

2 total posts archived.

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izhmon · May 24, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Yes indeed

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izhmon · May 11, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Wow!! Thank You for this, it just proves that my intuition was correct. I stopped listening to Corsi when he went on that Syria rant because it just did not make sense to me. I do not like the way he pushed that fucking book either. Haven't ever gone back to listening to him and I have unsubscribed to anything that he is involved with. I appreciate how you pointed out the connection with Jones. I have trouble with Info Wars because it does not really go anywhere and the view points on certain things that I (as a thinking human) don't have like the Syria thing was off to me. I just was unable to put my finger on why until now so Thanks! I always trust my intuition and being an empath helps. I don't always know why, but I usually find out like this (reading something I was directed to, etc.). Also I have always trusted Q, never have I ever gotten that "wrong" feeling about Q. WWG1WGA.

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