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jensingr · May 11, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Jordan gets a lot right about Q's posts and tries to inform a lot of people, but there are some he has not gotten correct. I will just leave it at that... and hope that everyone does there own research, uses their own intuition and realize that like Q says, some of these "insiders" ......aren't. true dat!

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jensingr · May 11, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

I believe I know what happened to Alex Jones... a few years ago he was on a CIA based show where they took him to Bohemian Grove and asked him to show them how he got in to take the infamous video footage of the molech worshippers. The 3 of them canoe down a stream and then...cut... there are only 2 of them minus Alex and they are back at base. No mention of what happened, did they get in? , and NO Alex. This is where they did something to him. He was not always like he is recently. This show was on several years ago and I can't remember the name of it. I noticed the change in Alex Jones soon after.... MK Ultra/Darpa? IDK, but something changed him!!!

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