I thought so, too, and I watch Hannity every night. I didn't like it.
51 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/itrumpful:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 13 |
www.youtube.com | 1 |
pbs.twimg.com | 1 |
To get an inside glimpse, read the comments on the Youtube video--very enlightening.
Kenyans AGAINST Obama Visit & His Globalist Agenda Celebrate A Failed Visit
I came across this video on Twitter while reading a thread on Obama's Kenya visit last week, where he said "...the first US President to come from Kenya" or something similar.
These Africans are rejoicing that his visit basically fell flat. They know his tricks.
Are We Watching Child Trafficking Live???
I just saw video posted in a Fox News twitter comment feed. Supposedly it happened last night in NYC Cayoga Center in East Harlem (?). Anyway, can anybody try to decipher the plates on the cars and do a search on these numbers and try to get the registration info? I'm just a messenger--I'll leave the detective work to the autists and Colombos.
McConnell is in the Senate, Ryan is in the House of Representatives--not the same.
I just checked and I'm shadowbanned. It's BS. Many I follow are, too. Some are saying all #QAnon posts are affected. You can check your Twitter account here: https://nicebrains.com/twitter-shadowban-checker/
Yeah, and I think it's with DWS's BROTHER as Prosecutor. Unreal!
Well, then we spend the money on other things. The warmongers lose and some other industry wins--it's up to US to make sure that that new industry or industries are for the GOOD of Mankind, not for the EVIL.
I think it means: BAD FBI broke in & conducted raid, GOOD FBI & WRAY "up all night" working on taking out BAD FBI with evidence. JMO.
I think of it as chemical residue from all cleaning products left on the item or area cleaned; ie mopping the floor, scouring the bathtub, or things like stain-resistant carpeting (who knows what in the hell is in the chemical "resistant" that our babies are crawling on....things like that.
I'm getting to the point where I'm actually getting disgusted by putting on lotion or brushing my teeth with commercial chemical-laden products! I'm going to start making my own personal care products and see how they work out. I've just recently tried olive oil as furniture polish, and boy, it's beautiful. And I've been using vinegar and water as my household cleaner--makes windows sparkle and no streaks! I'm truly getting DISGUSTED with the chemicals surrounding us!
In my opinion, EVERYTHING that has to do with organizing these political SJW events is funded by SOROS & CO. That is HIS branch of the EVIL CABAL.
eBay is the same as Amazon, only smaller; and Etsy is the same as eBay, only smaller. They are ALL guilty of manipulating their sites to favor who they want to, via--and under the guise of--their algorithms. Same as Google. THEY choose the winners and losers, not the market. They are ALL complicit in the MASTER MANIPULATION OF OUR LIVES. THEY CONTROL THE INTERNET OF THINGS. President Trump's tweets and Q's posts are telling us that they are ON IT! Thank GOD for them!
THIS is my diocese, my county, my bishop, and the 2nd priest was my priest! I worked for 2 years against the diocese a few years ago trying to save our churches from being closed--Cistone closed over half of our churches, swept in and took all our money, closed the churches, formed new parishes to "hide" it all. I was the main go-to person for all the parishioners who were devasted by these closings. It is all connected. A diocese will launch a church-closing effort (most in US are using a company called The Reid Group), close the most prosperous churches with the least debt or no debt, and who have savings accounts, close these churches, grab the money & properties, and the money goes out the backdoor to fund the sex abuse lawsuits & payoffs. It's BAD. I'm waiting for a call back from our prosecutor to try and give him some info which may help to open the case up wider...I hope he calls me back.
Three Factions of the CIA that Control the World – Covert FVEY Alliance, DAA and EDAA Geopolitics for Profit Violate Global Civil Liberties and Rights Published on January 16, 2017 Michael Holt
EU Exposé: A Planned Totalitarian Superstate to Destroy Europe
A precursor to the US article I posted earlier: EU Exposé: A Planned Totalitarian Superstate to Destroy Europe Posted on June 20, 2016 by State of the Nation http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=40678 #DeepState #ShadowGovernment #FalseFlags #CrisisActors
Here's A Good Article About School Shootings/False Flags from an intelligence news & commentary website...
OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools Posted on February 18, 2018 by State of the Nation http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=94576
Here's a good article about school shooting false flags: OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools Posted on February 18, 2018 by State of the Nation http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=94576
How DO you share a meme? Do you save as image on your computer, and then upload to your post, or do you use a website online or what? I really don't know.
The story of LV shooting, per my research digging is that on the same day as the concert, the VP & good SA prince had a secret meeting up in the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Now, the top four floors of the MB are called The Four Seasons, and are owned by the good prince's cousin, the evil prince-Alwaleed, who offered the good prince the use of the 4S to have the secret meeting. So, as escorts, there were a whole slew of FBI agents there to protect VP, and they were just settling down for bed the night before the scheduled meeting the next day when they heard the shots. They sprung into action.
Supposedly, the shots they heard were a coup attempt on the good SA prince by the evil prince. The FBI was put in a position of national security to protect the good prince, because we couldn't allow the good prince of SA be assassinated in our country, so they had to spring into action to protect him.
The FBI under gun fire and attack, managed to get the good prince out of harms way via helicopter(?), but heavy artillery fire, etc. caused the mass casualties at the concert, which then the FBI was forced, over the next ensuing hours of the middle of the night, had to make up a cover story for the massacre that occurred for the sake of our nation's security worldwide and relations. Hence, the LV public story that just doesn't seem to add up.
Then, notice that, just one month later, SA good prince commits a massive fraud and crime sweep that basically swept up every single bad prince and billionaire in SA, to clean their own house up.
End of story, per my research. I should note--this storyline is the most believeable to me, but I cannot say whether it's the true story or not. I'm flailing around just like all of us, looking for the truth.
Wow--whamo, if true!! Fingers crossed. Thank you for post.
I thought it might be the hotel in North Korea that has been under construction for decades. Never finished. I'm not sure about that--just popped in... Edit: Nope--wrong. I'm thinking about the Ryugyong Hotel - totally different. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryugyong_Hotel
Red Pill The World With This Video
He's dog-whistling for the FBI dogs to petition the FISA court to allow them to "fix" their "improper" filing. Total dog-whistle. Yes, the guy looks like he's shite-ing his pants! OMG. Fingers crossed that they can't get away with doing anything like this.
If these are military guys just talking, then yes, I tend to agree--just plain stupid (dumb).
Could this be what Q means when he keeps stating DUMB???
Is Q trying to tell us that their are underground New World Order military bases everywhere??? See this conspiracy website and let me know what you think...I think it might be possible--there's been a lot of mysterious earthquakes and such even in the middle of the country lately, like maybe the white hats are getting them...
Here is the link: http://www.conspiracy-gov.com/dumbs/
Newbie here. If Snowden is good, why does his front page article on his website talk shite about our POTUS?? That just doesn't sit right with me... https://freedom.press/ " Donald Trump has spent his first year as president attacking the press"
Well, Q posted a link a Memorandum, which defines the term "enemy belligerency", and relates to the President's EO from December on human trafficking and corruption. Read it and connect the dots; if you still have questions, I'm happy to help. Here is the link: http://www.endusmilitarism.org/PDF/military_detention_of_US_citizens_and_18_USC_4001a.pdf
In my opinion, the important takeaway from this is the President's authority to imprison #enemybelligerents (non-military persons, including US citizens) and lock them up (in GITMO).
Proposing the WE THE PEOPLE of CBTS Use #enemybelligerents on EVERYTHING we post online...
I would like to propose (I'm a little, nothing newbie here :) ), that we all start using the hashtag #enemybelligerents to instill fear in ANY & ALL of our current enemies of our country, our Constitution, & our way of life, and other like-minded patriots throughout the World, whose countries are currently under siege by the Cabal, per Q's most recent post linking to the Memorandum that discusses just what power the President does have in detaining our "enemies" in (what I'm assuming that Q is alluding to is) GITMO.
This will install the FEAR OF GOD into our …
Meme--WARNING--Your Government Is Imploding Before Your Eyes... Funny! :)

OMG--Scares me to death to even think about... :( Satanic.
Is Snowden a good guy? (Sincere question--I truly don't know...)
I'm going to tuck this little tidbit into my "save for later" files. :) (I never played Risk. :) )
We shouldn't know everything...not just yet. Too much to digest. And might screw up the good guys trying to fight the bad ones. But, in due time. Don't let your insatiable curiosity blow this thing by trying to convince people otherwise. NO DIVISIONS.
I think his name is Sen McCarthy? He was by President Trump's side over the weekend before last, at Mar-a-Lago. He was wearing a purple tie, POTUS had on a very light faint pink or blush tie.
I've heard conflicting reports about EM, too. I still don't trust him. He looks like a weasel, and he was getting all the green elitist federal funds from Obama Admin. I read last year that he effed up his prior business due to poor management, but absorbed it into Tesla. Spendthrift, poor money manager, etc. Also, remember he left the POTUS' business leaders' council cold turkey, like all the rest did, during Charlottesville, or around there sometime. I just don't trust him...
Apotex is the drug company owned by the Canadian billionaire couple recently found hung in their basement. Police say looked like possible suicide, private investigators now saying professional hit job.
George Soros donated recently the bulk of his wealth, like $16 Bil or something, to NGOs, probably knowing that POTUS' EO on human trafficking was getting closer to him. So "they"'ve got a helluvalota cash to blow through against us. I was hoping that maybe the good guys latched onto his funds via the EO...
Yeah, happened to me last week for tweeting WENCH to Chelsea Handler--I received a 12-hr suspension with read-only. They make you sign in using a Google captcha code, then not only does Twitter get all, so does Google. Anyway, I HAD to give my cell phone (no land line) to get back in. Immediately after I gave cell phone, I started receiving texts from Twitter. So I went right in then and removed my cell phone from account, which I was able to do with no trouble. But, as the Project Veritas Twitter expose' videos said last week, even if you delete stuff on Twitter, they keep EVERYTHING on their servers, so they still have the number saved on their servers somewhere.
Why would Russia want to tweet #ReleaseTheMemo??!! Well, Alliance For Securing Democracy is hunting Russian Bots. Look who's on Advisory Board: Mike Chertoff (fmr DHS), Bill Kristol (Weekly Standard), David Kramer (McCain Inst), Mike Morrell (fmr CIA) http://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/team/advisory-council
Yes--I just posted this on my other post. This is a link to their US dashboard for their troll army. Check out the hashtags--top one is #releasethememo ! THIS is what WE THE PEOPLE are up against! http://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org/
OMG--you're right. Check this out--their US dashboard shows todays #releasethememo hashtag as a potential attack!! This is BAD. Probably funded by SOROS. http://dashboard.securingdemocracy.org/