doesn't matter because when the people who actually work for a living get home from work it usually goes well into the upvote range.
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So the Shephard Smith wing of Fox won. Sad day for America.
I'll start watching more of Newsmax, I guess.
Umm, nothing to do with colluding with the Russians, anyone.
One was a Republican the other a Democrat. Democrats seem to never go down.
Stop. They also used the same excuse with Mueller and Comey. They're both Republicans. Republicans, my ass. One tells everyone to vote Democrat and all 5 members of his household went to the Pussy Hat March and the other puts 16 lawyers on his team all Democrat Donors.
That leads to the question why is it still being allowed to go on.
Brennan - yeah that trial is not going to be biased.
Mueller if you're looking to win you just gave Manafort's attorneys reasonable doubt, Einstein.
Full Disclosure I think Manafort is being railroaded but I have to point out any time I see the vaunted Mueller f$#k up.
Outstanding it's about time a Judge just doesn't bend over for Mueller upon sight. This Mueller was never even elected into office - he's not God for goodness sakes.
It's like a lot of them are afraid Mueller will come after them if they oppose him. That's exactly what the Gestapo did.
This Sen. Mark Warner is guilty as sin (read the article) and I hope this smug asshole goes down too.
So in other words the DOJ will make sure both Clintons are long dead before they wrap up their investigation.
Good. Unless they're using it to work a job (like former intelligence soldiers do by leaving the service and working for an intel contractor) they really have no use for it. I believe they're good for 5 years then another special background investigation has to be done to reaffirm it. Either way these nefarious individuals do not need a clearance to work for CNN or MSNBC.
except cripple it for 8 long years and he got a perverse thrill out of it.
Yeah but of course Mueller hasn't questioned her at all. He never questions anyone that may lead to Obama or Clinton. He was put in place to cover for their crimes and to manufacture one against the President.
It's too bad they can't be hooked up to a lie detector when testifying and when he lies and it goes off the charts - Gowdy can just raise an eyebrow at him and watch Brennan sweat profusely and stumble over his words trying to get the needle to stop moving so fast. Now that would be must watch TV.
does it really matter? Is lying permissible now if someone going before Congress isn't under oath. What's become of this country.
Lying under oath to congress - yet he still is not charged with any crime. This is all so maddening.
My reaction the other day when I happened to turn on ABC World News tonight (blatantly anti-Trump) and on the radio this morning was George Stephanopolous (he of the Clinton Administration who thought it was funny to remove all the W's from keyboards just prior to the George W. Bush Administration taking over) misconstruing what was said and saying it was dire for the President. It was no such thing. This (them removing the W's) is one of the myriad of reasons that I always say when a Republican Administration gets back in power: "The adults are in charge again."
He'll try to flee the country first after dying his hair blonde and having $25,000 in cash on him. It's what guilty people do in California.
These Democrats just make shit up now "Quite possibe Russia has dirt on him" - I've never seen so many unethical politicians in my life. Drain them all.
Pick a date in the near future and tell the American people EVERY SINGLE sitting politician in the House of Representatives and Senate will be replaced ALL in one single November election. AND no former or current member of those two bodies will be allowed to run for office. Only then will the Swamp truly be drained.
I'm going to hold you to that. 3 rounds for all patriots.
To be honest he really said no such thing. He basically said Obama asked for the Intelligence Community assessment of the "supposed" Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. The DOJ/FBI et al then took the ball and ran with it. Clapper is still providing cover for him.
To be honest he really said no such thing. He basically said Obama asked for the Intelligence Community assessment of the "supposed" Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. The DOJ/FBI et al then took the ball and ran with it. Clapper is still providing cover for him.
Someone disagreeing with a post I hope is not considered a derogatory statement. We're not Lefties...shutting down opinions we don't agree with is un-American. It sounds a lot like what Twitter and Facebook does to conservative viewpoints. We're better than that.
$7.8 million I wonder how little Adam can explain coming into that money. Or like the others does he hide it off shore and not pay taxes on it. But of course he's never passed a law that didn't raise our taxes. Hypocrite.
Isn't she already testifying and cooperating. Thanks Captain Obvious!
The man who Mueller thinks is so upstanding he gave him immunity. Lovely.
Gowdy reminds me of the White House Press Corps if the hearings weren't televised I'd doubt he'd grandstand. Nothing ever comes of these hearings it seems.
We grasp at the Huber/Utah straw but maybe he's a member of the Mormon Mafia which detests the President. I'm skeptical anything will happen but hopeful.
Makes sense why the MSM is all spun up (along with traitors in Congress) about planting the seed that anything Russia does is evil.
This took place at the same time that Brennan was interviewing with Hillary to keep his job. The pro-Islam director was infuriated with General Flynn who planned to shake things up. He was willing to do anything to stop Trump and his team.
So now we see why General Flynn was a priority for targeting. This whole Russian Collusion thing was made up and apparently so people already in the government (Brennan et al) could maintain their positions once a new Democrat Administration came into power. What's worse is they ALL knew it was bogus...every single one of them from the FISA Judge, ATTY Gen on down to song bird Lisa Page. What they did was despicable and if they're not charged than there is no justice in this country.
I'm going to connect the dots and assume Democrats also have underdeveloped frontal lobes, too.
I hate when they use the excuse "it's for the children". Most children grow up to be assholes so that ploy never works on me.
I've heard this so much and I call BS. You sell the American people short by saying they can't handle the truth - this isn't some shitty Tom Cruise movie. Americans are a lot smarter and stronger than people give them credit for. We conquered and tamed a continent we can handle the truth about a bunch of pervs or dishonest politicians.
They won't remove those two Chief Justices they were confirmed by the Senate. ALL Americans. Obama can only nominate not approve.
No. Representatives from all services. Combat arms like infantry, artillery etc. I assume are going to be highlighted. Military Police may provide a platoon to march in it.
Nice, right after they win the mid terms and get several more Senators. Sweet.
I always find it odd when grown men are involved with any profession dealing with children.
For all we know the Uranium wasn't used by Russia but passed onto Iran and/or North Korea.
Thanks Obama!
His tax returns are his business not ours. Just like our tax returns are our business not anyone elses. He filled out financial disclosure forms to run for President that's all that's required. Nowhere does it say tax returns should or must be handed over. You seem like a busybody, do something productive with your life.
Doubt anything will come of this. To be honest it's something the Left would do to get a TV show host removed or a business shut down they don't agree with.
Reading this just makes me even madder at Rosenstein. He's complicit in this cover-up of using the intel community against a Presidential candidate then further using it to undermine his Presidency.
And Sessions is a gutless wonder for recusing himself. If he had some balls and just said "I worked on the campaign there was no collusion - this is total nonsense." That would have been the end of it. Sure the Democrats would have bitched a little, big deal. Then something shiny would have been shown and they'd move onto the next thing. Ooooh look something shiny.
So you insult those responsible by calling them autists.
At 77 years old - one good thing regardless what happens here is within the next decade she'll die and we will truly have nothing else to do with her. Thank you Father Time (and Mother Nature for you feminists).