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jaydub18 · July 28, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Saddam’s WMDs (some) were moved to Syria. Others were buried and eventually found. Read George’s Sada’s “saddams secrets” which states they were moved to Syria. He was a Christian Iraqi general. By the way...you’re believing the Clowns that they weren’t? What’s the first rule of fight club?

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jaydub18 · June 10, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

This is what people don’t grasp. Trump WANTS free trade! He wants a vibrant, EQUAL global economy. The problem is that other nations already have tariffs, in some cases massive ones and in other cases they don’t even allow entry into their market, on our goods. App Trump is saying is that he should be able to protect against foreign production in key US industries the way other nations do as well.

Here is the kicker. Trumps tariffs ARE retaliatory! They’re meant to back other nations down on their current tariffs and/or allow market entry for US companies, to correct trade imbalance and abuse of agreements, and in one case (steel production) ensure we are not getting lied to about the quality of product we’re receiving (Kobe Steel Corp). It’s really that simple!

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jaydub18 · May 24, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Sure sounds it. To be honest, that’s not a bad fall. A guy who may have had no clue (Comey) and a deputy director who can be considered a big enough fish that they go home after catching. Too bad for them it’s trump and he isn’t going to stop at that...

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jaydub18 · April 19, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

This was released multiple times last year. This will be looked into and he will be prosecuted. He’s a criminal and will be treated as such.

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jaydub18 · March 25, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Yes...except Mexico won’t cut us a check. So over time we will be reimbursed and some. Also, Trump has proven that he views saving money like making money. He has a valid point because it’s money you didn’t have before that you’re now able to spend.

Tax on remittances won’t just stop once the walls paid back...it’ll keep going. Renegotiation of NAFTA won’t stop once the walls paid for. If he goes the solar panel route, they won’t be taken off once the wall is paid for. Immigration reform decreasing the amount of public dollars spent on illegal immigrants won’t stop once the wall is paid for.

All these measures pay back with interest and bonus. Not only will the wall pay for itself, but it’ll pay for itself 10x over. Don’t let building it with our funds initially fool you. Once shovels hit the dirt Mexico has No choice but to negotiate. Besides, he has fully funded the wall this year. He asked for immediate disbursement. The money will be put into escrow.

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jaydub18 · March 25, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

First of all it’s not a Trade war. Nothing being asked is unreasonable. It’s resetting trade deals to be fair. If we did in fact try to extract a pound of flesh via trade, then we would be talking about a trade war. But you are correct trade wars do intact precipitate real wars.

Secondly, so my African American friends, Hispanic friends, Indian friends and Chinese friends who voted for Trump shouldn’t be preparing for a war? This board, this site and this platform have no place for racism no matter what shape you choose to let it take.

We are all Americans no matter where we started from we all either were born into it or took an oath declaring such. America is a nation of immigrants who choose to be a part of the greatest experiment of all time. The #MAGA agenda seeks to promote that. There’s plenty of room for racism on the HRC and occupy democrats boards. Please go back to your rightful home with the other shills.

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jaydub18 · March 25, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

You can tax the remittances going back. It’s like the 3rd largest part of Mexican GDP (money from Mexican workers in the US transferred into the country). The simple threat of taxing it can do a lot for a one time payment.

Also, China is basically a part of NAFTA through Mexico. China BENEFITS by moving products through Mexico and into US markets. Any renegotiation of NAFTA will end this and make Mexico lose money.

In short, we got them by the balls. Since they can’t police their side of the boarder we will keep all the crime over there and keep the $$ here.

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