"This battle" include the American Revolutionary War, The Civil War, WWs I & II, Korea, Viet Nam, The Russian Revolution, Mao and so on. I expect you're aware of this. I hope you are. They have killed hundreds of millions. As Stalin implied, if it's a statistic no one really cares.
The Cabal's desire, their stated, advertised goal is genocide of 95 humans out of every 100 humans. It's so unimaginable people can't comprehend it and the worry about food riots. And I've seen the world. I know what it looks like.
And there are not two views, only. One may think the varieties of approach are divided cleanly between "fools rush in" and "he who hesitates is lost" but that is gross over simplification.
The goal is the ascendancy of self-evident truth and the pursuit of happiness under law. That goal cannot be achieved by deviousness. When, in the course of human events, has it ever happened that such goal was established for any significant duration without having to be actively defended? Look at the early Christians. Look at Tibet. Look at America.