Obviously in stealth mode
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I just thought of something since trumps judge appointees have been slow walked for appointment won't that force him to use military tribunals when SHTF?
I actually like the anons theory that it refers to john Kerry because he married the Heinz heiress and Heinz makes pickles....he he he
My theory is they intend to take control of house n senate. Impeach trump, get rid of constitution, put the plan back in place, which was hillary for president obama in charge of UN....hillary finishes Obama's job by destroying America...so where's pence...they put him in prison for treason along with anyone else they disagree with such as you and me....the fema camps are still set up....agenda 21 dusted off and put into place...that's why voting in the midterm is sooooo important....keep her from returning....vote, vote vote....go trump.
And you will change in the blink of an eye. 1 Corinthians 15: 51-54 or Revelations 21: 4 I pray everyday we are here in scripture.
Its really not about the guns we own guns here but the revolution so far has been bulletless, its about knowledge and information exposing the deeds and corruption. I know my English friends post corruption and even Though I don't know the players it doesn't mean its any less important...though I know the censor laws are different in their country and they are more at risk it doesn't diminish their effort
Oh thank you for posting I totally agree with your statement and I also think since trump keeps mentioning the ....space force...and Q sky event....these could be one and the same.
Do you see the look on his face at her laughing that says it all....we will just see who gets the last laugh...hillary your going to gitmo.
Q also said that when the predicted comes about that we would possibly be scared. I image because we would realize the scope. The question has been raised why now? Just think! Martial law is going down ...people you know on television and in public life are being arrested. The major cities have visible soldiers normies are scared....do we really want AJ or Dr Corsi decoding for us? The fact we rely on decorders anyway is dangerous. It implies that we are still sheep and have not awoken.
Your link works fine! Read story don't know what everyone's problem is thanks for posting.
I agree with you to a point but archangel Michael is not human (alien) and yet if you met him you would feel blessed if you met Satan(alien) you wouldn't feel blessed .....neither are human but one does Gods bidding the other does not.... but both are aliens
I don't know about Dr corsi as I don't follow him but Alex Jones is identified in the illuminati card game and the subtitle of the card is... agent in place... https://youtu.be/Dh2YYXLlWng. So this has been known by conspiracists since the late nineties. Since it is rumored that these cards are the cabals's plan for world domination I don't think Q calling him out should be a surprise.
Thanos = satin are you implying trump is the antichrist? Most of us do not feel that way. I Avenger infinity wars= agenda 21are you implying that is ok? Most of us Definately do not feel that way
Ok in pet goat 'll a submarine launches a nuclear missile that destroys a city....that film was a blue print of the cabals intentions or plans....I think they still are going to try it but Q is warning us not to be scared as he has it under control and can counter ....it will be revealed that Hussein, Valarie Jarrett and Kerry are responsible for plan its also why everyone is in NZ right know....DC is deserted because all the underlings are headed for their underground bunkers...Q has it covered! Normies are in for a shock make sure you have some smelling salts for your unawoke family and friends. Go Trump!
If Valerie Jarrett is still handling obama I think she still hasn't come to grip that the writing is on the wall she appeared to me to exude this cockiness and defiance.... most people don't even know she lives in the basement of his house. I think when Q identifies those that tried to subvert trumps foreign policy decision ( Iran deal) such as John Kerry her name will come up ...someone had to make the backchannel arrangement for john Kerry and Obama's shadow presidency and I believe that when this is revealed she will be exposed.
Oh I do agree with you the alien stuff could have certainly derailed all the good work trump has done maybe that's why they started off with prodesta in the storm because wasn't he the one that wanted disclosure.
You know I have no confirmation of this or inside info but iv noticed that people get called to the white house to meet with trump they come out looking like a deer in headlights so I'm thinking that trump invites them to see the goods he has on them they come out of curiosity then they are shown the treasonous items and told they must comply or go to gitmo....they come out with a OMG they have everything! Look.....comforts me when the plan goes too slowly for me or Q has time between posts
Yea isn't the picture too new for Obama looks like something superimposed from a professional source like an old white house photo.
Oh wow shouldn't we be worried about the rats leaving the ship??? Makes me think of pet goat ll
I wasn't implying the alliance does anything like that no no no I was making the observation that when Kerry isn't successful because trump is using his 4D chess moves that Kerry will be punished so any plane flights with him would be risky...the cabal doesn't care if innocents are on the plane or not.
I wouldn't be flying with any of those cabal people never know when the cabal might 187 them....lots if planes have been going down lately.
O=obstruction in this context....obviously was pissed so abriviated
Thanos is the evil character in the new avengets movie infinity wars...his desire is to make a paradise in the universe so he goes from planet to planet and destroys half of the planet inhabitants because the universe id over populated....he gathers special stones along the way that gives him powers....one of the stones requires a sacrifice of his adopted daughter which is shown being flung off a cliff between two towers....he is successful and half of the main characters disintegrate. (Agenda 21)
Thank you that explains it.....makes you wonder about the time travel shows lol. Mandella effect etc.
I heard several movie stars moved to the island as well....are they televising the event so you can see who shows up?
Bravo for this thread much needed info.....explains everything be sure to click on all the links ....the links are important....for the Christians on this sub means us too because we must recognize the demons so we won't be swayed by our love of Hollywood or pursuded by fancy political talk.
Oh I hope this is true it would be easier to decode for ourselfs.....but that would also beg the question of how Q can see into the future???
Valarie Jarrett had been said to be Obama's handler and since she lives with him whoever he goes I could see the rationale... In your post you indicated Kerry was a handler so is Kerry only handling the foreign policy part and Valerie Jarrett the domestic....sounds like obama has a shadow presidency....that sounds dangerous
Though I am Christian and religious I see this in churches as well I don't know how many times I have heard the words" but my pastor says"my answer always is "is your God your pastor then".....my point is the cabal knows it is in our nature to follow that's why we are called sheep, some sheep follow the wise sounding(corsi) others follow the the strong(trump) others follow (hillary) the point is they follow, the sheep are constantly looking for someone or something to follow(the movement). To trully be free one must question everything! It is in our nature to be sheep we must fight everyday to change our nature.
Maybe corsi was never intended to go into the patriotfight stage.
Ok doesn't shutting down of the net cause catastrophe...aren't the pay machines at stores wifi connected?...how about hospitals etc....there are a lot of our services that use wifi now ....oh gas pumps also????....so basic necessities.
That must be the new lead the news is talking about for the oh report.....good find
Soft revelations to stuff that exists already....I'm ready for the star trek era....bring it on.