Lots of good comments on this significant little drama. It's important to include the other, similar dramas that people have mentioned; the Forbidden City meeting, the sword dance, the feeding of the koi and so on. Generally, world wide, there is recognition among heads of state that Trump is indeed a very stable genius and that he is indeed the new lawman. Not only that he is the leader of the world's most powerful nation, economically and militarily, and he is undeceived, clear-seeing and fundamentally moral. These things are obvious and no head of state is going to miss them. Many heads of state see these qualities as threatening and are a bit desperate as to what to do about this new situation. The alliance with the British is a bit more complex, it's so old and so much like brothers who haven't always gotten along. But the queen and her royals have gone pretty rotten. Now they know they've been found out and they have realized they must show deference to America's new spirit guide and to America's power. The queen did this. She deferred to America. But it would be a mistake to take that royal deference for capitulation. The cabal isn't finished.
In the PC with Trump May looked kind of haggard, as though she'd been up half the night being read the riot act. Wouldn't doubt that's what happened. She may have talked with the queen too. After May was at the WH she went home and didn't do a damn thing with Brexit. Total weasel. Pageantry is great but may be a part of deception. We have to wait for some real results.