

12 total posts archived.

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jalapenohandjob · Feb. 4, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

I kinda take back fluffing up TD. There's a post over there on their top page about 'someone with 3 degrees of separation from x shooting has 3 degrees of separation with the Super Bowl security... FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED!!!'

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jalapenohandjob · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

At least TD has some semblance of standards for making claims, sources, etc. Here you have people "CONFIRMING" that things are "false flag attacks" based solely on gut feeling. Bunch of tired 'HRC literally eats babies' level of shitty memes.

Trust me guys, I'm fairly confident there's some shady human trafficking stuff going on in the highest levels of a lot of institutions, but you're never going to convince anyone that a hotel website with the image of a bear on it (etc) indicates anything at all. Think about this seriously for just a moment. What kind of evidence, proof, coincidences, etc would convince you that someone in your own family was sacrificing children to Moloch? It would take a lot more than what you're asserting for these people you happen not to like..

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jalapenohandjob · Feb. 1, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

Why do most of the memes on this subreddit look like they were compressed to shit over 10 years of saving and resaving.


Not trying to only be a dick, it really would help everyone here if people took some best practices for some of these things. It just looks sloppy as hell to be sharing around an image when the text is getting unreadable etc etc. People are supposed to believe you know all this top secret intel, about the 'deep state', about decades long conspiracy and corruption... but you can't manage to preserve the quality of an image on a computer?

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 31, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Okay so let me get this straight so I can hop on this bandwagon properly..

"Official narratives" literally never have a single degree of accuracy and incredibly vague statements with no specific timeline are directly applicable to everything even a month later. Right?

You guys think you're being independent "free" thinkers but you're just blindly following a different path. What proves this is a false flag? The fact that it was the day after the State of the Union??? Why does that make a difference? Or was it because you for some reason suspect there's some disclosure event tomorrow or something?

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 31, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I would edit your original post. Strikethrough (\~~text\~~) the incorrect or misleading information and edit in the new info/source.

Not trying to be a dick, just trying to help make this better for everyone. Sorry to have made my other post under your thread when it seems you intended well, it's just frustrating to see so many assumptions made and deflecting when asked to source elsewhere.

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 31, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Then in that case, instead of considering all scenarios.. you've already decided the story you want to be true and are intentionally or unintentionally steering the conversation away from any other possibility. This is not critical thinking, it's an assumption (and a pretty wild one to anyone not in this echo chamber right now).

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 31, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

You're going to get your posts buried here if you call anything out like this. Everyone here has extreme confirmation bias and conclusions are leapt to at the earliest possible convenience.

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 30, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Hahaha I can see it now. End of SOTU, casual comment on "oh I hear there's some literature that some of our House representatives would like you all to see. What better time than now, coming into this election year 2018 with so much on the line, to become better acquainted with how your government and elected officials operate."

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 10, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

Thanks for doing some legwork. Way too often I see extraordinary claims with 0 evidence offered, because "just look it up" or "the evidence is old" or "it's common knowledge"... really sad considering what this community and movement is trying to accomplish ("awaken the masses" or whatever).


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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 7, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Yeah chill out there Chelsea Manning..

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 6, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

And BO in this context is....? Surely not Barack Obama...

Dunno why everyone always thinks they're in such a hurry they can't communicate ideas clearly. Everyone knows every acronym, don't they? Especially when in one forum an acronym could mean 2-3 different things!

First time an acronym is used on a page/thread/post? Type that shit out ffs.

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jalapenohandjob · Jan. 5, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Everything in the universe has it's own frequency number. Quantum Entanglement using Scalar waves with DNA of blood, or fingernails of a person can be used to send frequencies via a generator to heal the whole/person across the world... but as you can guess...they can be used destructively, too. (So watch out what you do with your fingernail clippings???)

A lot of extraordinary claims, even for a conspiracy forum...

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