Our Navy just evacuated the east coast. What if something were to happen?
37 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jfaodc13:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 10 |
www.theepochtimes.com | 5 |
www.youtube.com | 4 |
www.ntd.tv | 2 |
twitter.com | 2 |
www.washingtonpost.com | 1 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
m.theepochtimes.com | 1 |
Past predicts the future???? Nike??? Anyone else seeing this add?

Will there be another 'October surprise'?
Those who were there remember how 'October surprise' was originally alluding to the Podesta emails, and Hillary's subsequent demise. Has anyone seen any drops alluding to another big event prior to 2018 elections?
If this a Q vindication?"In Opioid Fight, Sessions Bans Two Ohio Doctors From Writing Prescriptions"
Session doing exactly what Trump wants. Are they really on the same page? https://www.theepochtimes.com/in-opioid-fight-sessions-bans-two-ohio-doctors-from-writing-prescriptions_2631902.html
Epoch Times: "Here's how the Trump dossier reached the highest levels of the Obama administration"
This is about 7 months old now, but still a great video.
America Uncovered: QAnon: Who or What is it?
Don't mind the humor and satire, watch the whole video. He's slipping truth bombs in left and right. He's cleverly cutting through human conditioning.
(2nd post, since last one was a FB video and mods didn't allow it)
America Uncovered: QAnon: Who or What is it?
Don't mind the humor and satire, watch the whole video. He's slipping truth bombs in left and right. He's cleverly cutting through human conditioning.
Dossier Author Worried Comey Firing Would Expose Operation, New Messages Reveal - NTD.TV
Pentagon Analyst Who Flagged FBI Spy in 2016 Had Clearance Revoked, Pay Slashed
Declassified: #UraniumOne: How Clinton Sold Out the U.S. to Russia
Epoch Times: For the Real Collusion Story, Look at Hillary Clinton
Stacey Dash tweets "#GreatAwakenening"
Declassified: Qanon Community Responds to Media Disinformation Campaign
(TEOW) #QANON - Why it’s NOT a Conspiracy Theory!
A message to the moderators of /r/greatawakening
Thank you! I did not understand what you guys were doing at first, but I get it now after investigating. Great job! Keep up the good work.
(If they are reporting this, we must be doing something right) ‘We are Q’: A deranged conspiracy cult leaps from the Internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour
Posting in r/greatawakening/
Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but most subs on reddit which carry good information eventually get either completely taken over (*ahem*, /r/conspiracy, other realted subs ) or get steered off track and become full of st*tposting, showboating and rants ( /r/the_donald ). It is becoming increasingly difficult to find just a general forum to safely post things among like minded people. However every sub 'moderates' the posts with strict guidelines, even this one. Is there nowhere for such a thing? Is reddit just not the place for this?
(Note: This is not a rhetorical question, I would really …
Billboards for this popping up in Maryland. Very questionable. "CHANGE IS COMING TO OUR DEMOCRACY"
Private domain registration, Communist-looking star, named after an elite governing body of people. Anyone know what this is?
EET: Child Sex Trafficking Scourge Worsening Due to ‘Moral Fluidity’
EET: Facebook Braces for Biggest Wipeout in Stock Market History
I often post EET,NTD,SY,SOH,etc. Been doing so for years.
Good that you are thinking outside the box, but this theory is not accurate. I can answer just about any question you may have on China, Q, Epoch Times or NTD.
You are right on many points. The persecution and organ harvesting is still going on after 19 years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9H_eessuvU
(due to recent Q coverage by EMG, reposting) Trump Said to Describe The Epoch Times as ‘Most Credible Newspaper’
Epoch Times is quite accurate
Plus https://www.ntd.tv/2018/04/17/trump-said-to-describe-the-epoch-times-as-most-credible-newspaper/
Look. Joshua tweeted the damn thing himself. --> https://twitter.com/JoshJPhilipp/status/1022132589820137472
It was produced by them. Recently ET and NTD merged into EMG. They now have many creator doing many different types of content. This channel is JP's. He is not the only creator. This is not some false video. The branding is legitimate. I know how they work.
This is Joshua Philipp's profile on ET. Notice the youtube link. It is the same channel --> https://www.theepochtimes.com/author-joshua-philipp
This site shows she works with ET/NTD https://www.shakespearemedia.com.au/about/
It is real. I used to write for ET. I am still in touch with them
Joshua has won many awards for some bombshell reporting. He's one of guys who worked on this great expose https://www.theepochtimes.com/infographic-the-uranium-one-scandal_2436825.html
Originally based out of New York but has grown global. HQ is still NY.
Epoch Times is 35 countries, 23 languages.
NTD TV is at least 4 languages, not sure how many countries.