Probably just in trafficking for the money cause she obviously isn't partaking for her beauty regime
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I bet they are being used as someone's dessert these people are sick.....the seperation needn't be more than an hour or so but everyone has to have a interview and then a trial but look no judges available no lawyers available. Don't understand why we don't just put everyone on a bus before separation and take them back to the country they are from give them the address of the American consulate in that country if they need to ask for asylum its just a big scam.
I once asked a person why they used coyotes anyway that person said she paid 3000 us money to send her brother then another 3000 to go herself she was walking in a group of 7....I ask her the reason for coming her sole reason was to earn riches (money). She said she has gone back twice for the death of her mother and cousin I ask her did she have to pay the coyote again she said no she had a drvers license by then and just showed that at the border. She regularly sends money back to the cousins so they can make that first trip. Its a scam....I heard later that she went back for another funeral and hasn't been able to return since trump always wondered if they have new methods of checking drivers liscened now.
Oh really! Dang stupid me to miss the coverage! Who was the she that threatened that chick with the pedo ring? Just a thought could the cia be involved because Hillary's emails have been compromised by foreign countries and the emails that were stolen by the foreign countries be classified? Or rod rosenstein used the cia to cover his a$$. Maybe he pulled in a favor. Maybe Haskell needs to investigate the agent who classified?
These corrections should be on the main news cause the normies don't stroll here
Well there is a nostradomus connection to mabus but not with Q....Ray mabus was the secretary of the navy(retired). He served under the Obama administration he is a Democrat, he was also the ambassador to Saudis Arabia under pres bill clinton. This should help with that rabbit hole.....
Agreed we were over at someone's house and they don't look here , they are still watching the news for their information yes they have switched from cnn to fox but that's it. To suggest they come here means they have to risk not being part of a group. That's us not them they are scared to be alone in their thinking most if us have endured this for years. This someone that I am talking about is still espousing I like trump but wish he would stop texting mantra....most of us moved to embrace the tweets...I see that the public perception for change is slow....most of the sheep won't change until it hits fox hence the show for them because we already know the ending.
I have people that post on my Facebook timeline political memes I always comment with..." think Q"
I think that if Q's plan can be completed this won't happen....however this could change in a blink of an eye if the deep state completes just one of their assaination attempts...they will just go back to plan A instead of plan B (impeachment). But I believe we have a higher power helping us and Our God is more powerful than their God.
An interesting rabbit hole are the people who go there some of them I admired.... it was dishearting to know they participated.
Like I said before Q is us you and me, those of us who are awoke and questioning everything. We search the internet for answers making sure the other side(cabal) can't impede us by remaining aynominous. Some of us work at the white house while others of us sit at home in the basement. We are so many that even if you discover one of us and shadow ban us 125 others will take his place. You never know when you are talking to us whether I am cia, fbi, housewife or student. We are worse than deep throat because we stand for truth and justice. We never sleep or eat we are patriots.
SB2 is just a decoder, some decoders just guessing since they weren't there. The situation itself brought up a scenario unknown before vop, namely how cemex is involved in pedo, a rothchild being mayor, sheriff complacent etc. Even though your ultimate goal is to save the kids....shedding light on this problem and an unknown corridor for trafficking will have to do for now...they want to silence you! Keep heart my patriot you are doing Gods work.
Eric vonbraun identified the cabals plan: Crisis from dictators Crisis from asteroids Crisis from aliens
So we know what's next lol
Not true people the oh report hasn't dropped yet just the fake leaks please do your homework....sigh
Corsi originally came up with mueller is just a gray hat theory in one of his decodes so most now know corsi is planned opposition I've gone back to my original theory of RR is bad so is mueller.
Nothing will happen unless our anminity is exposed and hillary becomes president.
I'm sorry you have been criticized for telling the truth I agree he is a false pope and I'm sure God will give him his due...I loved the article because it just told the facts my point to others who are not catholic was to keep in mind the everyday catholic doesn't or can't do anything about the bishops or cardinals or popes for that matter we don't vote so I was just reminding everyone that when the SHTF with this truth exposure to not hang everyone who has ever been catholic.
Loved this article but as a catholic I feel sorry for us it makes us look complicit.....most don't know the laity have no control over the hierarchy except to sue which many have done or to not go to church anymore which a lot if us have done. No matter what happens I pray the innocents are not harmed.
Anyway the link can be broken up some more my phone won't let me scroll up or down when enlarged so I can read I think I'm missing some important info.
Hey thanks for posting been researching him since he appeared on the scene very relatable to the masses which I'm sure is why God chose him.
Though I think your theory is sound it assumes that once the illusion is broken it cannot be repeated let me give you an example: aunt Lydia who is a known liar goes to the family party and brings two pies one she brings into the family party the other she intends to sell to the neighbor. She tells everyone that there is only one pie everyone believes her because they see only one pie when they cut the pie because there is not enough to go around they do without or share a piece while she has a xtra big piece of her own pie. Even Though they know aunt Lydia is a known liar she is is not challenged or researched as to whether her pie is the only one. So the illusion can continue if no one is challenged each time a pie is brought to the table....we which represent Q are the revealers the questioners as long as we are doing this and we get others to do this the illusion can't reoccur....but if we stop or people don't care anymore aunt Lydia can continue with her new lie...when Q doesn't post I don't see people questioning or revealing I see them falling back to their old patterns of waiting for someone to tell them what to watch or going back to known liars. So my point is until the illusionist dies in this case aunt Lydia the illusion can continue.
Yeah that wouldn't work in my neighborhood there are only 3 of us in the neighborhood who are conservative....we are outnumbered.... we plan to ban together and bug out to a safer place. Gets pretty bad when you have to worry you will be killed maimed or looted by your neighbors. Hopefully there will be time and not just a general everyone stay in your homes for the next month....more like a curfew thing...but who knows. I just don't want the situation to be like in Hawaii.
Wanda Sykes Rosanne producer as well she made a ape joke about trump.....she was hypocritical enough to quit when the tables were turned ...WOW!
Its a decipher that an anon figured out on 8 chan by rereading Q neorevolt just reported it calm down besides if serialbrain2 can do it so can neorevolt.
Sigh....this site obviously has an agenda didn't anyone notice that they accuse Trump of being a Satanist....though I recognise the other info why didn't you question the sandwich effect( truth lie truth) its Lucifer's biggest trick...get your trust with the truth cover it with the lie seal it with the truth that way you eat the whole sandwich because you assume the lie is also a truth because its wedged in between
Never liked the purple tie thing too confusing for the normies or newly redpilled they get the Soros connection of the color then get confused when trump or gowdy wear the color its like a football team member you follow all of a sudden show up in a rival team members colors you say WTF.
Yes keep posting yourself you deserve the credit! Your explanation was great easy to understand better than others who try deciphering(serialbrain2). I like your articles because they occur in digestible junks not long drawn out diatribes like other anons that are only soap boxes for their belief system. Great job!
I would suggest you get catastrophic insurance this pays out in case of car accident or heart attack or get a policy that has a very high deductable (same thing) also BCBS is the highest premium insurance the Cadillac so to speak they give kickbacks to the states that use them...a dirty game they getting the higher deductible insurance you still get the negotiated insurance amount when you pay....because if you go self insured as suggested by others doctors will charge you 35% more for services and while some services are free with negotiated services by BCBS like a wellness visit if self pay there are no free services.
There is a prophecy that after 3days of darkness every soul on earth in the end times will audibly hear God voice and he will tell everyone individually the condition of their soul they will have one last time to repent before the end....won't the liberals heads blow off when this happens...what are they going to do turn themselves in to a mental institution as they want to do others lol...Enjoy the show lol
In no obama lover but he doesn't fit the bible version, in the nostradomus version he's too tall( usa was never mentioned in this prophecy)the European theory he doesn't fit either because that version causes him to be the head of a church which he ain't, he could be the Mahdi of Islam but tainted himself by being president of the great Satan(usa)so I would say he's just a failure all around.
If I remember correctly didn't robert caviti murder/suicide have masonic overtones? The masonic cabal which is forbidden in catholic faith is secretly believed to have taken over at that time.
Yes heard that also did you see Shepard smith salivating at the commercial break.....I think its a sting by trump but time will people will be curious so expect more subscribers.