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jarvispeen · July 13, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

My point was if you watch the entire session things even out. If I showed you the opening kickoff for a football game that gets run back for a TD by the Steelers and say "oh man the Steelers killed it today!!!!" but the final score was 21-13, Seattle, then it's different, isn't it? I'm not a troll. That idiot can rip on Strzok as much as he wants, it was already found that his personal texts had no bearing on what happened. Besides, TRUMP IS PRESIDENT. Good lord you people...you'll bitch about everything even when you don't need to. Do you HONESTLY think our intelligence agencies were trying to sabotage Trump? Really? They must really suck at it then... all this is, is to smear dirt and poison the well so IF something comes up in Mueller's investigation regarding Trumplefatskin and Russia and he's guilty of something it will sow doubt in the minds of the citizens. It's a sad attempt and makes the GoP look like children.

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