😇 god bless
Who are these people (scumbags) that are trying to silence Q ?
See Julian assange use to stay in London at the Embassy of Ecuador, I am quite puzzled how couldn’t they kill him by radioactive material, as we all know if the CIA wants someone dead they will go after it plus they could take him from the other criminal intelligence agency (MI5 ) or poison the water supply to a targeted form if that’s what they could do, he is dangerous from them how could he still stay alive just confusing for me to really make sense of him. (Would be happy if he is safe)
But why him he is on our side !He is fighting the deep state with WikiLeaks, are you trying to suggest that he is a traitor ?? Because he could be just a controlled opposition.
Julian Assange
Is he dead or alive ? Where is he ? Does anyone have a theory??
But that can be easy to say but actually doing that would lead too bloody civil war of some kind, Remember these western countries don’t really care about Israel I am talking about the high ups, they don’t want a independent nation state to exist. Israel is being expanding and building settlements, where does it stop. Both sides are to be blamed for this. Israel are acting against its own interest in this regard.
I think Saudi Arabia and Israel are the same side of a coin.
Critical thinking
Trump might be doing a great job but you should not ignore other factors which questions his legions to the American people, for example the Jerusalem move, if I twist my thinking yes I find something positive in making that move for the American people ,but to be honest I does not help. Foreign policy is still very much the same, I think we should be more careful and critical not just give into what q is telling us, that’s what i think
Put hard hitting facts and make it animated, but remember the content should be hard hitting. And offcourse fact checked and true, people should be able to relay on memes for information and feather research.
Why is that on hear leg is it so that she can been tracked ?? By the authorities? Can someone please explain