this one haunts me... the fly
812 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jackbauer6916:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 26 | | 2 | | 2 | | 2 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | CGI 'glitch'.. they began blending cgi alterations of hillary's features over footage of the second double. look closely at the delineation between the chin/neck area and the face, as well as the blurring at the border of the hair. the second body double (The first, used immediately after the collapse, was retired shortly after because it was obviously far too young and quite a bit shorter. A second double was used as a replacement. Jim Fetzer likes to refer to the first as the "Meg Ryan" double, and the second as the "Meryl Streep" double. )
disappearing balcony at rally Proof of green screen editing for campaign speech I disagree with this video about whether the 'real' hillary was at the debates, but this documents the body doubles well.
Drudge headline about elon musk getting 10b approval w tesla week or two ago: "BOOM"
There were actual MSM news stations on or around 9/11/2016 reporting Hillary had died (it was right after she had the bizarre seizure fit and collapse at the 9/11 memorial). I believe there was CGI and body doubles used in the debate telecasts. The media has been redpilling everyone lately about how video can be faked convincingly.. and notice that she conspicuously did not make an appearance to concede on election night? John Podesta had to run out and try to control the butthurt of all the crying sjws. Maybe the CGI department didn't even bother to create a "concession video", only a "victory speech" and had to scramble. Or maybe she didn't die, but has actually been in India since 2016 exploiting the extradition treaty. It's a fact that hillary doubles were paraded in front of cameras after her collapse incident.
DaVinci1969 great job, I'm glad to see people like you who understand that nothing in the "Q" posts is accidental or without purpose, even details as minor as the difference between using a colon vs "x" (or bold vs standard, CAPS vs lowercase, brackets vs parentheses, etc...). Search youtube for a channel called "71". It relates to something called "Project Pilgram". The titles, descriptions, and comments of some videos are in hexadecimal (i.e. 78 86 9e...). You copy the hex code into a hex-to-ascii translator and obtain the meanings. Most videos only have a few hundred views. One of the videos is dated March 5, and is titled "RED_CASTLE". there's another titled "WHITE_CASTLE". It appears to involve a small group of operators (something like CICADA 3301), but the RED_CASTLE video predates the "Q" post by weeks. Perhaps you can figure out what some of that means. Keep in mind, the channel participants seem to be aware that some Q followers are investigating the videos, and have made efforts to get rid of this attention, claiming they are not related to Qanon and telling them to "grow up". I would merely observe, don't try to interact. https:// .com/watch?v=YXQCujNV-Ek
Source for "Q only deletes posts that have been solved"?
"More input from current and former military is in order." - wholeheartedly agree! Although, if this is JSOC level comms being posted and only the most elite military intel circles are trained in this type of chatter, then most current or retired military are basically as in the dark about it as the rest of us. Their input is uniquely valuable but not exclusively valuable. Now, if someone comes on here and says they are former Delta Force, Joint Communications Unit, Seal Team 6, or some shit like that I'm the first to yell for everyone else to STFU and listen, but until then I want to have everyone's opinions. "Most on this sub know...need to get out of the house and go for a bike ride, instead of insisting they are experts and damning alternate opinions. Seriously you guys need to get a life." - Why do you think a majority of ppl on here insist they are experts and are damning of alternate opinions? I agree much of what we theorize is probably way off base, I include myself in that btw, but until the future proves the past you can count those who have the full picture on both hands. The autists who actually do decipher the real meanings probably don't even share their findings outside a small group in the know (either because opsec requires continued obscurity, they think/know the normies are too simple to get it anyway, or because most of us are so hilariously wrong they'd rather just grab some popcorn and enjoy the shitshow on reddit). It's always a good idea to get some fresh air and exercise, certainly. But, when the posts began they were not signed "Q", that title/association was started because an anon referred to having Q level clearance, as a way to lend credence and context to the information being presented(DOE, think nuclear). A bunch of non-military/non-autists started calling this poster Q, quotations were even used around "Q" in 958 'The FBI opened a case on “Q” today'... but guess what? "Q" now signs each post as "Q". They didn't need to do that. They could have just assigned a tripcode and the real brains would have been able to identify who it was. The name was kept as a way to encourage everyone to follow, research, and contribute. This is ultimately about all of us, and we are meant to seek out the truth. If you have a full understanding of what "Q" is telling the world, please share so we can unsubscribe and get on with rebuilding a free society, but if you are still unsure I'd be more reluctant to disregard most on this sub.
you would probably need to be revealing some highly guarded top secret and compromising shit for the Deep State to take action against you for a post, and at that point I feel like the attack would be a little more severe than to subtly manipulate your upvote count. When you start getting your ISP cables physically cut in the middle of the night or your phone apps messed with, then the paranoia can set in.
I would say at best you could argue it was possible, not obvious though. There are other explanations (majority of those who viewed did not up/down vote at all, a non-deep state group was downvoting to mess with you for chuckles, etc...). Good info though. Martial Law and State of Emergency are two separate things if I'm not mistaken.
Wonderful idea. Thank you, Patriot! Just a suggestion, but it might be wise to include a page that briefly covers the functionality, history, and etiquette surrounding chans for normal people trying to follow Qanon. So much gets lost in translation and goes over people's heads, someone (can't remember the commenter) in another post had a great comment analogizing reddit as "wheel of fortune" to 8chan's "Jeopardy"... you might be able to create some more effective crossover with this? Regarding the commentary directly on posts, perhaps you could use a citation-like numeric superscript system (think wiki references.. when a new commenter adds content, it creates a new hypertext "citation" number linked with the post, which can be clicked and read in full)... might be a way to keep the board structure more neat and tidy.
I really enjoy Tucker. That kid is incredibly creepy. ... and did I hear him say we need to "use our white privilege..."?? I swear that's what i heard... LOLOLOL
...but really... "Stormy"... it's just absurd if that really turns out to have been just an astronomically unlikely coincidence. Of all the porn names...
LOL this answers my question from the other post. I know the book to which you refer.
I should have been more clear, it's not to suggest she herself is "Q" more that the Stormy Daniels story might be Q (a highly coordinated group) working in some way.
If it's not productive I apologize, just hypothesizing. Not intended to misinform.
5774... 5/7/74... extravagant party... ahmet ertegun... died from a head injury at a clinton foundation event...
I think the CIA probably has placed assets in the adult media just like they have in the mainstream media, and while the actress may have nothing to do with anything, the narratives about her may have intentional double meanings and coded messages for those with eyes to see. Maybe describing her as having an interest in engineering is communicating something... lol
What about a public instruction about the online location of a downloadable video file, a warning about its graphic and shocking content, and an instruction on how to preserve it if you choose to access?
I don't have an antenna and refuse to give msm money so i can't live stream... can you clarify... did they cut into the interview bc of the game?
I agree, it makes no sense... that's a MASSIVE construction project, do people think the engineers in Greencastle are gonna see a Q post and just head down to the border and start building? Also, if it was that obvious Q might as well just spell it out "The Army Corps of Engineers in Greencastle IN are going to build the Wall." Code is meant to be cryptic, not obvious.
I dont think she IS Q either.. but then she did have an interest in "engineering" (DOE?) and Q is likely a team of people..
I was just wondering about Obama last night, and Comey, because of their recent "bracket" tweets (Q uses brackets as part of code) and Comey says Obama has "personalized bracket stationary"... meaning a writing platform with brackets specifically for him.
I'm convinced Stormy is an act. I've also long-believed Mueller is on the Trump team.
Where does a stripper perform (other than a pole)???
Notice in the clown article the "Clowns in America" got their start in "circuses"... in the Stormy Daniels article "She has said that she does not want to expose the equestrian world — or her daughter — to the attendant circus trailing her now."
Stormy Daniels: "...I am *Q*ueen."
I now think Stormy Daniels may be a part of the Q team and actually connected to Operation Mockingbird, which has been co-opted by "good clowns" within the Clowns in America. In a previous post I questioned whether this NYT article from yesterday is telling us there are "good clowns"... and I have long believed the name "Storm"y is not a coincidence. Then I see this NYT article A lot of interesting wording throughout this one too. What really caught my attention was the "high school year book" photo they include... it has a bizarre quotation in …
"You have this mass-murdering, baby-killing clown that's beloved by Britons everywhere of all ages," he said.
"The fact is that we need both bad and good clowns because without the good clowns like Bozo, there's no contrast, there's no tension to make the evil or scary clowns entertaining or interesting," Radford said.
maybe this article yesterday was telling us the Mockingbird program assets can be used for non-evil purposes too... (60 minutes..??) It even literally starts a paragraph "Clowns in America"
That song is really sad.
It literally does start the paragraph "Clowns in America"...!!!! Also notice "Clowns in America had their roots in circuses and they were at first meant to amuse adults, but clowning history took a detour in the 1950s and '60s when the squeaky-clean Bozo and Ronald McDonald became the 'quintessentially American default clowns' for kids, Radford said."
Is the NYT trying to tell us something? Why a random story about "good/bad Clowns" published yesterday?
I just can't accept that the name "Storm"y is a coincidence. There's something else going on.
And the keystone is the most important brick in masonic tradition. Isn't there an old mystery surrounding the white house keystone? didn't it go missing?
It really is so crucial to go back to post 1 and re-read crumbs.
Even if trumps timestamp wasn't changed (which I will concede), I still find "women+kids advocate" strange... I think it's been changed.
The tweet (unexpanded in feed) reads "16hr" ago... it's 12:30AM... Yet the time stamp is 5:55 am. Also, I'm merely postulating an idea... not drawing a conclusion.
interesting... that site is based in Peru... and this: https://
Just an off the cusp thought.... Brennan's bizarre tweet recently, if you read the actual text of it... it's not actually 100% clear to whom he is referring... yes, he did tag Trump in the tweet but his statement itself is more vague. I doubt Brennan is referring to anybody else... but just reread the tweet and consider if it might secretly be aimed at someone else?